Wednesday, April 15, 2009

April 14, 2009

Sam: The ground was so wet, I had too much to smell out there! The sitter had to drag me a long so I wouldn't stop so much. Everyone we passed on our walk told the sitter that Lily and I were beautiful. Not to boast or anything, but they are right. I was dog of the year once for Canine-Time magazine. It comes as no surprise.

Lily: Yucky rain! Where are my boots at? So much water out there! We were napping in it when she arrived. What an adventure we had this morning! I kept scavenging and asking people for goodies, but I never found anything. There were a lot of puddles to splash in and I accidentally splashed the sitter and Sams. They didn't mind though.

Yogi: My elevator was too slow for me today. I kept pawing at it to hurry up and let me on! Got my paws wet walking in the grass. Got scared again with some dogs, in a car barking at me. I thought they might break out the window just to get me! I ran in the other direction until I couldn't hear them anymore.

Snowflake the kitty: The sitter touched me while I was under the covers and I actually barked like a dog and let out a nasty hiss. I am a good guard cat even if it is just under the covers.

Snowflake: I actually got to walk in the big patch of grass. I don't like walking the other way because I can only go so far in people's yards and I like to explore with my nose. I pottied a lot because it had been raining and I had to hold it because I do not like the rain!...sorry!

Greta: Shayna and I welcomed the sitter with a song composed of barks. He told me it was lovely. It was really wet outside so we came inside and played.

Daisy: It is still wet outside but the sun is out and every bit of water is drying around on the grass. It felt good on my feet.

Harmon: Alright! Time to go outside and explore. Who knows what I might find today. A beetle, or a toad, or maybe even a hidden cache of catnip.

Ike: Today I was playing on one of the chairs with th sitter and I almost fell off! The sitter grabbed me just in time I was so grateful, I licked his nose a bunch of times.

Lucy: I love neck scratches. Mmm mmm this wet food is delicious and the sitter and I cuddled together. It was so comfortable. I got his lap.

Chester: Our sitter is so great. He knew exactly what I wanted. First, breakfast. Then while I was eating he cleaned the litter so when I was done, I had a clean place to put it.

Shayna: While Greta napped, the sitter and I played in the yard. I love when the sitter rubs my butt. I covered his arms in slobbery love.

Toby: I was right by the door waiting for the sitter like usual. I'm always the first one to say hello! I was also the first one to book it into the garage and wait for the food! Hey, What can i say? I love me some grub!
Penny - I stayed in the side room today. i let the sitter come up and pet me. I even stood up on my hind legs for a minute for him to get a better reach. I just like this spot a little too much to move!

Patty: The sitter came over and i was right next to Toby, ready to say hello. I was a little hungry today too so my normally reserved demeanor went out the window and i was right there with Toby meowing and begging for some wet food! Hey, a girl's gotta have a chance to not act all proper ALL the time!

Athen: When the sitter arrived I was doing my best guard dog impersonation and stood at the top of the stairs growling at him. i couldn't keep that up for too long once i realized he was a nice sitter! I gave him a hug hello and then he returned the favor with some head and ear scratches. We got out on our walk almost immediately and I had a blast out there! Some many things to see and smell! We eventually went back in for a drink of water and a bit of playtime.

Wilson: The sitter arrived around the usual time and came to get me in my room. he said before he turned on the light he could hear my tail slapping against the side of my crate with excitement! That made him giggle. We had a great walk today and i got all of my business taken care of and then some! We came back in for some relaxation and a treat.

Raven: We were both right at the door waiting for the sitter today. normally Cooper is the crazy one and, well, he was but i was real excited today too! I leaned right up against the sitter before he even had a chance to come all the way in. meanwhile Cooper was hopping around and trying to show the sitter all of his toys! What a guy!

Cooper: We had a pretty good jog today. Nothing too eventful actually. When we got back the sitter gave us our apples and yogurt and, after he finished eating his, Raven let out a HUGE burp. We all laughed from that (except for Raven, he didn't seem to know what was so funny).

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