Aspen: I sniffed everywhere this morning! I sniffed trees and hubcaps and mailboxes! It all smelled so good I had to pee on it! I had so much to pee on today during my walk with the sitter. I tried to hit everything but the sitter told me to use regulation. So I limited myself, but I still marked some great places!

Savannah: When the sitter came this morning he smelled something. I made a present for him and surprised him first thing. And the first thing he did was clean it up. After all that work! It's play time! The sitter took me for a real long walk and we played in the park and I had so much energy! Now I need a nap! When he came back at night there was all this noise outside and I was scared at first, but then I got curious and wanted to meet people! And they all thought I was so cute!
Ebon: The sitter got here just in time! I had to go so bad! I didn't want to stay outside though! I ran inside and then we played some fetch with the squirrel! I got so excited! Then I demanded bellyrubs!
Tess: It was a soggy morning but it started off with my two treats so it was a great morning. We walked through the park and said hellos here and there. I can't wait until dinner! I was too eager for the outside world to eat before my walk with the sitter tonight. The walk was quite on the wonderful side. We went to the park and played rub-my-tummy then came back for dinner.
Dolce: What fun. The sitter came this morning to refill my food and water. It was a brand new bag of food too, so everything was extra fresh and extra yummy.
Snowflake: I found a new place to hide today. And when the sitter came he couldn't find me in the usual spots. I actually had an aerial attack planned, but my foot got caught in the release straps. Someone sabotaged me!
Scratch: I wasn't sure about the sitter at first. I had to sniff him out, and I smelled some dog on him, but after a few minutes I realized he was nice when he started brushing me! Purr! He gave me a pouch of wet food too, but I saved most of it for later! Then that little red dot came back and I almost got it this time!
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