Bailey: The sitter came over and got us out of our crates and we went immediately into our walk. We were so excited to get out there that we kept spinning around in circles when the sitter tried to get our leashes on! When we got back, Lexus and I each took about a 10 minute water break! I didn't have to go like Lexus did. the sitter kept trying to convince me to go because i might not be able to in a while. You know, kind of like how dad's always do that before road trips?! But I insisted that it wouldn't be necessary.
Winston: The sitters came over and I was very excited to see them! They said they forgot how much energy is in that kitchen when they come over! The sitters let me lead the way during the walk today and I took them to where all the other dogs were...I just wanted to say hello! The sitters said that they'll be picking the route next time
Lucy: I was so excited to get out on the walk that I just went right outside when the sitters came in. i said hello, of course, but then just popped right outside. When the sitter tried to put my collar on me, i had so much excitement that it took him a while!
Joey: I was real excited to get out too but, unlike Lucy, I actually let the sitter put my collar on right away. You see Lucy, that speeds things up and, in the long run, we'll get out on the walk sooner!

Max: The sitter came over to make sure we had plenty of food and water and that we were a-ok. Both Lily and i went right up to him but neither of us felt like letting him pet us. We still felt like he was too much of a stranger to open up to him just yet. He said that was understandable.
Lily: I was rubbing all over the sitter but still didn't want him to pet me. I said, "look Mr. Sitter -- We're going to move at my own pace alright!?" He just laughed and gave us our dinner and fresh water. he said our automatic litter box was enough to make lots of other kitties jealous (or maybe kitty owners...I don't remember).
Sheyna: The sitter dropped by tonight. This was a different one and we barely remember him from a while back but we're nice dogs and we like everyone! He let us run around outside and kept throwing me my ball. I would chase after it but leave it at that. The sitter kept wondering what i was doing but I was just toying with him!
Greta: The sitter let us stay outside for a while and then brought us in for some dinner and a treat. I still had some food left over in my bowl from earlier so it looked like I got more than. I told her, "it was there before he poured more in, honest!" She didn't believe me.
Annabelle: Yay! the sitter is here. he took me out on a walk and there were lots of other people and doggies enjoying the weather. We ran home to try and burn off some of this Boston terrier energy! When we got back inside, I snatched up my toy and the sitter played with me for a while. I would growl at him to let him know that this was my toy and that i wasn't giving it up. He just snickered at me because my mouth was full while i was growling. I guess it did sound a bit funny...
Josie: Even with all of our new manners and practice, sometimes we can't help but get super excited for the sitter. He said that was ok. he doesn't mind getting hugs from us. As long as he knows we're trying! We were very well behaved on our walk today, though and we didn't even try to pull the sitter or anything.
Summer: That's right! We stayed side by side the whole time and kept a good pace with the sitter. he said walks are more enjoyable that way and I think he's right. It's nice to just take it easy sometimes! When we go back inside, i ran over to my bowl because I knew dinner was coming shortly!
Sams: When the sitter came in the door we jumped and danced all over in celebration. We just want love and attention and BREAKFAST! Then a nice walk to the park!
Lily: During my walk with the sitter I got all tangled in my leash running around. The sitter untangled me and then I was able to run all around again. There are so many things I need to examine.
Azrick: I was too busy for the sitter today. I was working on those secret plans in the secret room of mine. He left some food out and took care of the hamsters. My litter was nice and clean too.
Shayna: The sitter came over this morning to take care of Greta and me. One of us left a present in the hallway but we wouldn't confess who. The sitter made it magically disappear, while we were outside. Then he came and played with us!
Greta: Shayna and i were a little wary of the sitter at first but we warmed up fast to him once we saw what a cool guy he is. He gave us breakfast and scratched me in my favorite spots.
Elle: Yay! Breakfast! I like to eat slow and savor every bite. I hissed at the sitter a bunch but he knew I was just kidding. I like to be sar-cat-stic sometimes.
MJ: Woo! What a nice refreshing walk. It is perfect outside for walks all day! Pathfinder and I behaved so well and when we got back we each got a treat!
Pathfinder: Let's go! Let's go!!! I was so eager to get outside I jumped right out of my kennel and grabbed my leash ready to go!
Rex: Howdy Mr. Sitter. How are you today? Me? I'm great! Thank you for the fresh new food and water. Oh and also the nice clean litter. Care to scratch my belly?
Bacchus: Let's go sitter! Play with me! Rub my belly and let me nip at your fingers. It's not about you, its about me! I love playtime.
Cooper: Glad it warmed up today, I was getting worried there was going to be a second winter! We ran hard today and both collapsed when we got back into doggy daydreams.
Raven: Our run was long and fun today, but these trucks and vans just keep showing up. Who do they think they are? Kings Raven and Cooper own this road!
Annabelle: What a spectacular day! I just went on an adventure with the sitter. We climbed mountains and fought man eating bears. I did so well that I got a delicious treat when I got home.
Daisy: The sitter came by and Peaches and i jumped on him. We were so happy to see him because now it's time for our daily walk! Peaches and I kept arguing about who the sitter likes best but he said he likes both of us very much.
Peaches: Scratch my belly forever please! The sitter scratched my belly and I rolled over onto my back with my legs in all directions. It felt so good. Daisy came over and got her belly scratched too.
Max: I did my best to get in front of the sitter to stop her so she would rub my belly when I got out my night room. She had us go outside quickly to potty, but that is mainly for my benefit.
Shadow: We get to stay outside, we escape the porch so we may as well just hang out in the yard. I brought a new toy outside...gonna do my best to keep it away from Max!
Yogi: I have been getting out of my area during the morning. I got it all figured out how to push it out my way. I had fun running into the bushes...I smelled all kinds of stuff!
Daisy: I ran outside to go potty! I really had to go...usually I take my time and find the right spot. Had my yummy bacon as usual...only one piece since I am getting low on it.
Snowflake: I was already off the couch ready to go! I barked at the sitter to hurry up because I want to potty now! So we started walking down the road and everything was fine and dandy. We get half way and this dog that looks like me but a little bigger comes running up to us and gets all in my face! I backed away because I wasn't sure about it. The sitter picked me up and said something to owner but I guess they do not hear like me. Finally they got their dog because it was following us down the road while I was being carried. The dog seemed nice but I was having my walk, not social hour.
Greta: I was so excited to go outside. I remembered the sitter so I was not scared at all. Ran around in the yard and had a treat after wards. Decided to eat some food once I was inside for good.
Shayna: I was so excited and friendly! I had my toy in my mouth and was in the playing mood. I did my business and went inside when it was time without having to me put on the leash.
Tank: The sitter was careful with me. She petted me on the head because I kept following her and trying to rub my slobber on her leg. I was being stubborn and I am not sure why...I guess its because I am a bulldog and that is what we do. I managed to potty outside, and no messes inside when she got to me in the morning luckily!
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