Lacey: I did not want to go outside because it was wet, so the sitter put a leash on me and then I was happy to go outside!
Precious: I was all over the yard, I didn't care that it was wet out there! Once I was done pottying, I waited on the porch for breakfast to be ready.
Angel: Once I came inside from potty time I went straight for the food! It is so yummy! Lacey doesn't know what she is missing! wet food is so good!
KittyDog: I think my parent's are coming back today! I missed them! I enjoyed playing with my toys and telling the sitter to get me the clam juice!
Annabelle: Max is no longer acting strange and will play with us and the sitter but was terrified of his cousins that visited this weekend.
Lola: Yay we can play outside and only get our feet wet since it quit raining.
Max: We played outside for awhile because the sitter told us it was going to get really cold tonight? Didn't she know it was already really windy?
Sake: l fell asleep under the bed last night because of the storm. When I woke up I heard the sitter serving me breakfast so I came out to say hello. I also got that itch on my back taken care of.
Bacchus: I was such a cuddle ball today. Weaving in and out of the sitter's legs and rolling around on his feet. I got my belly scratched and I grabbed his hand and wouldn't let go. it's my hand now.
Rex: Ah a sitter! Just in time to scratch this itch. Oh could you get this one over here? Thank you so much. Wait, before you go I have another one right here.
Cooper: The road sure has gotten messy from all the rainstorms. And there is still a lake in front of the house! Hopefully it will stay nice out all day like it was during out walk and dry out a bit.
Raven:We had a wonderful dog-jog today with the sitter. There were even obstacles to jump over in the road. Good thing because I hear the dog-olympics are coming up!
Wilson: As soon as the sitter came into my room i came out and got ready for our walk. Nothing better than a midday walk around the neighborhood, peeing here and there. Making sure everybody knows who I am.
Mercedes: Woah! It's quite windy outside. I hope I don't get blown away on my walk. Then I do believe I would be a dog kite. Hmmm... Now that I think about it, flying might be fun!
Tank: Its kind of yucky out there today! But we went out anyway. I did my business right away so I could enjoy some good play time and then we came in for a treat and some fresh water!
Azrick: I drink a toooon of water! My whole bowl was empty this morning and when the sitter filled it, I was ready for more! WHOO! After I quenched my thirst, the sitter and I sat on the couch for cuddles!
The Guineas: We were out and about today making our funny little noises! The sitter gave us some more celery and hay and we started chompin down!
Yogi: The sitter had to carry me off the curb today because there was a big puddle that I was afraid of. We went for a walk, I did my business, everything was going well untill we got back on the side walk. We came sooooo close to getting sprayed by a passing car. I yelled "slow down!" then we went back inside for cuddles!
Angel: I was excited to see the sitter as usual! He let us out after letting Lacey out and we ran around like nuttos! Then he gave us some cuddles!
Precious: One of us left a mess in the house for the sitter. He cleaned it up with no question and we gave him some kisses to apologize. He returned with some cuddles!
Lacey: I still don't know about the sitter, I like him one minute, then I don't. It's just weird! I hung out under the dinner table for most of the time he was here.
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