Yogi: My elevator was slow today! I was getting worried because I do not take the stairs which would of meant the sitter would of had to carry me, but I guess it would of been okay since I am not heavy. We walked down the road and looked at the water, its so good to be me!
Snowflake: Another great day! I decided to walk a different way today but I think I like my usual route so much better! A lot more places to sniff and walk around!

Dolce: The sitter came today and I greeted him as he came in with meow after meow. I made sure he got all the good places with his petting. He missed a few the first time around so we made sure to get them the second time.
Peaches: O! Another sitter is here to clean my litter and give me fresh food. Hey do you think you could scratch my back for me? How about my head? Tummy? Neck? Behind my ears? How about everywhere?!
Snowflake: I scared the sitter off today, maybe... He came in to check on me and I was hiding under the blanket. He tried to peek under to see me and I shot out a claw to show off. He didn't try that again. Tee hee.
Wilson: The sitter came for our daily walk. He was muttering something about it being an unlucky day. But I am pretty sure it's the other way around. It looked like rain all day and it never rained on us. I think that's lucky.
Raven: A mule tried to stare me down today. I have to admit I was slightly intimidated. I just barked a quick hello as we passed by.
Cooper: Raven and I encountered some of the equine down the road today. We seem to have a bit in common. We all like to run, to eat and to poop.
Aspen: On our evening walk the sitter and Jackson and I came across a whole bunch of children in the street who called me "pretty doggy" and "snow doggy." I know that I am pretty, but I am quite sure i am not made of snow.
Jackson: We had a jolly walk this evening. Aspen kept trying to eat random oddities we found on the side of the road. It smells like it is going to rain.
Tess: What a strange night! The sitter and I were walking along and I decided to poop. All of a sudden the police showed up! But they weren't there for us. So we picked up the poop and left.
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