Cooper: I was excited to see the sitter and get some energy out! It's weird running around the house without my brother around! We went for a nice jog after lunch. I did my business and it was good and solid! We came back in for a treat!
Daisy: When I get excited, I not only wag my tail, I wag my entire body! The sitter says it's funny. It's so nice outside so we spent a lot of time outside, soakin' up the sun. The sitter gave me some fresh water and a treat too!
Harmon:I did a little exploring out in the backyard while everyone was playing in the back but it was too hot to stay outside so I came back in when I heard the treats a' shakin'.
Yogi: What a beautiful day out there! I did my business pretty quick and then I did a bit of exploring. We came back in and the sitter gave me some water and I took a seat in the living room to take a naaaap!
Sam: I always bark at the sitter when he comes in, trying to make it seem like I'm tough and protecting the house, but then I see him and wag my tail and jump around. I a good watch dog I'll tell you that!
Lily: Sam's a good eater is what he is. He ate his food so fast tonight, and every night! We both had nice evening walks and I don't know about Sam, but I'm ready for bed!
Shadow: The sitter gave us our dinner and I picked at it a little bit but I'd like to save some for later. Max ate his right away, only leaving a little to snack on for later. He's gonna regreeeet iiiit!
Max: I mostly like playing, breathing a lot, nipping the sitters shorts, and barking at my sister Shadow. I'm a simple pup but I'm happy! I get reeeally happy when the sitter gives me extra cuddles after dinner!
Coco: I did it again today on the walk. I tried to go off on my own and be adventurous! I really wish that leash cord was longer cause the sitter always has to reel me back in when I reach the end of it. Sometimes when I'm out in one of those fields exploring and the sitter tries to get me back, I just sit down and give hi m this look like "I'm not budging, Mr. Sitter!" He said he thinks it's funny.
Lula: The sitter came over right on time today because we were about to go crazy if we didn't have our morning excitement. It's built into our systems, you know. If we go through a morning without something that makes us really excited then we get messed up for the rest of the day. It's a biological thing...I wouldn't want to bore you with the details
Mercedes: The sitter came over and I decided to surprise him by being right next to the door, waiting for him. He said that's not much a surprise because I always do that! We had a nice walk around the block and I got to smell a bazillion things and pee on lots of things. The sitter told me he's never seen a female dog who pees as many times as I do on walks. I guess that's something to be proud of...?
Patton: The sitter came over to take me on my walk and after I gave him my usual hugs, we were off. There was pretty much nothing going on outside today. No people walking, no nothing. That's ice, I guess but I always like it when there's lots of things to look at! When we got back inside the sitter and I practiced sit and stay and then I showed him how awesome I am at catching.
Thursday, April 30, 2009
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
April 28, 2009
Samantha: I was waiting at the door for the sitter. I showed her where my food and water is. She scooped my litter box and cleaned my dirty plate from the day before. There is medicine somewhere in my food, lucky for mom I don't taste it!
Capitan: I was so excited to go for a walk that I almost pulled the sitters fingers off! She realized it was best to take us seperately since we just go crazy! We just want our backyard back!
Pacquita: I don't pull as hard as Capitan. Boys are just like that I guess. We both gobbled down our food, maybe we should of saved some of it. Oh well we have our chewies atleast.
Sam: My tennis ball was where my food was so I got to play some with the ball! I love going up and down the steps with it! Too bad I can't run around without a leash! I would run and run after it all day!
Lily: I don't care for the ball! When I saw it I thought, "here we go again!". I haven't found anything other than walking that I like to do.
Snowflake: I walked slowly to the grass...I hadn't woke up yet that's why! Lots of sniffing and hiking my leg, all the usual stuff!
Daisy: I was really happy and energetic today! I kept wanting to go inside and then back outside again, I just couldn't make up my mind! Harmon was a lot more decisive! He went outside and didn't want to come back in!
Yogi: I had a lot of fun today! And then the sitter came and I had even more fun! It was super nice out and I felt like running! I had a big smile on my face the whole time! We went through the park and I refused to go off the sidewalk! When we got back in we were both tired out from running around and I was so happy to get some fresh cold water!
Mattie: I was so happy today that I couldn't keep my tongue in my mouth! It flopped all over while I trotted around! I was really good on my walk and didn't even get tired even though it was a little warm out and I ran around so much! We came back in and I drank a bunch of water though, then we played with my toys for a while! Good times!
Lula: The sitter came over today to take us on a walk and make sure we had plenty of food and water. You know, we haven't seen him in a while. I figured we'd show him how excited we were by doing my 1,000 RPM spin while he tried to connect my leash to my collar. I think I got the message across!
Coco: I was doing the spin too but I think Lula is better at it than me. On our walk, I was being a tiny bit stubborn but that's because I knew there was so much to explore today! I kept going off as far as the leash would let me and stopping to smell or look at stuff. When the sitter wanted to keep moving, I'd try my hardest not to budge...he's just so much bigger than me! It's not fair. Humans just don't understand the value of exploration!
Rex: The sitter came just on time because I was ready for someone to give me some crazy good kitty scratches and, until he showed up, no one was there to do it! And boy did he deliver! He got me on my back and neck so good that I started to wobble me head around and meow some weird meows. This sitter definitely knows his way around a kitty!
Bacchus: The sitter got me pretty good too! When he gets my back and it's too much for me to take, I get a little bit feisty and turn around to give the sitter's hand a little nibble. After making the two of us melt, he got our food ready and gave us fresh water. Nothing beats a meal after a nice relaxing kitty scratch session!
Mercedes: When the sitter arrived I was right at the door with so much bundled up excitement. I ran back into the living room and hopped up on all the furniture! When the sitter got me on my leash, out we went! We went around the block and I got my business taken care of. Got some good exploration in too. When we got back inside the sitter tried to make me do a rollover trick but I just spun around in a circle. He said "good enough" and gave me a treat! Maybe I'm onto a new lazy way of doing things...
Patton: The sitter came over and I was being a great guard dog until I saw who it was. When I noticed it was the sitter, I went straight from mean-faced barking to happy-faced whining. I gave him a hug hello and we got ready for our walk. We noticed today that we have to be really careful on our walks. It's a shame but there seems to be a lot of broken glass everywhere. I felt better about it because the sitter told me about his hawk eyes and how he's always going to be on the lookout for it!
Wilson: The sitter came over and I could hear him inside petting the kitty so I started to get really excited! When he came into my room with the leash, i got even extra excited! He hooked me up and off we went. There really wasn't much going on outside today. The occasional car passed by but we didn't see any other people or dogs on our walk today. Oh well, it's nice like that sometimes.
Cooper: When the sitter showed up, I had one of my stuffed toys to show him. I carried it around and didn't let go of it. I even tried to take it outside on the walk but the sitter wouldn't let me! Hey, it was worth a shot, huh? I guess it's a good thing, I probably would have let it go. It'd be hard to breathe while jogging and holding any toys in my mouth.
Raven: Today it was kind of weird outside. It was very quiet out there. Even the house being built 2 doors down wasn't being worked on. Of course, our collars were making jingling noises when we ran but aside from that, the next loudest thing outside was the wind. It was actually really nice to run while it was like that. Very calming!
Capitan: I was so excited to go for a walk that I almost pulled the sitters fingers off! She realized it was best to take us seperately since we just go crazy! We just want our backyard back!
Pacquita: I don't pull as hard as Capitan. Boys are just like that I guess. We both gobbled down our food, maybe we should of saved some of it. Oh well we have our chewies atleast.
Sam: My tennis ball was where my food was so I got to play some with the ball! I love going up and down the steps with it! Too bad I can't run around without a leash! I would run and run after it all day!
Lily: I don't care for the ball! When I saw it I thought, "here we go again!". I haven't found anything other than walking that I like to do.
Snowflake: I walked slowly to the grass...I hadn't woke up yet that's why! Lots of sniffing and hiking my leg, all the usual stuff!
Daisy: I was really happy and energetic today! I kept wanting to go inside and then back outside again, I just couldn't make up my mind! Harmon was a lot more decisive! He went outside and didn't want to come back in!
Yogi: I had a lot of fun today! And then the sitter came and I had even more fun! It was super nice out and I felt like running! I had a big smile on my face the whole time! We went through the park and I refused to go off the sidewalk! When we got back in we were both tired out from running around and I was so happy to get some fresh cold water!
Mattie: I was so happy today that I couldn't keep my tongue in my mouth! It flopped all over while I trotted around! I was really good on my walk and didn't even get tired even though it was a little warm out and I ran around so much! We came back in and I drank a bunch of water though, then we played with my toys for a while! Good times!
Lula: The sitter came over today to take us on a walk and make sure we had plenty of food and water. You know, we haven't seen him in a while. I figured we'd show him how excited we were by doing my 1,000 RPM spin while he tried to connect my leash to my collar. I think I got the message across!
Coco: I was doing the spin too but I think Lula is better at it than me. On our walk, I was being a tiny bit stubborn but that's because I knew there was so much to explore today! I kept going off as far as the leash would let me and stopping to smell or look at stuff. When the sitter wanted to keep moving, I'd try my hardest not to budge...he's just so much bigger than me! It's not fair. Humans just don't understand the value of exploration!
Rex: The sitter came just on time because I was ready for someone to give me some crazy good kitty scratches and, until he showed up, no one was there to do it! And boy did he deliver! He got me on my back and neck so good that I started to wobble me head around and meow some weird meows. This sitter definitely knows his way around a kitty!
Bacchus: The sitter got me pretty good too! When he gets my back and it's too much for me to take, I get a little bit feisty and turn around to give the sitter's hand a little nibble. After making the two of us melt, he got our food ready and gave us fresh water. Nothing beats a meal after a nice relaxing kitty scratch session!
Mercedes: When the sitter arrived I was right at the door with so much bundled up excitement. I ran back into the living room and hopped up on all the furniture! When the sitter got me on my leash, out we went! We went around the block and I got my business taken care of. Got some good exploration in too. When we got back inside the sitter tried to make me do a rollover trick but I just spun around in a circle. He said "good enough" and gave me a treat! Maybe I'm onto a new lazy way of doing things...
Patton: The sitter came over and I was being a great guard dog until I saw who it was. When I noticed it was the sitter, I went straight from mean-faced barking to happy-faced whining. I gave him a hug hello and we got ready for our walk. We noticed today that we have to be really careful on our walks. It's a shame but there seems to be a lot of broken glass everywhere. I felt better about it because the sitter told me about his hawk eyes and how he's always going to be on the lookout for it!
Wilson: The sitter came over and I could hear him inside petting the kitty so I started to get really excited! When he came into my room with the leash, i got even extra excited! He hooked me up and off we went. There really wasn't much going on outside today. The occasional car passed by but we didn't see any other people or dogs on our walk today. Oh well, it's nice like that sometimes.
Cooper: When the sitter showed up, I had one of my stuffed toys to show him. I carried it around and didn't let go of it. I even tried to take it outside on the walk but the sitter wouldn't let me! Hey, it was worth a shot, huh? I guess it's a good thing, I probably would have let it go. It'd be hard to breathe while jogging and holding any toys in my mouth.
Raven: Today it was kind of weird outside. It was very quiet out there. Even the house being built 2 doors down wasn't being worked on. Of course, our collars were making jingling noises when we ran but aside from that, the next loudest thing outside was the wind. It was actually really nice to run while it was like that. Very calming!
dog walking,
kitty care,
pet sitters,
pet sitting
April 27, 2009
Samantha: I heard the sitter pouring me more food so I came out to say hello. I took a few bites of wet food and went back to my spot to nap.
Pacquita: Captain and I went for a walk with the sitter this morning. There were a few men working on the road and we snuck up behind one and freaked him out. Everyone laughed.
Rex: I can be such a goof. I rolled around on the table with my legs hanging off and made a face so funny I think I even heard Bacchus giggle. The sitter couldn't stop laughing.
Bacchus: The sitter refilled our buffet of wet and dry food this morning. He also changed our litter which was getting stinky (mostly Rex's fault). Then we played wrestle the hand on the floor.
Mercedes: Hooray! The sitter and I practiced sitting and laying down today. I did very well and I also did my roll over trick. The sitter was impressed and gave me a treat!
Wilson: The sitter came by for our usual afternoon walk. It was perfect outside. Bright sun, not too hot, and a slight breeze. It can get so hot with this dark coat I have.
Captain: I thought I was going to explode when the sitter walked in. Both Pacquita and I burst out of our kennels to say hello when he let us out. We did a nice long walk to work out all our energy.
Sam: I jumped up and gave the sitter a big kiss when he was petting Lily. He said "yuck!" But I know he really thought it was funny! I got to go on the walk first today and I finished my breakfast first too! I'm the champion!
Lily: I wiggle my entire body when I get happy. I don't know its just something I do! We went on some long walks tonight and dinner was good. It was an exciting night because both mom and the sitter showed up!
Daisy: It's a hot one out there today! We went for a walk then hung out out side. The sitter made sure to give me some fresh water and more food just in case I get hungry later. Oh, and a treat for cuteness!
Harmon: I went outside as well but as soon as the sitter shook those treats, I came a runnin'!
Yogi: I was jumping all over the place for the sitter like a wild man! We went outside where I found a little eggshell and I acted as gentle as a laaamb. Little cute things can change me! We came back in for fresh water!
Raven: It was hot out there so we took it a little slower than usual. We were panting like craaazy! We came back and the sitter made sure we had all the water we needed!
Cooper: Lately, all I've wanted is cuddles, no snack or any of that bologna, just give me some cuddles! The sitter gave me a little then made sure I had my snack.
Snowflake: It was so noisy on my road! Where did all my quiet go? I walked as much as I felt like walking. Some days I walk a long long time and some days I rather just run home and go back to sleep!
Pacquita: Captain and I went for a walk with the sitter this morning. There were a few men working on the road and we snuck up behind one and freaked him out. Everyone laughed.
Rex: I can be such a goof. I rolled around on the table with my legs hanging off and made a face so funny I think I even heard Bacchus giggle. The sitter couldn't stop laughing.
Bacchus: The sitter refilled our buffet of wet and dry food this morning. He also changed our litter which was getting stinky (mostly Rex's fault). Then we played wrestle the hand on the floor.
Mercedes: Hooray! The sitter and I practiced sitting and laying down today. I did very well and I also did my roll over trick. The sitter was impressed and gave me a treat!
Wilson: The sitter came by for our usual afternoon walk. It was perfect outside. Bright sun, not too hot, and a slight breeze. It can get so hot with this dark coat I have.
Captain: I thought I was going to explode when the sitter walked in. Both Pacquita and I burst out of our kennels to say hello when he let us out. We did a nice long walk to work out all our energy.
Sam: I jumped up and gave the sitter a big kiss when he was petting Lily. He said "yuck!" But I know he really thought it was funny! I got to go on the walk first today and I finished my breakfast first too! I'm the champion!
Lily: I wiggle my entire body when I get happy. I don't know its just something I do! We went on some long walks tonight and dinner was good. It was an exciting night because both mom and the sitter showed up!
Daisy: It's a hot one out there today! We went for a walk then hung out out side. The sitter made sure to give me some fresh water and more food just in case I get hungry later. Oh, and a treat for cuteness!
Harmon: I went outside as well but as soon as the sitter shook those treats, I came a runnin'!
Yogi: I was jumping all over the place for the sitter like a wild man! We went outside where I found a little eggshell and I acted as gentle as a laaamb. Little cute things can change me! We came back in for fresh water!
Raven: It was hot out there so we took it a little slower than usual. We were panting like craaazy! We came back and the sitter made sure we had all the water we needed!
Cooper: Lately, all I've wanted is cuddles, no snack or any of that bologna, just give me some cuddles! The sitter gave me a little then made sure I had my snack.
Snowflake: It was so noisy on my road! Where did all my quiet go? I walked as much as I felt like walking. Some days I walk a long long time and some days I rather just run home and go back to sleep!
dog walking,
kitty care,
pet sitters,
pet sitting
Monday, April 27, 2009
April 26, 2009
Captain: It's early in the morning but as soon as we heard the sitter come in we were wide awake and barking! We gobbled up out breakfast real quick and ran out the door full speed! I was so excited that it even got the sitter excited enough to run with me!
Paquita: Captain is so wild! I can barely keep up! Luckily the sitter runs at my speed! When he came back at night he realized how much we love our rawhides and we played some fetch with them! I tried to rip mine up, but it was too tough so I kept growling at it until finally I got a chunk of it! Yum!
Roxy: It was pretty nice out this morning! After breakfast and my ear meds I had some energy and jogged a little bit up and down the street with the sitter (even though his walking speed is my jogging speed) and then we went back inside for bellyrubs! When he came back in the afternoon I was a little lazier and it was real hot out so I just layed in the grass and got a bunch of attention!
Junot: The sitter came back for another good run today! He thinks it's real sweet how I drop carrots out of my mouth for Tipper to eat! I gotta look out for my little sister! I wanted to play with my orange bone outside, but it started to get dirty so the sitter put it back inside and we played with my boomerang instead.
Tripper: It was real warm today! I didn't want to walk very long! Just long enough to do my business and get a little exercise! After that all I need is a neck scratch and some carrots! No hiding or shyness for me. I wanted to be part of everything this morning. I welcomed the sitter and tried to follow him and Junot out the door on their walk. But we all played together after in the backyard.
Pounce: Mmm... wet food! My day has not fully started until I have some wet food in my belly. Thank you Mr. Sitter man.
Screech: The sitter cleaned our litter and refilled our food dish. Pounce and I were overjoyed. So we rubbed against his legs and mewed many thankyous.
Paquita: Captain is so wild! I can barely keep up! Luckily the sitter runs at my speed! When he came back at night he realized how much we love our rawhides and we played some fetch with them! I tried to rip mine up, but it was too tough so I kept growling at it until finally I got a chunk of it! Yum!
Roxy: It was pretty nice out this morning! After breakfast and my ear meds I had some energy and jogged a little bit up and down the street with the sitter (even though his walking speed is my jogging speed) and then we went back inside for bellyrubs! When he came back in the afternoon I was a little lazier and it was real hot out so I just layed in the grass and got a bunch of attention!
Junot: The sitter came back for another good run today! He thinks it's real sweet how I drop carrots out of my mouth for Tipper to eat! I gotta look out for my little sister! I wanted to play with my orange bone outside, but it started to get dirty so the sitter put it back inside and we played with my boomerang instead.
Tripper: It was real warm today! I didn't want to walk very long! Just long enough to do my business and get a little exercise! After that all I need is a neck scratch and some carrots! No hiding or shyness for me. I wanted to be part of everything this morning. I welcomed the sitter and tried to follow him and Junot out the door on their walk. But we all played together after in the backyard.
Pounce: Mmm... wet food! My day has not fully started until I have some wet food in my belly. Thank you Mr. Sitter man.
Screech: The sitter cleaned our litter and refilled our food dish. Pounce and I were overjoyed. So we rubbed against his legs and mewed many thankyous.
dog walking,
kitty care,
pet sitters,
pet sitting
April 25, 2009
Wolf: I was hiding when the sitter got here but then we went and played in the yard. Then layed down to sun bathe.
Biscuit: It was such a nice day to lie around in the sun.
Pork Chop: I had so much fun playing, then we got treats. I got my belly rubbed by the sitter which is my favorite thing! Next to treats that is.
Junot: I played in the yard then watched the sitter the whole time on our walk.
Tipper: We had a nice walk then I got dinner and 3 carrots,
Captain: I was a little ball of energy. I ran and ran in the yard then enjoyed a great walk.
Pacquita: I had a good time then enjoyed my rawhide after.
Pounce & Screech: We met the sitter at the door. We followed the sitter to our food and couldn't wait to get our wet food, yum! We gobbled it up as fast has she was putting it out for us.
Roxy: I was just relaxing on the floor in the sun when the sitter barged in taking his sweet time disabling the alarm. I was glad he was here though, it was dinner time and I was hungry. When the sitter came back I was in the middle of a doggy dream when the sitter woke me for a walk. It was so much cooler outside then earlier. It felt nice. Then it was time to resume that dream.
Biscuit: It was such a nice day to lie around in the sun.
Pork Chop: I had so much fun playing, then we got treats. I got my belly rubbed by the sitter which is my favorite thing! Next to treats that is.
Junot: I played in the yard then watched the sitter the whole time on our walk.
Tipper: We had a nice walk then I got dinner and 3 carrots,
Captain: I was a little ball of energy. I ran and ran in the yard then enjoyed a great walk.
Pacquita: I had a good time then enjoyed my rawhide after.
Pounce & Screech: We met the sitter at the door. We followed the sitter to our food and couldn't wait to get our wet food, yum! We gobbled it up as fast has she was putting it out for us.
Roxy: I was just relaxing on the floor in the sun when the sitter barged in taking his sweet time disabling the alarm. I was glad he was here though, it was dinner time and I was hungry. When the sitter came back I was in the middle of a doggy dream when the sitter woke me for a walk. It was so much cooler outside then earlier. It felt nice. Then it was time to resume that dream.
dog walking,
kitty care,
pet sitters,
pet sitting
April 24, 2009
Daisy: I was really eager to go outside today. I love walking to the park and stepping through the grass. It feels so good compared to the hot pavement.
Harmon: I almost missed my chance to go outside for a catnap! I caught the sitter just in time and got to finish my nap in the warm sun.
Yogi: It's so hot outside! I was pooped at the end or our walk and it felt really good on the porch in the shade. So I took a nap while watching the marsh sizzle.
Tripper: The sitter turned his back for one second and I was swallowed by a wormhole. Then I ended up on my bed, But the sitter said he had looked everywhere and couldn't find me. Silly wormholes. When the sitter first got here I waited a few minutes to make an appearance! After dinner, and after Junot got his run, the sitter took me for a walk and I got to talk to a few neighbor dogs! We had a lot to say to each other! After my walk the sitter gave us some attention and treats! Yum!
Junot: An excellent time for a midday walk indeed. The sitter and I had a race to see who could get to the traffic circle faster. Did he forget I am on a leash and can't get the much farther ahead of him? I won anyway. I ran up to the sitter when he came in and begged for a walk! We went out back for a second, and I talked to the neighbor dog, then we had dinner and I really wanted Tipper's canned food! The sitter took me outside first and we jogged for a bit but it was too hot for me with all this fur so we walked back home! Do I smell treats Mr. Sitter?
Wilson: It is one hot-dog of a day. The sitter and I were both panting by the end of our walk. I am pretty sure the sitter was starting to melt. How odd.
Pathfinder: Woof woof! It's walk time! The sitter got big hugs, and MJ even jumped over me while I was jumping up on him! She's so wild! We ran around for a while, then took care of our business, and then ran around a little more! Then MJ spotted some waterbirds and tried sneaking up on them! The sitter stopped her but she didn't forget about those birds! I was curious about everything though! After a nice long walk we came in and were happy to get fresh cool water and neck scratches!
Tank: The sitter's here! I was so happy to see him! It's been a while! We went out for a walk and it was super hot out! Some neighbor dogs started barking at me and I got all riled up and ran down the street full-speed, but after a few hundred feet I got tired and had to lay down on the sidewalk! I didn't want to get up, but the sitter brought a secret weapon: delicious treats! I had to go after them, and he just led me back to the house! I was bamboozled!
Roxy: The sitter woke me up this afternoon and let me know it was time for dinner! I ate it up and then walked off those calories, but didn't stay out too long since it was so hot! We came back in and I played a little with the sitter who was nice enough to give me some backscratching! I loved that! He came back at night and woke me up again! The sitter said I was very good at taking my ear medicine and then we walked down the street again! It was much nicer out! And when we came back in I was sooo thirsty!
Harmon: I almost missed my chance to go outside for a catnap! I caught the sitter just in time and got to finish my nap in the warm sun.
Yogi: It's so hot outside! I was pooped at the end or our walk and it felt really good on the porch in the shade. So I took a nap while watching the marsh sizzle.
Tripper: The sitter turned his back for one second and I was swallowed by a wormhole. Then I ended up on my bed, But the sitter said he had looked everywhere and couldn't find me. Silly wormholes. When the sitter first got here I waited a few minutes to make an appearance! After dinner, and after Junot got his run, the sitter took me for a walk and I got to talk to a few neighbor dogs! We had a lot to say to each other! After my walk the sitter gave us some attention and treats! Yum!
Junot: An excellent time for a midday walk indeed. The sitter and I had a race to see who could get to the traffic circle faster. Did he forget I am on a leash and can't get the much farther ahead of him? I won anyway. I ran up to the sitter when he came in and begged for a walk! We went out back for a second, and I talked to the neighbor dog, then we had dinner and I really wanted Tipper's canned food! The sitter took me outside first and we jogged for a bit but it was too hot for me with all this fur so we walked back home! Do I smell treats Mr. Sitter?
Wilson: It is one hot-dog of a day. The sitter and I were both panting by the end of our walk. I am pretty sure the sitter was starting to melt. How odd.
Pathfinder: Woof woof! It's walk time! The sitter got big hugs, and MJ even jumped over me while I was jumping up on him! She's so wild! We ran around for a while, then took care of our business, and then ran around a little more! Then MJ spotted some waterbirds and tried sneaking up on them! The sitter stopped her but she didn't forget about those birds! I was curious about everything though! After a nice long walk we came in and were happy to get fresh cool water and neck scratches!
Tank: The sitter's here! I was so happy to see him! It's been a while! We went out for a walk and it was super hot out! Some neighbor dogs started barking at me and I got all riled up and ran down the street full-speed, but after a few hundred feet I got tired and had to lay down on the sidewalk! I didn't want to get up, but the sitter brought a secret weapon: delicious treats! I had to go after them, and he just led me back to the house! I was bamboozled!
Roxy: The sitter woke me up this afternoon and let me know it was time for dinner! I ate it up and then walked off those calories, but didn't stay out too long since it was so hot! We came back in and I played a little with the sitter who was nice enough to give me some backscratching! I loved that! He came back at night and woke me up again! The sitter said I was very good at taking my ear medicine and then we walked down the street again! It was much nicer out! And when we came back in I was sooo thirsty!
dog walking,
kitty care,
pet sitters,
pet sitting
Friday, April 24, 2009
April 23, 2009
Grappa: We were surprised to go walking so early - we had a school
bus go speeding past us - boy were they in a hurry. Today when we were playing with the sitter in the backyard I saw a squirrel on top of the fence and chased after it barking. The little critter ran around the fence while I tried to get him.
Gigi: We played in the backyard today because there were too many other dogs out and about. And we all know how Grappa gets around our fellow canine. we were so excited to get out of our kennel and drink water and play outside and walk in the subdivision. We didn't do to much walking this evening, because there were to many others out that got us way too excited and our sitter didn't want us to have a heart attack or anxiety attack!
Lily: We danced and jumped around when the sitter walked in this morning. It's so hard to control the amount of excitement we have for breakfast and our walk. Sams and I burned it all off by the time we got back though.
Yogi: The sitter came over today and I had made a mess by ripping up toilet paper all over the living room. I wanted it to be a surprise for mommy but the sittr aid she might not appreciate it. So we cleaned it up.
Wilson: My walk was super fun today! As soon as the sitter came I got ready and we went outside. The sun was shining nice and bright and the tasty squirrels were running around.
Raven: Yogurt and apples for some nutritious energy and a good run to work off any extra calories. I love afternoon runs, especially on perfect days like this. We ran hard and got some well deserved nap time when we got home.
Cooper: Birds? Squirrels? No! Pine cones falling from trees! They kept tricking me into thinking they were small animals. I tried to go after them until I realized what they were.
Sams: Dinner time! Dinner time! Dinner time! Why can't it be right after breakfast? The sitter said spacing it out helps keep me from getting a tummy ache. I guess he must be right.
Junot: The same lady as yesterday came back to walk us today! I went out in the backyard while she walked Tipper. Hey this isn't the same sitter. But he is really nice and fed Tipper and I dinner and walked us. I followed him around while he prepared food and looked for Tipper. We had so much fun.
Tipper: I greeted the sitter at the front door with Junot, but then I went to my favorite hiding spot. When the sitter came to get me to go for a walk she had to pull me out on the bed to put my harness on, but as soon as the leash was clipped on I was ready to go! The sitter found me napping under the bed when he arrived this evening. I ate a little dinner then we hit the street for some walking. The weather is great I just wish these gnats would go away.
Patton: The sitter came over and I had my rope toy in my mouth while I was barking and whining. The sitter was laughing at me! I asked him to kindly not make fun of me but I guess I did sound a little silly... Anyways we went on a nice afternoon walk and I was doing good the whole time. Well, until I saw this duck that I just HAD to try and chase. You know how it is!
Rex: The sitter stopped by again to say hello to us. We said hello right back and started our usual fare of rubbing on his legs and being super cute kitties. He knows it too cause he can't resist giving us lots of attention when he comes in. he always scratches us real good on our backs and heads and makes us plop on our sides or bite him!
Bacchus: Yep There's no way the sitter could ever resist our charms! After he got that out of his system he got to work giving us some food and fresh water (even while he did that, he continued to pet and scratch us!) While we were distracted, he went and cleaned out our liter box. He works sneakily like that...
Pork chop: We're usually out in the yard when the sitter pulls up ready to bark with excitement at his car but we weren't there today. We were just relaxing inside on and around the couch...watching TV! Some dogs don't get that kind of treatment or luxuries but not us!
Biscuit: At first, I was too excited to stop barking and We all kept trying to get the sitter to run outside with us but as soon as he opened the door and we ran outside, we all changed our minds and wanted to come back in for dinner. Sometimes priorities can switch in a matter of seconds, ok?
Wolf: Even after the other two had calmed down a little bit, I still had to let out of couple of howls or barks every couple of minutes. Look, it's just what I do, ok? I'm a husky and what's the point of Huskies having these beautiful voices if we can't sing for people whenever we feel like it? The sitter liked in anyways!
bus go speeding past us - boy were they in a hurry. Today when we were playing with the sitter in the backyard I saw a squirrel on top of the fence and chased after it barking. The little critter ran around the fence while I tried to get him.
Gigi: We played in the backyard today because there were too many other dogs out and about. And we all know how Grappa gets around our fellow canine. we were so excited to get out of our kennel and drink water and play outside and walk in the subdivision. We didn't do to much walking this evening, because there were to many others out that got us way too excited and our sitter didn't want us to have a heart attack or anxiety attack!
Lily: We danced and jumped around when the sitter walked in this morning. It's so hard to control the amount of excitement we have for breakfast and our walk. Sams and I burned it all off by the time we got back though.
Yogi: The sitter came over today and I had made a mess by ripping up toilet paper all over the living room. I wanted it to be a surprise for mommy but the sittr aid she might not appreciate it. So we cleaned it up.
Wilson: My walk was super fun today! As soon as the sitter came I got ready and we went outside. The sun was shining nice and bright and the tasty squirrels were running around.
Raven: Yogurt and apples for some nutritious energy and a good run to work off any extra calories. I love afternoon runs, especially on perfect days like this. We ran hard and got some well deserved nap time when we got home.
Cooper: Birds? Squirrels? No! Pine cones falling from trees! They kept tricking me into thinking they were small animals. I tried to go after them until I realized what they were.
Sams: Dinner time! Dinner time! Dinner time! Why can't it be right after breakfast? The sitter said spacing it out helps keep me from getting a tummy ache. I guess he must be right.
Junot: The same lady as yesterday came back to walk us today! I went out in the backyard while she walked Tipper. Hey this isn't the same sitter. But he is really nice and fed Tipper and I dinner and walked us. I followed him around while he prepared food and looked for Tipper. We had so much fun.
Tipper: I greeted the sitter at the front door with Junot, but then I went to my favorite hiding spot. When the sitter came to get me to go for a walk she had to pull me out on the bed to put my harness on, but as soon as the leash was clipped on I was ready to go! The sitter found me napping under the bed when he arrived this evening. I ate a little dinner then we hit the street for some walking. The weather is great I just wish these gnats would go away.
Patton: The sitter came over and I had my rope toy in my mouth while I was barking and whining. The sitter was laughing at me! I asked him to kindly not make fun of me but I guess I did sound a little silly... Anyways we went on a nice afternoon walk and I was doing good the whole time. Well, until I saw this duck that I just HAD to try and chase. You know how it is!
Rex: The sitter stopped by again to say hello to us. We said hello right back and started our usual fare of rubbing on his legs and being super cute kitties. He knows it too cause he can't resist giving us lots of attention when he comes in. he always scratches us real good on our backs and heads and makes us plop on our sides or bite him!
Bacchus: Yep There's no way the sitter could ever resist our charms! After he got that out of his system he got to work giving us some food and fresh water (even while he did that, he continued to pet and scratch us!) While we were distracted, he went and cleaned out our liter box. He works sneakily like that...
Pork chop: We're usually out in the yard when the sitter pulls up ready to bark with excitement at his car but we weren't there today. We were just relaxing inside on and around the couch...watching TV! Some dogs don't get that kind of treatment or luxuries but not us!
Biscuit: At first, I was too excited to stop barking and We all kept trying to get the sitter to run outside with us but as soon as he opened the door and we ran outside, we all changed our minds and wanted to come back in for dinner. Sometimes priorities can switch in a matter of seconds, ok?
Wolf: Even after the other two had calmed down a little bit, I still had to let out of couple of howls or barks every couple of minutes. Look, it's just what I do, ok? I'm a husky and what's the point of Huskies having these beautiful voices if we can't sing for people whenever we feel like it? The sitter liked in anyways!
dog walking,
kitty care,
pet sitters,
pet sitting
Thursday, April 23, 2009
April 22, 2009
Lily: I found another dead bird this morning on our walk but I didn't eat it! Whoo! I was too full from our huuuge breakfast! Delicious!
Sam: I tried to eat Lily's dinner tonight but the sitter stopped me. I apologized, I just couldn't help myself! I did a couple jumps for the sitter to make up for it!
Daisy: It's so nice out there today! We went for a nice little walk then came home for a treat and a little sunbathing in the back! I think I'll take a little nap when the sitter leaves because I was falling asleep outside!
Harmon: I went out with Daisy and the sitter, just to sit on the porch and stare. The sitter gave me some treats when we came back inside. Mmm!
Cooper: I was being real fussy about my snack today. Just cuz I wanted cuddles! I get food all the time but I don't always get the chance to hang out with the sitter. He eventually made me eat it... and I admit, I enjoyed it!
Raven: The jog today was quite nice, it was a nice cool, sunny day. We both did our business and it was solid. That new food is real good!
Yogi: I made a huge leap from the curb to the road because there was a huuuuuge puddle to cross! I made it because I'm like a super puppy kind of thing. We came back inside and the sitter gave me some fresh water!
Patton: The sitter came over and actually woke me up. I was taking a nap and then I heard him calling my name so I came barreling down into the living room to greet him. I gave him big hugs and waited patiently for him to put on my harness. We had a pretty good walk. At one point we were by that pond and while we were walking next to it, I got a little too close to the water. You see, I saw something and acted on it real quick and before the sitter could react, I was shin-deep in water. At first the sitter didn't think it was too funny but then he started to laugh right along with me!
Rex: Hey! it's the sitter! We were both right at the door waiting for him (or somebody) cause we heard them opening the lock. He came in and greeted us like normal with his awesome ear and head scratches. Then he got to work on getting us some grub!
Bacchus: As soon as he put down our half can of wet food, we were all over it! Picking away at it all while the sitter was getting us some water...nom nom nom. When he went to scoop out the litter, it was nearly gone by the time he came back. But by then we'd stopped eatting it. Don't want to get a tummy ache now!
Sam: I tried to eat Lily's dinner tonight but the sitter stopped me. I apologized, I just couldn't help myself! I did a couple jumps for the sitter to make up for it!
Daisy: It's so nice out there today! We went for a nice little walk then came home for a treat and a little sunbathing in the back! I think I'll take a little nap when the sitter leaves because I was falling asleep outside!
Harmon: I went out with Daisy and the sitter, just to sit on the porch and stare. The sitter gave me some treats when we came back inside. Mmm!
Cooper: I was being real fussy about my snack today. Just cuz I wanted cuddles! I get food all the time but I don't always get the chance to hang out with the sitter. He eventually made me eat it... and I admit, I enjoyed it!
Raven: The jog today was quite nice, it was a nice cool, sunny day. We both did our business and it was solid. That new food is real good!
Yogi: I made a huge leap from the curb to the road because there was a huuuuuge puddle to cross! I made it because I'm like a super puppy kind of thing. We came back inside and the sitter gave me some fresh water!
Patton: The sitter came over and actually woke me up. I was taking a nap and then I heard him calling my name so I came barreling down into the living room to greet him. I gave him big hugs and waited patiently for him to put on my harness. We had a pretty good walk. At one point we were by that pond and while we were walking next to it, I got a little too close to the water. You see, I saw something and acted on it real quick and before the sitter could react, I was shin-deep in water. At first the sitter didn't think it was too funny but then he started to laugh right along with me!
Rex: Hey! it's the sitter! We were both right at the door waiting for him (or somebody) cause we heard them opening the lock. He came in and greeted us like normal with his awesome ear and head scratches. Then he got to work on getting us some grub!
Bacchus: As soon as he put down our half can of wet food, we were all over it! Picking away at it all while the sitter was getting us some water...nom nom nom. When he went to scoop out the litter, it was nearly gone by the time he came back. But by then we'd stopped eatting it. Don't want to get a tummy ache now!
dog walking,
kitty care,
pet sitters,
pet sitting
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
April 21, 2009
Shayna: I did a lot of playing in the yard with my toy. When the was about to leave I laid by the front door and showed her my belly. I have never done that before but thought maybe it would make her stay longer.
Greta: I barked at the garbage truck and a school bus with Shayna. I don't know what I would do if I actually got to them.
Snowflake: The sitter had to wake me up this time. I guess I was sleeping really well! I pottied in just about every yard I passed...I felt so much better when I came inside and started jumping around barking.
Atticus: Once I got outside I wasn't so scared anymore. Treats always make things better! Came inside to get petted a whole bunch!
Riley: I pulled a lot but thats what I usually do I think. We both did all of our business. We wanted a treat when we came inside but it seems that we are out of them!
Mercedes: The sitter came over today and I was so super excited to see him. He sat on the floor to get a better position for petting me and I hopped right up into his lap and spun around in circles! We went on our walk shortly after that and I was prancing around and smelling everything. There's a lot of stuff out there you know. When we came back inside, the sitter gave me a treat after I took a big gulp of water.
Patton: Hey! He's back! The sitter walked up the stairs and I was ready for him right at the top. I was all hyper and tried to give him hugs but since I was blocking his patch to get fully up the stairs, it was kind of difficult! After I calmed down a tiny bit, I waited patiently for the sitter to put on my harness and then off we went for a nice afternoon walk. I was pretty pooped when we got back. I plopped down onto he cool kitchen floor!
Cooper: When the sitter came in, me and Raven decided to play a trick on him. We both hid so it looked like nobody was home. We knew it'd be a good trick because we're usually right next to the door trying to give him hugs. He even called our names at first and we didn't come but the excitement was too much and we caved!
Raven: That was a pretty fun trick. Cooper thought of that one. Anyways, the sitter took us on our jog and it was a good day for it too! I'm getting better at getting all of my business taken care of during the afternoon. Today, I tried to lag behind a little bit and be lazy but the sitter kept reminding me about that "no pain, no gain" thing.
Lily: The sitter had to wake us up this morning. We didn't even hear him come in. I was very energetic during the walk. The ground was all mushy and it felt good on my toes.
Daisy: I was ready and waiting when the sitter got here. First we went out back and hung out in the warm sun with Harmon. Then we walked to the park. It was glorious.
Harmon: Warm sun and a cool breeze balancing perfectly on my whiskers while I snoop around for small critters in the backyard. Maybe I'll get lucky.
Yogi: Yay! I had such a good day. The sitter came and we walked. I was so happy to see him. I covered his arms and neck with kisses and he cuddled me. Why can't he stay and play all day?
Mattie: I am quite the hot dog today. The sitter and I felt like we were being cooked in the heat. It felt so good in the shade of the trees I wanted to lie down, but I kept walking.
Chevy: Stella and I went walking with the sitter today. There weren't many people at the park even though the day is perfect. So we had the whole park to ourselves. We are so privileged.
Stella: What a comfortable walk, I enjoyed every second of it. Lunch was great too and I got lots of love from the sitter. When we got back, Chevy and I got our kongs with treats in them!
Sams: Evening walks are my favorite because there are so many people at the park that give me attention. In the morning its mostly other dogs and their people.
Sadie: I am nearly famous. When i was walking tonight somebody said i was beautiful. Wonder if they knew? What a great pic of me in the South magazine!!
Greta: I barked at the garbage truck and a school bus with Shayna. I don't know what I would do if I actually got to them.
Snowflake: The sitter had to wake me up this time. I guess I was sleeping really well! I pottied in just about every yard I passed...I felt so much better when I came inside and started jumping around barking.
Atticus: Once I got outside I wasn't so scared anymore. Treats always make things better! Came inside to get petted a whole bunch!
Riley: I pulled a lot but thats what I usually do I think. We both did all of our business. We wanted a treat when we came inside but it seems that we are out of them!
Mercedes: The sitter came over today and I was so super excited to see him. He sat on the floor to get a better position for petting me and I hopped right up into his lap and spun around in circles! We went on our walk shortly after that and I was prancing around and smelling everything. There's a lot of stuff out there you know. When we came back inside, the sitter gave me a treat after I took a big gulp of water.
Patton: Hey! He's back! The sitter walked up the stairs and I was ready for him right at the top. I was all hyper and tried to give him hugs but since I was blocking his patch to get fully up the stairs, it was kind of difficult! After I calmed down a tiny bit, I waited patiently for the sitter to put on my harness and then off we went for a nice afternoon walk. I was pretty pooped when we got back. I plopped down onto he cool kitchen floor!
Cooper: When the sitter came in, me and Raven decided to play a trick on him. We both hid so it looked like nobody was home. We knew it'd be a good trick because we're usually right next to the door trying to give him hugs. He even called our names at first and we didn't come but the excitement was too much and we caved!
Raven: That was a pretty fun trick. Cooper thought of that one. Anyways, the sitter took us on our jog and it was a good day for it too! I'm getting better at getting all of my business taken care of during the afternoon. Today, I tried to lag behind a little bit and be lazy but the sitter kept reminding me about that "no pain, no gain" thing.
Lily: The sitter had to wake us up this morning. We didn't even hear him come in. I was very energetic during the walk. The ground was all mushy and it felt good on my toes.
Daisy: I was ready and waiting when the sitter got here. First we went out back and hung out in the warm sun with Harmon. Then we walked to the park. It was glorious.
Harmon: Warm sun and a cool breeze balancing perfectly on my whiskers while I snoop around for small critters in the backyard. Maybe I'll get lucky.
Yogi: Yay! I had such a good day. The sitter came and we walked. I was so happy to see him. I covered his arms and neck with kisses and he cuddled me. Why can't he stay and play all day?
Mattie: I am quite the hot dog today. The sitter and I felt like we were being cooked in the heat. It felt so good in the shade of the trees I wanted to lie down, but I kept walking.
Chevy: Stella and I went walking with the sitter today. There weren't many people at the park even though the day is perfect. So we had the whole park to ourselves. We are so privileged.
Stella: What a comfortable walk, I enjoyed every second of it. Lunch was great too and I got lots of love from the sitter. When we got back, Chevy and I got our kongs with treats in them!
Sams: Evening walks are my favorite because there are so many people at the park that give me attention. In the morning its mostly other dogs and their people.
Sadie: I am nearly famous. When i was walking tonight somebody said i was beautiful. Wonder if they knew? What a great pic of me in the South magazine!!
dog walking,
kitty care,
pet sitters,
pet sitting
Monday, April 20, 2009
April 20, 2009
Snowflake the Kitty: I was hiding under my bed somewhere once the sitter leaves I can go eat and roam around.
Snowflake the Poodle: So much to sniff out there! I like to hurry back so I can jump around and bark at the sitter for a treat!
Yogi: I love walk time! A french bulldog tried to get ME! Once he passed me then I wanted to follow him.
Greta: Shayna and I felt like a run today so we did laps around the yard. It was so much fun running through the bushes. When we came in there was fresh water for our thirsty mouths. I had to keep yelling "it's not raining Shayna, it's fun!" to get her to come out! She finally did and the playing began! We came inside for a nice dinner with a lovely bowl of water and a treat for dessert!
Mercedes: Hurray! The sitter is here to take me out and I can run all over and roll in the warm grass. Mr. Sitter! Look at my tick! I added an accent to my end roll.
Patton: I didn't pull at all today during my walk. The sitter and I had a wonderful walk though it was really hot outside and dusty.
Cooper: No trucks today. But those horses were mocking us again. Raven and I kept our cool though because it was too hot for shenanigans. We both get treats for being so well behaved.
Raven: What a great run today. Cooper and I kept a good pace the entire length of the run and it felt so good. I can't imagine a day without a run.
Shayna: It was so noisy outside today. Jets, helicopters, UFOs! They were so loud the ground was shaking. We didn't really care much though. We were so busy playing. The sitter tricked me again. It had rained a little bit earlier but it was still wet out there and I knew it. The sitter got me outside some how though and I was angry! Well... not really, I was the happiest pup ever probably, always am. The sitter came out and played!
Daisy: The sitter came in so I started running and jumping around! We went out for a walk and then came in for fresh water and a treat. Then I went upstairs for a nap, it's hot out there today!
Harmon: I scared the sitter and Daisy at the door. They opened it up to go on their walk and I was standing there ready to meow. The sitter let me in and I had myself a little treat!
Wilson: Whooo! The sitter took me out for a loooong walk and it was awesome! I did my business and all that pretty quick so I could enjoy the beautiful day! We came back inside and I went right to my kennel, then the sitter came in with a treat!
Snowflake the Poodle: So much to sniff out there! I like to hurry back so I can jump around and bark at the sitter for a treat!
Yogi: I love walk time! A french bulldog tried to get ME! Once he passed me then I wanted to follow him.
Greta: Shayna and I felt like a run today so we did laps around the yard. It was so much fun running through the bushes. When we came in there was fresh water for our thirsty mouths. I had to keep yelling "it's not raining Shayna, it's fun!" to get her to come out! She finally did and the playing began! We came inside for a nice dinner with a lovely bowl of water and a treat for dessert!
Mercedes: Hurray! The sitter is here to take me out and I can run all over and roll in the warm grass. Mr. Sitter! Look at my tick! I added an accent to my end roll.
Patton: I didn't pull at all today during my walk. The sitter and I had a wonderful walk though it was really hot outside and dusty.
Cooper: No trucks today. But those horses were mocking us again. Raven and I kept our cool though because it was too hot for shenanigans. We both get treats for being so well behaved.
Raven: What a great run today. Cooper and I kept a good pace the entire length of the run and it felt so good. I can't imagine a day without a run.
Shayna: It was so noisy outside today. Jets, helicopters, UFOs! They were so loud the ground was shaking. We didn't really care much though. We were so busy playing. The sitter tricked me again. It had rained a little bit earlier but it was still wet out there and I knew it. The sitter got me outside some how though and I was angry! Well... not really, I was the happiest pup ever probably, always am. The sitter came out and played!
Daisy: The sitter came in so I started running and jumping around! We went out for a walk and then came in for fresh water and a treat. Then I went upstairs for a nap, it's hot out there today!
Harmon: I scared the sitter and Daisy at the door. They opened it up to go on their walk and I was standing there ready to meow. The sitter let me in and I had myself a little treat!
Wilson: Whooo! The sitter took me out for a loooong walk and it was awesome! I did my business and all that pretty quick so I could enjoy the beautiful day! We came back inside and I went right to my kennel, then the sitter came in with a treat!
dog walking,
kitty care,
pet sitters,
pet sitting
April 19, 2009
Shayna: Greta thinks she can hog the sitter an get all the petting. So I wrestled her but I slipped and she won. The sitter pet me anyway and he gave me a hug too.
Brody: As soon as the garage door was open I ran out and gave the sitter a huge sloppy kiss. Then we played with my red ball until we were both a little worn out. Today is off to a great start.
Harmony: Rush the door! I see a sitter who needs to be licked! Once the sitter had checked on the whole family there were belly scratches and fun for everyone! Zeppo and I just laid out with our tongues out enjoying it.
Zeppo: The sitter made me so happy. We played with Harmony and Mona until we all wanted naps. Then we stretched out in the nice cool living room and got our bellies scratched.
Mona: When the sitter came I immediately showed him the wasp I found in the house. He disposed of it and pet me and told me I had done a good job telling him. It could have hurt somebody.
Greta: Today was one of those lazy days for sunbathing and belly rubs. While Shayna ran around every which way, I just laid down in the sun and relaxed. The breeze is so soothing.
Brody: As soon as the garage door was open I ran out and gave the sitter a huge sloppy kiss. Then we played with my red ball until we were both a little worn out. Today is off to a great start.
Harmony: Rush the door! I see a sitter who needs to be licked! Once the sitter had checked on the whole family there were belly scratches and fun for everyone! Zeppo and I just laid out with our tongues out enjoying it.
Zeppo: The sitter made me so happy. We played with Harmony and Mona until we all wanted naps. Then we stretched out in the nice cool living room and got our bellies scratched.
Mona: When the sitter came I immediately showed him the wasp I found in the house. He disposed of it and pet me and told me I had done a good job telling him. It could have hurt somebody.
Greta: Today was one of those lazy days for sunbathing and belly rubs. While Shayna ran around every which way, I just laid down in the sun and relaxed. The breeze is so soothing.
dog walking,
kitty care,
pet sitters,
pet sitting
April 18, 2009
Patton: The sitter came over bright and early this morning to hang out with me. We dogs usually get up early so it's always nice when someone else is around to play with! We went on a walk and the sitter kept asking me to poop. What's that all about? I'll go when I'm ready, alright? I guess he figured that since, I ate last night, I'd be ready to go this morning. "I'll go when I'm good and ready" is what I said to him. Ok, so no poops during our walk. the sitter seemed disappointed but it's like I tried to tell him, when I'm ready.Ok, so I pooped on my walk tonight. the sitter seemed pleased. I don't get that whole thing. You don't see us dogs following humans into the bathroom and cheering them on asking for poops.
Bailey: This morning, i figured I'd just stay away from the sitter. I think I hurt his feelings the other day when I hissed at him so much. :( He insisted over and over that it was alright but I still felt bad. He gave me my pill then i stayed out of his way while he fed me and cleaned out my box. I just miss my mommy, that's all!
Harmony: When the sitter came over, I had to act like the big guard dog and investigate the situation. I put on my big girl voice at first. Once I realized that the sitter was good, i gave him big hugs to say hello. He let us outside and I was still going crazy with excitement from his arrival!
Zeppy: I was a little more discreet in my excitement but it was still there. The sitter sat on the bench when he let us outside and I hopped right up into his lap to say hello. I may have peed on him cause I was so excited. I promise it was only a tiny bit! I couldn't help it... I was just so happy to see the sitter!
Shayna: I was quite excited this morning and ready to get outside and play! I chased Greta around and around, then the sitter, then played by myself and a toy. Love it! I got my face all dirty playing in the dirt. I love dirt! But the sitter said it didn't suit me so he cleaned it off.
Greta: Shayna chases me. But then I go to the sitter for cuddles and she stops! We came inside for breakfast and some water aaaaand a treat! Shayna and I played with the sitter in the backyard tonight. He got to see me toss my toy all over. Then Shayna and I chased each other around and wrestled in the leaves.
Brody: I was ready to get out and spend the beautiful day outsiiide! The sitter gave me some food and fresh water, but I really wanted to play with my red ball! We played fetch for a bit before the sitter gave me some back scratches and then I just wanted to lay in the sun! The sitter and I played with my ball again tonight. We had a visit from the neighbors dog who came over to say hi. He didn't want to play ball thought.
Raven: We were called beautiful today, I said "um, maam, we're handsome, thank you very much, not beautiful." But the compliment was nice enough I guess.
Cooper: We ran and ran and ran...and..ran.....and......ran......until I was really tired and had to slow down! I like to sprint but I wear myself out!
Cleo: I stayed in the living room for a while. My brothers wanted to play more than eat! I guess they were excited to have a sleep over.
Mason: I kept attacking Dixon for no reason. We have so many toys but it's more fun to play together.
Dixon: I dumped all the toys out while the sitter was gone. It's more fun to do that than actually play with them.
Bailey: This morning, i figured I'd just stay away from the sitter. I think I hurt his feelings the other day when I hissed at him so much. :( He insisted over and over that it was alright but I still felt bad. He gave me my pill then i stayed out of his way while he fed me and cleaned out my box. I just miss my mommy, that's all!
Harmony: When the sitter came over, I had to act like the big guard dog and investigate the situation. I put on my big girl voice at first. Once I realized that the sitter was good, i gave him big hugs to say hello. He let us outside and I was still going crazy with excitement from his arrival!
Zeppy: I was a little more discreet in my excitement but it was still there. The sitter sat on the bench when he let us outside and I hopped right up into his lap to say hello. I may have peed on him cause I was so excited. I promise it was only a tiny bit! I couldn't help it... I was just so happy to see the sitter!
Shayna: I was quite excited this morning and ready to get outside and play! I chased Greta around and around, then the sitter, then played by myself and a toy. Love it! I got my face all dirty playing in the dirt. I love dirt! But the sitter said it didn't suit me so he cleaned it off.
Greta: Shayna chases me. But then I go to the sitter for cuddles and she stops! We came inside for breakfast and some water aaaaand a treat! Shayna and I played with the sitter in the backyard tonight. He got to see me toss my toy all over. Then Shayna and I chased each other around and wrestled in the leaves.
Brody: I was ready to get out and spend the beautiful day outsiiide! The sitter gave me some food and fresh water, but I really wanted to play with my red ball! We played fetch for a bit before the sitter gave me some back scratches and then I just wanted to lay in the sun! The sitter and I played with my ball again tonight. We had a visit from the neighbors dog who came over to say hi. He didn't want to play ball thought.
Raven: We were called beautiful today, I said "um, maam, we're handsome, thank you very much, not beautiful." But the compliment was nice enough I guess.
Cooper: We ran and ran and ran...and..ran.....and......ran......until I was really tired and had to slow down! I like to sprint but I wear myself out!
Cleo: I stayed in the living room for a while. My brothers wanted to play more than eat! I guess they were excited to have a sleep over.
Mason: I kept attacking Dixon for no reason. We have so many toys but it's more fun to play together.
Dixon: I dumped all the toys out while the sitter was gone. It's more fun to do that than actually play with them.
dog walking,
kitty care,
pet sitters,
pet sitting
April 17, 2009
Bailey: Doesn't this sitter under stand? I want him to go away. I want my mommy to come home. Sure he gives me fresh food and water, and my medicine, but he isn't my mommy.
Lucy: I was all setup like a little princess on top of a few pillows and blankets. And the sitter treated me like one too. He set out a buffet of different foods. He also cleaned my litter box. I truly feel like a queen at this point.
Ike: I fooled around on the counter knocking stuff off. I thought it was hilarious but the sitter didn't. Then I hit the spoons and got scared. The sitter laughed that time.
Chester: I love my daily buffets! It's all part of my new celebrity diet scheme, BE LIKE CHESTER. There are no rules or limits. Just eat and eat and I guarantee that you will look as handsome and filled out as me.
Greta: The sitter was here and he scratched my butt. It felt so good I went into a trance and realized that butt scratching might be the way to a better world. Everyone needs their butt scratched once in a while. I was totally in the mood to play tonight. When the sitter came over and let us out, I was the one who started to chase Shayna around. I was hopping up and down and going around bushes to trick Shayna. It was so much fun!
Shayna: Romp and play, romp and play, this is what I want to do all day! The sitter came over to play with us and feed us. I am very thankful so I licked his face until he understood. Greta was nuts tonight! We were playing really hard for a while and it was lots of fun. When it was time to go back inside, we each took some mega gulps of water and then the sitter gave us each a treat for being so much fun tonight.
Raven: Birds tweeting and squirrels squeaking, I want to get them. Just a taste or two. No, guess that isn't part of the run today. I even gave the sitter the look, and he still wouldn't let me.
Cooper: Those helicopters so high in the sky, think they are better than me. I bet if I raced one I would win, and I don't have extra devices helping me. I am just a dog who can run like the wind.
Brody: Oh! I love chasing my red ball around and fetching it. One of the times I went to get my ball some deer came to try to steal it. So I chased them away.
Bella - The sitter and I sat outside for a while to enjoy the sun and soak it up. But it's funny how hot it can get when you just sit there and let the sun beam down on you. So we started to move around but I kept hinting at going back inside so we did and just enjoyed being lazy on the couch instead! Which is better sometimes anyways!
Patton: The sitter came over this afternoon to take me on a walk and play with me. It was pretty nice outside and we just meandered around the block a few times. There were some guys working on those houses so i got to say hi to them. That was fun. We came back in and played with my soccer ball for a bit and the sitter gave me a treat before he left! The sitter came back over to take me on another walk. I like these evening walks cause the sun is just starting to go down and everything is nice and calm. Even me! Except of course when we walked past a little dog. He was biting off a little more than he could chew because I was about 4 times his size! I didn't say anything to him, I just let his yap for a while. What a funny little dog!
Lucy: I was all setup like a little princess on top of a few pillows and blankets. And the sitter treated me like one too. He set out a buffet of different foods. He also cleaned my litter box. I truly feel like a queen at this point.
Ike: I fooled around on the counter knocking stuff off. I thought it was hilarious but the sitter didn't. Then I hit the spoons and got scared. The sitter laughed that time.
Chester: I love my daily buffets! It's all part of my new celebrity diet scheme, BE LIKE CHESTER. There are no rules or limits. Just eat and eat and I guarantee that you will look as handsome and filled out as me.
Greta: The sitter was here and he scratched my butt. It felt so good I went into a trance and realized that butt scratching might be the way to a better world. Everyone needs their butt scratched once in a while. I was totally in the mood to play tonight. When the sitter came over and let us out, I was the one who started to chase Shayna around. I was hopping up and down and going around bushes to trick Shayna. It was so much fun!
Shayna: Romp and play, romp and play, this is what I want to do all day! The sitter came over to play with us and feed us. I am very thankful so I licked his face until he understood. Greta was nuts tonight! We were playing really hard for a while and it was lots of fun. When it was time to go back inside, we each took some mega gulps of water and then the sitter gave us each a treat for being so much fun tonight.
Raven: Birds tweeting and squirrels squeaking, I want to get them. Just a taste or two. No, guess that isn't part of the run today. I even gave the sitter the look, and he still wouldn't let me.
Cooper: Those helicopters so high in the sky, think they are better than me. I bet if I raced one I would win, and I don't have extra devices helping me. I am just a dog who can run like the wind.
Brody: Oh! I love chasing my red ball around and fetching it. One of the times I went to get my ball some deer came to try to steal it. So I chased them away.
Bella - The sitter and I sat outside for a while to enjoy the sun and soak it up. But it's funny how hot it can get when you just sit there and let the sun beam down on you. So we started to move around but I kept hinting at going back inside so we did and just enjoyed being lazy on the couch instead! Which is better sometimes anyways!
Patton: The sitter came over this afternoon to take me on a walk and play with me. It was pretty nice outside and we just meandered around the block a few times. There were some guys working on those houses so i got to say hi to them. That was fun. We came back in and played with my soccer ball for a bit and the sitter gave me a treat before he left! The sitter came back over to take me on another walk. I like these evening walks cause the sun is just starting to go down and everything is nice and calm. Even me! Except of course when we walked past a little dog. He was biting off a little more than he could chew because I was about 4 times his size! I didn't say anything to him, I just let his yap for a while. What a funny little dog!
dog walking,
kitty care,
pet sitters,
pet sitting
Thursday, April 16, 2009
April 16, 2009
Shayna: I was hoping around this morning. The cold mornings get me so hyper! I ran and I ran with Greta then inside for some food.
Greta: I tried to push Shayna out the way so I could get petted first. It is exciting when someone comes by to take care of us!
Yogi: I was jumping in bushing and walking in the dirt. We walked to the dog park and looked at the water. I am so cool because my dog park has a dock!
Snowflake: I was enjoying my nap so much it took me a minute to wake up. I looked like I had been sleeping since yesterday. After my walk I was jumping around barking at the sitter to give me my treat!
Abraham: The sitter brushed me today and I must say, I look handsome. I could just sit here staring at my mirror all day long but the sitter is teasing me with the crinkle mat.
Snowflake: Today I left a booby trap for the sitter. It was so ingenious, I might win an award. When the sitter opened my litter box to clean it, litter spilled out because I left it piled against the side. Tee hee.
Ike: Today I played nip the sitter's fingers. He was quick though and it was hard to get them. Then I got the best back rub.
Lucy: I perched on an end table watching the sitter while he cleaned our litter and poured some more food for us. When he was done he came over and pet me.
Chester: Yummy! Breakfast, lunch and dinner all at the same time. I think I'll start with the whitefish, maybe the salmon next and for dinner... we are going dry.
Cooper: What is this? First we have mail trucks thinking they own the road. Now there are golf carts driving by on my road! These intruders need to realize they are driving on Cooper and Raven's race track and not some playground.
Raven: A cool breeze and a hot sun make a perfect day for a run. Cooper and I enjoyed every second and the sitter told us that runs with us were one of his favorite things.
Wilson: Everyone was outside gardening and working on their houses. A couple of people said hi and came over to meet me. I love taking walks.
Patton: The sitter arrived and there I was just waiting patiently at the top of the stairs. As soon as he got up to me, I was trying to hold back my excitement/craziness!. I gave him a hug and he gave me some ear scratches and a belly rub. We had a good time outside. Nice, easy walk in some really nice weather! After our walk we came back in and played with my soccer ball a bit before I plopped down on the kitchen floor to rest.
Greta: The sitter came over and let us outside right away. We were right by the door waiting for him to open it so it's not like we gave him much of a choice! He let us out and we got to exploring and smelling. He started to play with Shayna a little bit but I was more interested in what there was to smell for now. When the sitter let us out this time, Shayna and I started playing and running around with each other. Well, ok, I guess it was more of just her chasing me and me running away from her but it was all for play!
Shayna: At one point while we were outside, the mail truck drove around the cul-de-sac and boy did we have something to say about that! We had to show that mailtruck who's house he was getting ready to pull up to. We had to let him know what was what, you know? I'm not sure if the sitter understood but me and Greta knew we had to tell the mailman! The sitter jumped into the playing too. he started to chase me around to give me a taste of my own chasing medicine, he said. That was fun because I would keep trying to make advances on him but he'd call me on them and I'd have to hop away before he got me! Man, that's fun. After all that excitement, we went back inside for some dinner and a big drink of water.
Greta: I tried to push Shayna out the way so I could get petted first. It is exciting when someone comes by to take care of us!
Yogi: I was jumping in bushing and walking in the dirt. We walked to the dog park and looked at the water. I am so cool because my dog park has a dock!
Snowflake: I was enjoying my nap so much it took me a minute to wake up. I looked like I had been sleeping since yesterday. After my walk I was jumping around barking at the sitter to give me my treat!
Abraham: The sitter brushed me today and I must say, I look handsome. I could just sit here staring at my mirror all day long but the sitter is teasing me with the crinkle mat.
Snowflake: Today I left a booby trap for the sitter. It was so ingenious, I might win an award. When the sitter opened my litter box to clean it, litter spilled out because I left it piled against the side. Tee hee.
Ike: Today I played nip the sitter's fingers. He was quick though and it was hard to get them. Then I got the best back rub.
Lucy: I perched on an end table watching the sitter while he cleaned our litter and poured some more food for us. When he was done he came over and pet me.
Chester: Yummy! Breakfast, lunch and dinner all at the same time. I think I'll start with the whitefish, maybe the salmon next and for dinner... we are going dry.
Cooper: What is this? First we have mail trucks thinking they own the road. Now there are golf carts driving by on my road! These intruders need to realize they are driving on Cooper and Raven's race track and not some playground.
Raven: A cool breeze and a hot sun make a perfect day for a run. Cooper and I enjoyed every second and the sitter told us that runs with us were one of his favorite things.
Wilson: Everyone was outside gardening and working on their houses. A couple of people said hi and came over to meet me. I love taking walks.
Patton: The sitter arrived and there I was just waiting patiently at the top of the stairs. As soon as he got up to me, I was trying to hold back my excitement/craziness!. I gave him a hug and he gave me some ear scratches and a belly rub. We had a good time outside. Nice, easy walk in some really nice weather! After our walk we came back in and played with my soccer ball a bit before I plopped down on the kitchen floor to rest.
Greta: The sitter came over and let us outside right away. We were right by the door waiting for him to open it so it's not like we gave him much of a choice! He let us out and we got to exploring and smelling. He started to play with Shayna a little bit but I was more interested in what there was to smell for now. When the sitter let us out this time, Shayna and I started playing and running around with each other. Well, ok, I guess it was more of just her chasing me and me running away from her but it was all for play!
Shayna: At one point while we were outside, the mail truck drove around the cul-de-sac and boy did we have something to say about that! We had to show that mailtruck who's house he was getting ready to pull up to. We had to let him know what was what, you know? I'm not sure if the sitter understood but me and Greta knew we had to tell the mailman! The sitter jumped into the playing too. he started to chase me around to give me a taste of my own chasing medicine, he said. That was fun because I would keep trying to make advances on him but he'd call me on them and I'd have to hop away before he got me! Man, that's fun. After all that excitement, we went back inside for some dinner and a big drink of water.
dog walking,
kitty care,
pet sitters,
pet sitting
April 15, 2009
Abraham: I was staring out the window when the sitter arrived. I rubbed against her leg and showed her where my food is. She put some more out and gave me extra water. She cleaned my litter box and I was right behind her getting it dirty again!
Snowflake: So quiet on my street now. I like quiet it when it is quiet! I sniffed near the woods and marked a bunch of times but the sitter doesn’t believe I am actually pottying.
Shayna: I pretended to jump on the sitter while Greta and I jumped around her. We were feeling really hyper all day! Once we got inside I decided to eat something and had a treat also.
Greta: So much fun running around and acting crazy with my sister Shayna. I got really thirsty once we were done and had to get some more water as usual...we get really thirsty after outside time.
Sam: I always finish my food way faster than lily...why is that? That just means I get to go out first! I always win!
Lily: The sitter came through the backyard and we were surprised and barked at her. Then we got all excited because it meant food and fun!
Bailey: I wasn't too fond of the idea of a stranger being in my house. As soon as i spotted him, I stayed on my guard and kept hissing at him. He said he didn't take any of it personally. I mean, how would he feel if I came into his house? He still gave me my food, fresh water, gave me my pill (he's lucky I have those pill pockets!), and cleaned out my box. He was nice about it the whole time too. he even said "bye" on the way out..despite how I was being towards him. Maybe we could get along...
Bella: Not too much happening today. The sitter came over and i was sprawled out on the couch. he came over and gave me a good behind-the-ears scratching. Then we went outside to relax some more (and go potty, of course). We stayed out there for a good bit because of the weather. Then, before the sitter left, we practiced catching a couple treats. I'm REALLY good now!
Athen: I was crazy happy to see the sitter again today. No more fake guard dog! I gave him big hugs and he returned the favor with awesome belly rubs. He got my harness on me and of we were. It was a great walk and the sitter said I'm a good walker too. i don't try and go off too much on my own and I like to match pace with the sitter. Don't have to tell me what I already know! We stayed out for a long time cause the weather was so nice. Then it was back inside for some water and relaxation!
Snowflake: I ran around last night! The bed was a little messed up and a pillow was knocked over. Woooowee! The sitter didn't see me this morning but he left plenty of food and water!
Tank: I was tiiired this morning. We went out but I didn't do much because I accidently left a mess in the hallway that the sitter cleaned up. I apologized and gave him some hugs and he said everything was all better! Tonight I was tired too and didn'y want to do anything but cuddle!
Daisy: What a beautiful day! We went for a little walk so I could do my business then we went and lied in the back yard. The sitter said I looked soooo peaceful and relaaaaxed!
Harmon: The sitter brought me out with him to but called me back in with some treats before he left. Those treats'll be the death of me!
Yogi: I looked so nice and clean for the sitter! I love it! We went for a splendid walk and came back in for some fresh water and a little cuddles action. Whoo!
Raven: I finished my snack way before Cooper as uuuusual. I love my snack, I lick the bowl cleeean. Yum!
Cooper: We both did our business out there today and we also saw a helicopter thing! It was really loud and the sitter thought we were gonna go nuts but we didn't!
Mattie: I was excited to see the sitter! We went out to enjoy the day, but I had to do my business. Back inside, all I wanted was to be in the sitters lap! He gave me some fresh water but I just stared at him.
Sam: We heard the sitter come up the stairs and we let him know! I ate my dinner quick so I could go on my walk first. There were a lot of puppies out there, but I was good and didn't go crazy!
Lily: Let me at 'em, let me at 'em!...Just kiddin! I was good on my walk too even though all the puppies were out. We came back in for treats!
Shayna: We were so happy to see the sitter, jumping and panting. The sitter says he remembers the first time we met and I was so timid. Not anymore! Now I love seeing the sitter! We played in the back!
Greta: I lied down in the back so the sitter could scratch my back. I loved it! Then we came back inside for dinner and a treat! Yum!
Snowflake: So quiet on my street now. I like quiet it when it is quiet! I sniffed near the woods and marked a bunch of times but the sitter doesn’t believe I am actually pottying.
Shayna: I pretended to jump on the sitter while Greta and I jumped around her. We were feeling really hyper all day! Once we got inside I decided to eat something and had a treat also.
Greta: So much fun running around and acting crazy with my sister Shayna. I got really thirsty once we were done and had to get some more water as usual...we get really thirsty after outside time.
Sam: I always finish my food way faster than lily...why is that? That just means I get to go out first! I always win!
Lily: The sitter came through the backyard and we were surprised and barked at her. Then we got all excited because it meant food and fun!
Bailey: I wasn't too fond of the idea of a stranger being in my house. As soon as i spotted him, I stayed on my guard and kept hissing at him. He said he didn't take any of it personally. I mean, how would he feel if I came into his house? He still gave me my food, fresh water, gave me my pill (he's lucky I have those pill pockets!), and cleaned out my box. He was nice about it the whole time too. he even said "bye" on the way out..despite how I was being towards him. Maybe we could get along...
Bella: Not too much happening today. The sitter came over and i was sprawled out on the couch. he came over and gave me a good behind-the-ears scratching. Then we went outside to relax some more (and go potty, of course). We stayed out there for a good bit because of the weather. Then, before the sitter left, we practiced catching a couple treats. I'm REALLY good now!
Athen: I was crazy happy to see the sitter again today. No more fake guard dog! I gave him big hugs and he returned the favor with awesome belly rubs. He got my harness on me and of we were. It was a great walk and the sitter said I'm a good walker too. i don't try and go off too much on my own and I like to match pace with the sitter. Don't have to tell me what I already know! We stayed out for a long time cause the weather was so nice. Then it was back inside for some water and relaxation!
Snowflake: I ran around last night! The bed was a little messed up and a pillow was knocked over. Woooowee! The sitter didn't see me this morning but he left plenty of food and water!
Tank: I was tiiired this morning. We went out but I didn't do much because I accidently left a mess in the hallway that the sitter cleaned up. I apologized and gave him some hugs and he said everything was all better! Tonight I was tired too and didn'y want to do anything but cuddle!
Daisy: What a beautiful day! We went for a little walk so I could do my business then we went and lied in the back yard. The sitter said I looked soooo peaceful and relaaaaxed!
Harmon: The sitter brought me out with him to but called me back in with some treats before he left. Those treats'll be the death of me!
Yogi: I looked so nice and clean for the sitter! I love it! We went for a splendid walk and came back in for some fresh water and a little cuddles action. Whoo!
Raven: I finished my snack way before Cooper as uuuusual. I love my snack, I lick the bowl cleeean. Yum!
Cooper: We both did our business out there today and we also saw a helicopter thing! It was really loud and the sitter thought we were gonna go nuts but we didn't!
Mattie: I was excited to see the sitter! We went out to enjoy the day, but I had to do my business. Back inside, all I wanted was to be in the sitters lap! He gave me some fresh water but I just stared at him.
Sam: We heard the sitter come up the stairs and we let him know! I ate my dinner quick so I could go on my walk first. There were a lot of puppies out there, but I was good and didn't go crazy!
Lily: Let me at 'em, let me at 'em!...Just kiddin! I was good on my walk too even though all the puppies were out. We came back in for treats!
Shayna: We were so happy to see the sitter, jumping and panting. The sitter says he remembers the first time we met and I was so timid. Not anymore! Now I love seeing the sitter! We played in the back!
Greta: I lied down in the back so the sitter could scratch my back. I loved it! Then we came back inside for dinner and a treat! Yum!
dog walking,
kitty care,
pet sitters,
pet sitting
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
April 14, 2009
Sam: The ground was so wet, I had too much to smell out there! The sitter had to drag me a long so I wouldn't stop so much. Everyone we passed on our walk told the sitter that Lily and I were beautiful. Not to boast or anything, but they are right. I was dog of the year once for Canine-Time magazine. It comes as no surprise.
Lily: Yucky rain! Where are my boots at? So much water out there! We were napping in it when she arrived. What an adventure we had this morning! I kept scavenging and asking people for goodies, but I never found anything. There were a lot of puddles to splash in and I accidentally splashed the sitter and Sams. They didn't mind though.
Yogi: My elevator was too slow for me today. I kept pawing at it to hurry up and let me on! Got my paws wet walking in the grass. Got scared again with some dogs, in a car barking at me. I thought they might break out the window just to get me! I ran in the other direction until I couldn't hear them anymore.
Snowflake the kitty: The sitter touched me while I was under the covers and I actually barked like a dog and let out a nasty hiss. I am a good guard cat even if it is just under the covers.
Snowflake: I actually got to walk in the big patch of grass. I don't like walking the other way because I can only go so far in people's yards and I like to explore with my nose. I pottied a lot because it had been raining and I had to hold it because I do not like the rain!...sorry!
Greta: Shayna and I welcomed the sitter with a song composed of barks. He told me it was lovely. It was really wet outside so we came inside and played.
Daisy: It is still wet outside but the sun is out and every bit of water is drying around on the grass. It felt good on my feet.
Harmon: Alright! Time to go outside and explore. Who knows what I might find today. A beetle, or a toad, or maybe even a hidden cache of catnip.
Ike: Today I was playing on one of the chairs with th sitter and I almost fell off! The sitter grabbed me just in time I was so grateful, I licked his nose a bunch of times.
Lucy: I love neck scratches. Mmm mmm this wet food is delicious and the sitter and I cuddled together. It was so comfortable. I got his lap.
Chester: Our sitter is so great. He knew exactly what I wanted. First, breakfast. Then while I was eating he cleaned the litter so when I was done, I had a clean place to put it.
Shayna: While Greta napped, the sitter and I played in the yard. I love when the sitter rubs my butt. I covered his arms in slobbery love.
Toby: I was right by the door waiting for the sitter like usual. I'm always the first one to say hello! I was also the first one to book it into the garage and wait for the food! Hey, What can i say? I love me some grub!
Penny - I stayed in the side room today. i let the sitter come up and pet me. I even stood up on my hind legs for a minute for him to get a better reach. I just like this spot a little too much to move!
Patty: The sitter came over and i was right next to Toby, ready to say hello. I was a little hungry today too so my normally reserved demeanor went out the window and i was right there with Toby meowing and begging for some wet food! Hey, a girl's gotta have a chance to not act all proper ALL the time!
Athen: When the sitter arrived I was doing my best guard dog impersonation and stood at the top of the stairs growling at him. i couldn't keep that up for too long once i realized he was a nice sitter! I gave him a hug hello and then he returned the favor with some head and ear scratches. We got out on our walk almost immediately and I had a blast out there! Some many things to see and smell! We eventually went back in for a drink of water and a bit of playtime.
Wilson: The sitter arrived around the usual time and came to get me in my room. he said before he turned on the light he could hear my tail slapping against the side of my crate with excitement! That made him giggle. We had a great walk today and i got all of my business taken care of and then some! We came back in for some relaxation and a treat.
Raven: We were both right at the door waiting for the sitter today. normally Cooper is the crazy one and, well, he was but i was real excited today too! I leaned right up against the sitter before he even had a chance to come all the way in. meanwhile Cooper was hopping around and trying to show the sitter all of his toys! What a guy!
Cooper: We had a pretty good jog today. Nothing too eventful actually. When we got back the sitter gave us our apples and yogurt and, after he finished eating his, Raven let out a HUGE burp. We all laughed from that (except for Raven, he didn't seem to know what was so funny).
Lily: Yucky rain! Where are my boots at? So much water out there! We were napping in it when she arrived. What an adventure we had this morning! I kept scavenging and asking people for goodies, but I never found anything. There were a lot of puddles to splash in and I accidentally splashed the sitter and Sams. They didn't mind though.
Yogi: My elevator was too slow for me today. I kept pawing at it to hurry up and let me on! Got my paws wet walking in the grass. Got scared again with some dogs, in a car barking at me. I thought they might break out the window just to get me! I ran in the other direction until I couldn't hear them anymore.
Snowflake the kitty: The sitter touched me while I was under the covers and I actually barked like a dog and let out a nasty hiss. I am a good guard cat even if it is just under the covers.
Snowflake: I actually got to walk in the big patch of grass. I don't like walking the other way because I can only go so far in people's yards and I like to explore with my nose. I pottied a lot because it had been raining and I had to hold it because I do not like the rain!...sorry!
Greta: Shayna and I welcomed the sitter with a song composed of barks. He told me it was lovely. It was really wet outside so we came inside and played.
Daisy: It is still wet outside but the sun is out and every bit of water is drying around on the grass. It felt good on my feet.
Harmon: Alright! Time to go outside and explore. Who knows what I might find today. A beetle, or a toad, or maybe even a hidden cache of catnip.
Ike: Today I was playing on one of the chairs with th sitter and I almost fell off! The sitter grabbed me just in time I was so grateful, I licked his nose a bunch of times.
Lucy: I love neck scratches. Mmm mmm this wet food is delicious and the sitter and I cuddled together. It was so comfortable. I got his lap.
Chester: Our sitter is so great. He knew exactly what I wanted. First, breakfast. Then while I was eating he cleaned the litter so when I was done, I had a clean place to put it.
Shayna: While Greta napped, the sitter and I played in the yard. I love when the sitter rubs my butt. I covered his arms in slobbery love.
Toby: I was right by the door waiting for the sitter like usual. I'm always the first one to say hello! I was also the first one to book it into the garage and wait for the food! Hey, What can i say? I love me some grub!
Penny - I stayed in the side room today. i let the sitter come up and pet me. I even stood up on my hind legs for a minute for him to get a better reach. I just like this spot a little too much to move!
Patty: The sitter came over and i was right next to Toby, ready to say hello. I was a little hungry today too so my normally reserved demeanor went out the window and i was right there with Toby meowing and begging for some wet food! Hey, a girl's gotta have a chance to not act all proper ALL the time!
Athen: When the sitter arrived I was doing my best guard dog impersonation and stood at the top of the stairs growling at him. i couldn't keep that up for too long once i realized he was a nice sitter! I gave him a hug hello and then he returned the favor with some head and ear scratches. We got out on our walk almost immediately and I had a blast out there! Some many things to see and smell! We eventually went back in for a drink of water and a bit of playtime.
Wilson: The sitter arrived around the usual time and came to get me in my room. he said before he turned on the light he could hear my tail slapping against the side of my crate with excitement! That made him giggle. We had a great walk today and i got all of my business taken care of and then some! We came back in for some relaxation and a treat.
Raven: We were both right at the door waiting for the sitter today. normally Cooper is the crazy one and, well, he was but i was real excited today too! I leaned right up against the sitter before he even had a chance to come all the way in. meanwhile Cooper was hopping around and trying to show the sitter all of his toys! What a guy!
Cooper: We had a pretty good jog today. Nothing too eventful actually. When we got back the sitter gave us our apples and yogurt and, after he finished eating his, Raven let out a HUGE burp. We all laughed from that (except for Raven, he didn't seem to know what was so funny).
dog walking,
kitty care,
pet sitters,
pet sitting
Monday, April 13, 2009
April 13, 2009
Daisy: This rain is gonna ruin the day! Good thing we stay in the garage mostly so we don't track in mud! I gobbled up my food as usual and rain around and around until I pottied.
Peaches: The sitter carried me around a lot. She rubbed my belly too! I love that! I got a hold of some someones shirt and I rolled around with it on my head...I am so silly!
Yogi: The sitter found me in the closet, I whimpered to let her know where I was! She kept me back in the kitchen after the walk because she wasn't sure how I got in there. I was drinking out the toilet...she never saw me do that before..I am not tall so it was hard to do!
Snowflake: I felt a couple drops on my fur...I have a feeling it will be pouring soon! So I will have to potty really good so I won't have to worry about it later!
Shayna: Greta and I had a lot of fun this morning playing in the backyard. The sitter served us breakfast, but we were more interested in playing, so we all stayed outside and played for a while. I knew what was going on outside when the sitter said "lets go outside!" He wasn't gonna fool me. That is... until he did and tricked me into going outside! I don't like the rain!
Greta: The sitter came over and played with us outside today. Shayna went up to the sitter and kept asking to be rubbed and pet. But I wanted to play! So I ran up to her and pulled on her leg until she chased me around. I was fine with the rain. It was only drizzling, so hardly rain if you think about it. We came back in and the sitter dried us off a bit and then we had dinner! Yum!
Snowflake: Today I tried out my highly advanced cat cloaking technology. It allows me to watch the sitter in the wide open. But it failed and the sitter saw me so I ran for cover.
Sams: There were so many goodies in the park today. All of the trashcans were overflowing! Lily and I thought, JACKPOT!, but the sitter had just given us breakfast so we decided it was better not to rummage. He saw that we had gotten hold of a package but we didn't do much damage. It was poooouring out there today so we dined in! It was yummy!
Lily: I love dashing in and out of the bushes at the park. I can't explain the simple pleasures of a dog's life, they are too complex for anyone to understand. Hee hee. Both had a walk this evening but it was wet wet wet! I loved it! When we got back, the sitter couldn't find any towels but paper ones, so he used those to dry us off!
Chester: I greeted the sitter when he came in the door and we got to know each other. Then I introduced him to my pals Lucy and Ike. I think they took to him rather well.
Lucy: What a nice sitter person. He cleaned our litter all nice and served our favorite wet foods. I got him to pet me and scratch my back and he gave me a treat!
Ike: I acted a little skittish, but that's just how I am. I warmed up to the sitter real fast though and rubbed against him.
Wilson: I found a bacon strip in the road today! It looked so juicy and delicious. The sitter only noticed the dirt and how long it had probably been out. Drat! He gave me a nice treat though.
Raven: Grey day but no worries. It didn't rain at all during our jog. It sure is getting humid though. I hope it cools down a little to that perfect temperature where we won't sweat like hot dogs or chill like pup-sicles.
Cooper: Today when we were passing the horses I thought I heard one mutter something under it's breath about my haircut. Nobody makes fun of my haircut! I told the horses that their manes were weird but they ignored. Psh.
Peaches: The sitter carried me around a lot. She rubbed my belly too! I love that! I got a hold of some someones shirt and I rolled around with it on my head...I am so silly!
Yogi: The sitter found me in the closet, I whimpered to let her know where I was! She kept me back in the kitchen after the walk because she wasn't sure how I got in there. I was drinking out the toilet...she never saw me do that before..I am not tall so it was hard to do!
Snowflake: I felt a couple drops on my fur...I have a feeling it will be pouring soon! So I will have to potty really good so I won't have to worry about it later!
Shayna: Greta and I had a lot of fun this morning playing in the backyard. The sitter served us breakfast, but we were more interested in playing, so we all stayed outside and played for a while. I knew what was going on outside when the sitter said "lets go outside!" He wasn't gonna fool me. That is... until he did and tricked me into going outside! I don't like the rain!
Greta: The sitter came over and played with us outside today. Shayna went up to the sitter and kept asking to be rubbed and pet. But I wanted to play! So I ran up to her and pulled on her leg until she chased me around. I was fine with the rain. It was only drizzling, so hardly rain if you think about it. We came back in and the sitter dried us off a bit and then we had dinner! Yum!
Snowflake: Today I tried out my highly advanced cat cloaking technology. It allows me to watch the sitter in the wide open. But it failed and the sitter saw me so I ran for cover.
Sams: There were so many goodies in the park today. All of the trashcans were overflowing! Lily and I thought, JACKPOT!, but the sitter had just given us breakfast so we decided it was better not to rummage. He saw that we had gotten hold of a package but we didn't do much damage. It was poooouring out there today so we dined in! It was yummy!
Lily: I love dashing in and out of the bushes at the park. I can't explain the simple pleasures of a dog's life, they are too complex for anyone to understand. Hee hee. Both had a walk this evening but it was wet wet wet! I loved it! When we got back, the sitter couldn't find any towels but paper ones, so he used those to dry us off!
Chester: I greeted the sitter when he came in the door and we got to know each other. Then I introduced him to my pals Lucy and Ike. I think they took to him rather well.
Lucy: What a nice sitter person. He cleaned our litter all nice and served our favorite wet foods. I got him to pet me and scratch my back and he gave me a treat!
Ike: I acted a little skittish, but that's just how I am. I warmed up to the sitter real fast though and rubbed against him.
Wilson: I found a bacon strip in the road today! It looked so juicy and delicious. The sitter only noticed the dirt and how long it had probably been out. Drat! He gave me a nice treat though.
Raven: Grey day but no worries. It didn't rain at all during our jog. It sure is getting humid though. I hope it cools down a little to that perfect temperature where we won't sweat like hot dogs or chill like pup-sicles.
Cooper: Today when we were passing the horses I thought I heard one mutter something under it's breath about my haircut. Nobody makes fun of my haircut! I told the horses that their manes were weird but they ignored. Psh.
dog walking,
kitty care,
pet sitters,
pet sitting
April 12, 2009
Shayna: I'm feeling much better this morning! I was back to my old, playful self! More so even! Just happy to be a pup! I chase Greta all around and made sure the sitter gave me lots of cuddles!
Greta: I'm glad Shayna's back to normal so I don't have to play by myself! We ran around and around until we got tired and went in for breakfast and some fresh water!
Gyro: This afternoon was so nice out that I didn't even feel like adventuring! I went to the bathroom real quick then ran to the sitter in the sun and layed on his chest so I could get a tan!
Tucker: The sitter always plays tricks on me! He pretends to throw a ball so I run after it and then he steals my real ball! Grrr! But then he throws the real ball and I see the bigger picture! Fun!
Sassy: I got my meds although I didn't like them too much. The sitter had the hardest time finding me but I was in my bed the entire time!
Sally: I was evading the sitter the entire time, you know, just observing. He gave us some good food and cleaned the litter. I thanked him but didn't want any cuddles!
Jessi: I was hiding under a chair when the sitter found me but I booked it outside. It was nicer out there!
Chester: I was the first to dive in to the super buffet that the sitter set up for us. It was delicious! I thanked the chef and then filled my face!
Lucy: I was the first to get cuddles which was great but I wanted more! I was meowing and meowing until he finally came over and gave me a little extra! Thank yooou!
Ike: I was in the sitters face the entire time! When he was cooking for us, when he was writing you a note, when he was giving cuddles, hehe! I love cuddles!
Max: We were both being sleepy lazy kitties when the sitter came this morning. But he left us fresh water and food. I came out to say hey but then decided that going back to sleep was more fun.
Lily: I cracked my eyes open for a little to see the sitter. He waved and told me breakfast was ready. But the sandcat pulled my eyes closed and I snoozed for a little while longer.
Moogie: I followed the sitter around the house while he checked on the other cats and cleaned our litter and put out food and water. I kept giving him suggestions though I don't think he could understand what I was saying.
Yoshi: That sitter came into my room and woke me up. Doesn't he understand that wise old sages need their rest? I am trying to unlock the secrets of the universe!
Azrick: I came right out today and begged for all the attention I've been missing out on the last few days. Then I accompanied the sitter as he checked on the guinea pigs and gave me some food. Then it was back to scratches and petting.
Chevy: The sitter had lunch all ready for us when he let us in. Then we went out to the park for a nice walk. There were lots of people there because of how beautiful the weather is.
Stella: I like to take my time eating. I enjoy my food more when I can really savor the flavors. And there is nothing like a slow walk to work off the extra calories.
Peaches: I was was happy to see my sitter, but I didn't want to play too much, I miss my mom
Daisy: The sitter had fun chasing me around the neighborhood when I took off after a cat. Might want to check the batteries in my collar.
Sweet Pea: I didn't come out to say hey today. I was napping.
Bubba: The sitter gave me my meds while I was lounging on the bed, then I got treats.
Blue: I came up to talk to the sitter, I got lots of pets and treats.
Greta: I'm glad Shayna's back to normal so I don't have to play by myself! We ran around and around until we got tired and went in for breakfast and some fresh water!
Gyro: This afternoon was so nice out that I didn't even feel like adventuring! I went to the bathroom real quick then ran to the sitter in the sun and layed on his chest so I could get a tan!
Tucker: The sitter always plays tricks on me! He pretends to throw a ball so I run after it and then he steals my real ball! Grrr! But then he throws the real ball and I see the bigger picture! Fun!
Sassy: I got my meds although I didn't like them too much. The sitter had the hardest time finding me but I was in my bed the entire time!
Sally: I was evading the sitter the entire time, you know, just observing. He gave us some good food and cleaned the litter. I thanked him but didn't want any cuddles!
Jessi: I was hiding under a chair when the sitter found me but I booked it outside. It was nicer out there!
Chester: I was the first to dive in to the super buffet that the sitter set up for us. It was delicious! I thanked the chef and then filled my face!
Lucy: I was the first to get cuddles which was great but I wanted more! I was meowing and meowing until he finally came over and gave me a little extra! Thank yooou!
Ike: I was in the sitters face the entire time! When he was cooking for us, when he was writing you a note, when he was giving cuddles, hehe! I love cuddles!
Max: We were both being sleepy lazy kitties when the sitter came this morning. But he left us fresh water and food. I came out to say hey but then decided that going back to sleep was more fun.
Lily: I cracked my eyes open for a little to see the sitter. He waved and told me breakfast was ready. But the sandcat pulled my eyes closed and I snoozed for a little while longer.
Moogie: I followed the sitter around the house while he checked on the other cats and cleaned our litter and put out food and water. I kept giving him suggestions though I don't think he could understand what I was saying.
Yoshi: That sitter came into my room and woke me up. Doesn't he understand that wise old sages need their rest? I am trying to unlock the secrets of the universe!
Azrick: I came right out today and begged for all the attention I've been missing out on the last few days. Then I accompanied the sitter as he checked on the guinea pigs and gave me some food. Then it was back to scratches and petting.
Chevy: The sitter had lunch all ready for us when he let us in. Then we went out to the park for a nice walk. There were lots of people there because of how beautiful the weather is.
Stella: I like to take my time eating. I enjoy my food more when I can really savor the flavors. And there is nothing like a slow walk to work off the extra calories.
Peaches: I was was happy to see my sitter, but I didn't want to play too much, I miss my mom
Daisy: The sitter had fun chasing me around the neighborhood when I took off after a cat. Might want to check the batteries in my collar.
Sweet Pea: I didn't come out to say hey today. I was napping.
Bubba: The sitter gave me my meds while I was lounging on the bed, then I got treats.
Blue: I came up to talk to the sitter, I got lots of pets and treats.
dog walking,
kitty care,
pet sitters,
pet sitting
April 11, 2009
Daisy: I was so happy to see my sitter. I jumped up and down. I had fun on our walk too!! Whoo, Whoo, Whoo! I was so excited to see the sitter and gave him a great big hug! We played a bit and then he gave us a good breakfast!
Peaches: I came out of the garage wagging my tail, I like this sitter!!! Daisy stayed away from my food this morning! Good thing too because I was huuungry! I like to do my own thing outside and sniff around!
Bubba: I was so good at taking my meds, then I enjoyed some treats... yum! I was right by the door when the sitter came over this evening and he said hello and pet me right away. Then he went into the kitchen and got my medicine ready and came up to me with all of it. I took my medicine like a champ, he said, and gave me a treat for being so awesome.
Sweet Pea: I hid most of the time, but I came out to get my treats, Bubba was right, they are yummy! I saw the sitter but was feeling too shy to say hello. He said that was ok and that he understands!
Blue: I was right by the door also. ell, I always come running up to the door anyways cause i can hear the bells on the door. The sitter pet me and gave me a treat too, even though i didn't have to take any medicine. He got our food ready and gave us fresh water too. We had gotten a bunch of kibble in both of our bowls!
Max: I was hiding at first but peeked my head out when it was dinner time. I'm always curious and watch what the sitter does. It's interesting having someone else in the house taking care of me.
Lily: Max & I were running and playing when the sitter came by, We slid the rug on the hard wood floors. It was a great game!!! I check out the sitter again, today I liked the smell of her soap.
Tucker: I ran up to see my sitter. She's once of my favorites! I got a work out playing with the squirrels in the back yard while Gyro played fetch. We took a break in the afternoon tho and soaked up the sun.
Gyro: I had fun playing in the yard. I played fetch with all the sticks I could find. Then I got pets and dinner!!!
Ike: The sitter called me a flirt, and a curious little guy. I kept licking the sitters arm, I couldn't help it she tasted so sweet.
Chester: I was just cool and calm as a cucumber. I was really happy to get some breakfast!
Lucy: I'm keeping an eye on the house from my spot in the window. I'm a great watch cat!!!
Sally: I was sitting outside on my cushion enjoying the nice weather when the sitter stopped by.
Sassy: I was napping too, in my comfy bed.
Jessi: I came in to check out the sitter and get some food while the others where just loungen around.
Shayna: I wasn't so energetic today. I went out and played a bit but my shoulder was hurting or something. I was limping just a little so the sitter gave me extra cuddles until he figured out what to do! I was right at the door when the sitter came in to say hello. He let me out into the porch area which is always fun! I stayed out there for a bit and then decided to follow the sitter around and watch what he was doing. The other kitties didn't really feel like waking up from their cat naps. wherever they were.
Greta: I was running along the fence by myself today and getting a lot of cuddles here and there because the sitter felt bad for me! We came in for breakfast, water and a treat! The sitter stopped by to play with us this afternoon. he took us outside and played with us and ran around. Well. Kind of. You see, Shayna had a really small limp. The sitter knew about it already because another sitter called and told him to look out for it. She was fine, just walking a little slower, that's all.
Snowflake: I'm still in stealth mode. You can never be too careful. I heard the sitter set out some food so I'll check that out later!
Annabelle: What a nice day outside! The sitter and I went to the park and when we got back I told him I wanted to go in the back yard but he said no! Then he The sitter came out back over tonight to play and take me an another walk. we went to the usual spot and, since there was nobody else there and it was a nice night, all the bats came out. it was kind of neat to see them all flying around. there were dozens of them! We minded our own business but still kept an eye on them. Bats are kind of neat!
Lucy: I was really friendly towards the sitter. Right away when he came in, I was already meowing and rubbing up on his leg. He was surprised cause even the friendliest kitties might take a minute or two to warm up. Not me! He got my medicine ready and i took it with no problems. I flinched right before taking it but come on...who wouldn't! After that he got my some food and cleaned out my box.
Azrick: The sitter came over but i didn't want to say hello. I get a little nervous with these people coming in everyday...even if they are feeding me and cleaning out my box. I do appreciate it but I'll keep my distance for now!
Peanut: The sitter said "hey! There are two of you!" he could hear us squeaking away. That was us asking for our food! he gave us some greens and hay and we couldn't be any happier. We gobbled it up pretty quickly too!
Yoshi: I was in my room just sitting on my bed. I looked really sleepy. It was about time for my mid-morning nap anyways. Almost every cat takes on of those, you know? The sitter accidentally knocked over my gate while he was feeding em and stuff which definitely woke me up!
Peaches: I came out of the garage wagging my tail, I like this sitter!!! Daisy stayed away from my food this morning! Good thing too because I was huuungry! I like to do my own thing outside and sniff around!
Bubba: I was so good at taking my meds, then I enjoyed some treats... yum! I was right by the door when the sitter came over this evening and he said hello and pet me right away. Then he went into the kitchen and got my medicine ready and came up to me with all of it. I took my medicine like a champ, he said, and gave me a treat for being so awesome.
Sweet Pea: I hid most of the time, but I came out to get my treats, Bubba was right, they are yummy! I saw the sitter but was feeling too shy to say hello. He said that was ok and that he understands!
Blue: I was right by the door also. ell, I always come running up to the door anyways cause i can hear the bells on the door. The sitter pet me and gave me a treat too, even though i didn't have to take any medicine. He got our food ready and gave us fresh water too. We had gotten a bunch of kibble in both of our bowls!
Max: I was hiding at first but peeked my head out when it was dinner time. I'm always curious and watch what the sitter does. It's interesting having someone else in the house taking care of me.
Lily: Max & I were running and playing when the sitter came by, We slid the rug on the hard wood floors. It was a great game!!! I check out the sitter again, today I liked the smell of her soap.
Tucker: I ran up to see my sitter. She's once of my favorites! I got a work out playing with the squirrels in the back yard while Gyro played fetch. We took a break in the afternoon tho and soaked up the sun.
Gyro: I had fun playing in the yard. I played fetch with all the sticks I could find. Then I got pets and dinner!!!
Ike: The sitter called me a flirt, and a curious little guy. I kept licking the sitters arm, I couldn't help it she tasted so sweet.
Chester: I was just cool and calm as a cucumber. I was really happy to get some breakfast!
Lucy: I'm keeping an eye on the house from my spot in the window. I'm a great watch cat!!!
Sally: I was sitting outside on my cushion enjoying the nice weather when the sitter stopped by.
Sassy: I was napping too, in my comfy bed.
Jessi: I came in to check out the sitter and get some food while the others where just loungen around.
Shayna: I wasn't so energetic today. I went out and played a bit but my shoulder was hurting or something. I was limping just a little so the sitter gave me extra cuddles until he figured out what to do! I was right at the door when the sitter came in to say hello. He let me out into the porch area which is always fun! I stayed out there for a bit and then decided to follow the sitter around and watch what he was doing. The other kitties didn't really feel like waking up from their cat naps. wherever they were.
Greta: I was running along the fence by myself today and getting a lot of cuddles here and there because the sitter felt bad for me! We came in for breakfast, water and a treat! The sitter stopped by to play with us this afternoon. he took us outside and played with us and ran around. Well. Kind of. You see, Shayna had a really small limp. The sitter knew about it already because another sitter called and told him to look out for it. She was fine, just walking a little slower, that's all.
Snowflake: I'm still in stealth mode. You can never be too careful. I heard the sitter set out some food so I'll check that out later!
Annabelle: What a nice day outside! The sitter and I went to the park and when we got back I told him I wanted to go in the back yard but he said no! Then he The sitter came out back over tonight to play and take me an another walk. we went to the usual spot and, since there was nobody else there and it was a nice night, all the bats came out. it was kind of neat to see them all flying around. there were dozens of them! We minded our own business but still kept an eye on them. Bats are kind of neat!
Lucy: I was really friendly towards the sitter. Right away when he came in, I was already meowing and rubbing up on his leg. He was surprised cause even the friendliest kitties might take a minute or two to warm up. Not me! He got my medicine ready and i took it with no problems. I flinched right before taking it but come on...who wouldn't! After that he got my some food and cleaned out my box.
Azrick: The sitter came over but i didn't want to say hello. I get a little nervous with these people coming in everyday...even if they are feeding me and cleaning out my box. I do appreciate it but I'll keep my distance for now!
Peanut: The sitter said "hey! There are two of you!" he could hear us squeaking away. That was us asking for our food! he gave us some greens and hay and we couldn't be any happier. We gobbled it up pretty quickly too!
Yoshi: I was in my room just sitting on my bed. I looked really sleepy. It was about time for my mid-morning nap anyways. Almost every cat takes on of those, you know? The sitter accidentally knocked over my gate while he was feeding em and stuff which definitely woke me up!
dog walking,
kitty care,
pet sitters,
pet sitting
April 10, 2009
Peaches: I ran out the garage and circled the house a few times before I went potty! I couldn't wait to eat my food! Kept sniffing the bowl while she got it out for us.
Daisy: I didn't run out the garage really fast because I wanted to eat my food first but she made me go potty and play so I could eat my yummy food!
Yogi: Mommy was home but I got to go for a walk anyway! I saw some dachshunds and got scared! She picked me up because I am sure they would of eaten me! Then we walked on the dock at the dog park. I love being on the water!
Cujo: I wanted to be to myself and was not feeling like walking! I got my ice and just laid around until mommy came back home, not feeling well today!
Azrick: I stayed hidden from the sitter.
Peanut: The sitter gave us hay & greens. I let the sitter pet me while I ate.
Lily: I came right up to the sitter and rubbed against his legs. But then he tried to pet me and I hissed at him. It's not you pal, i just cleaned this whole coat and I'd rather it stay that way.
Max: The sitter gave me a lot of attention and I really couldn't wait for a treat! I saw what the sitter tried to do to Lily. I'm not having my coat messed up either. I consider myself a very well kept feline. No dirty fingers in my fur. But let's chat shall we?
Elle: I ate really slow and stopped to rub against the sitters legs a lot.
Raven & Cooper: We had a great walk with our sitter, no distractions and the breeze kept us all nice and cool.
Daisy: There is nothing that compares to lying in the sun on a beautiful day getting your belly scratched. I just can't fully express how amazing it is. I could lie here forever.
Bubba: Ohno! Not my meds... alright. If I get two treats after I'll take it right here, right now. Gulp, gulp, yuck! Glad that's over with, now pay up sitter.
Blue: I helped the sitter give Bubba his medicine. Well, I guess I really just watched. But I got a treat after he took them so I figured I must have helped some way.
Sweet Pea: When the sitter came in I thought he hadn't seen me, but then he came toward me to pet me. So I jumped up and ran. Do you know where those fingers have been? Bubba's mouth!
Gyro: The sitter is here! That must mean it's playtime outside! Plus I always get to cuddle with him after I'm done with my adventuring and running around. Ooo and dinner too!
Tucker: I played with the sitter in the backyard. I kept bringing him sticks and he threw them for me. I love fetching! But I like using different sticks, it keeps them fresher.
Peaches: Mmm... Dinner was so delicious. Then the sitter took Daisy and I out into the yard for some playtime and belly rubs! I could just lick him all over the face.
Shayna: I brought my toy out to play with us today! You know, the slinky dog thing. I jumped around and shook it all over until I got tired of it and then I started chasing Greta! We came in for freeeesh waaater and a treat!
Greta: Some one left a little mess in the hall way but the sitter cleaned it up after he let us outside. We apologized and he gave us both cuddles to make us feel a bit better!
Sam: I devoured my breakfast as always and then hung out with the sitter while he was filling up our water. I got a couple cuddles and showed the sitter how high I can jump!
Lily: The walk today was very nice as it was very nice outside! We were sleeping when the sitter showed up and I was bathing in the sun, now that he's gone, I'm gonna get back to it!
Snowflake: The sitter thought he heard me running around in the bedroom but I doubt it! He gave me food and water and I secretly thanked him!
Rex: It's always good to see the sitter when he comes in. We're always ready for him to give us some attention and cuddles (and food, is always the best part!) We were both waiting right by the door for his arrival and when he walked in, we both started talking to him and circling around his legs!
Bacchus: The sitter gave us some pretty good petting and scratches before getting started on the other stuff. That's perfectly fine with us! You know how we love a good scratching. He then gave us food and water and scooped out our litter box. Nothing beats a fresh litter box, isn't that right, Rex?
Bella: The sitter was just in time today because I was excited to see him. Mainly excited because I had to potty! But I'm always excited to see him anyways. So we went outside and i got to get that business taken care of. Then we just lounged around outside like usual. it's really nice having a backyard where you can do that. Just hang out without any worries. That's my favorite!
Annabelle: The sitter stopped by this afternoon to take me on a walk and boy was I ready to get going. As soon as he came in, i had one of my toys ready and I started to play with the sitter. I'd make advances on him and then juke myself away real quick when he tried to get my toy. I'm too quick for him and he knows it! After playing we went on a great walk and the back inside for some water and my food. The sitter came back over tonight to take me out on another walk. This walk was a nice one. there was really nobody else out so we had the circle all to ourselves. There was a jogger or two but that was it. I took it kind of slow and easy because I was getting pretty tired. Except for when we got back! I was ready to play with my toys after the walk. I surprised the sitter with my sudden burst of energy!
Wilson: I was pretty sleepy when the sitter came over. I had to have these big stretches when i got out of my crate but as soon as he hooked my leash on me I woke right up! We got to go on a really nice walk because the weather was so awesome! I saw some kitties and squirrels too but didn't try to get them or anything. I know I can just intimidate them by being there!
Shayna: We haven't seen this sitter in a loooooong time but we don't forget people. He came in and took us out right away to play with us in the backyard. Well, first we had to got potty but then we got to play. He kept throwing me my ball and I'd chase after it but would never pick it up. he kept asking what i was doing. I was just toying with him!
Greta: I would sometimes chase after the ball but not as much as Shayna. I mainly wandered around or went up to the sitter so he could pet me. After playing outside we went back in for our dinner and a treat. I still had a little bit of food in my bowl from before. the sitter thought it was awesome that Shayna didn't eat anything from my bowl. That showed him that we're both very well behaved!
Daisy: I didn't run out the garage really fast because I wanted to eat my food first but she made me go potty and play so I could eat my yummy food!
Yogi: Mommy was home but I got to go for a walk anyway! I saw some dachshunds and got scared! She picked me up because I am sure they would of eaten me! Then we walked on the dock at the dog park. I love being on the water!
Cujo: I wanted to be to myself and was not feeling like walking! I got my ice and just laid around until mommy came back home, not feeling well today!
Azrick: I stayed hidden from the sitter.
Peanut: The sitter gave us hay & greens. I let the sitter pet me while I ate.
Lily: I came right up to the sitter and rubbed against his legs. But then he tried to pet me and I hissed at him. It's not you pal, i just cleaned this whole coat and I'd rather it stay that way.
Max: The sitter gave me a lot of attention and I really couldn't wait for a treat! I saw what the sitter tried to do to Lily. I'm not having my coat messed up either. I consider myself a very well kept feline. No dirty fingers in my fur. But let's chat shall we?
Elle: I ate really slow and stopped to rub against the sitters legs a lot.
Raven & Cooper: We had a great walk with our sitter, no distractions and the breeze kept us all nice and cool.
Daisy: There is nothing that compares to lying in the sun on a beautiful day getting your belly scratched. I just can't fully express how amazing it is. I could lie here forever.
Bubba: Ohno! Not my meds... alright. If I get two treats after I'll take it right here, right now. Gulp, gulp, yuck! Glad that's over with, now pay up sitter.
Blue: I helped the sitter give Bubba his medicine. Well, I guess I really just watched. But I got a treat after he took them so I figured I must have helped some way.
Sweet Pea: When the sitter came in I thought he hadn't seen me, but then he came toward me to pet me. So I jumped up and ran. Do you know where those fingers have been? Bubba's mouth!
Gyro: The sitter is here! That must mean it's playtime outside! Plus I always get to cuddle with him after I'm done with my adventuring and running around. Ooo and dinner too!
Tucker: I played with the sitter in the backyard. I kept bringing him sticks and he threw them for me. I love fetching! But I like using different sticks, it keeps them fresher.
Peaches: Mmm... Dinner was so delicious. Then the sitter took Daisy and I out into the yard for some playtime and belly rubs! I could just lick him all over the face.
Shayna: I brought my toy out to play with us today! You know, the slinky dog thing. I jumped around and shook it all over until I got tired of it and then I started chasing Greta! We came in for freeeesh waaater and a treat!
Greta: Some one left a little mess in the hall way but the sitter cleaned it up after he let us outside. We apologized and he gave us both cuddles to make us feel a bit better!
Sam: I devoured my breakfast as always and then hung out with the sitter while he was filling up our water. I got a couple cuddles and showed the sitter how high I can jump!
Lily: The walk today was very nice as it was very nice outside! We were sleeping when the sitter showed up and I was bathing in the sun, now that he's gone, I'm gonna get back to it!
Snowflake: The sitter thought he heard me running around in the bedroom but I doubt it! He gave me food and water and I secretly thanked him!
Rex: It's always good to see the sitter when he comes in. We're always ready for him to give us some attention and cuddles (and food, is always the best part!) We were both waiting right by the door for his arrival and when he walked in, we both started talking to him and circling around his legs!
Bacchus: The sitter gave us some pretty good petting and scratches before getting started on the other stuff. That's perfectly fine with us! You know how we love a good scratching. He then gave us food and water and scooped out our litter box. Nothing beats a fresh litter box, isn't that right, Rex?
Bella: The sitter was just in time today because I was excited to see him. Mainly excited because I had to potty! But I'm always excited to see him anyways. So we went outside and i got to get that business taken care of. Then we just lounged around outside like usual. it's really nice having a backyard where you can do that. Just hang out without any worries. That's my favorite!
Annabelle: The sitter stopped by this afternoon to take me on a walk and boy was I ready to get going. As soon as he came in, i had one of my toys ready and I started to play with the sitter. I'd make advances on him and then juke myself away real quick when he tried to get my toy. I'm too quick for him and he knows it! After playing we went on a great walk and the back inside for some water and my food. The sitter came back over tonight to take me out on another walk. This walk was a nice one. there was really nobody else out so we had the circle all to ourselves. There was a jogger or two but that was it. I took it kind of slow and easy because I was getting pretty tired. Except for when we got back! I was ready to play with my toys after the walk. I surprised the sitter with my sudden burst of energy!
Wilson: I was pretty sleepy when the sitter came over. I had to have these big stretches when i got out of my crate but as soon as he hooked my leash on me I woke right up! We got to go on a really nice walk because the weather was so awesome! I saw some kitties and squirrels too but didn't try to get them or anything. I know I can just intimidate them by being there!
Shayna: We haven't seen this sitter in a loooooong time but we don't forget people. He came in and took us out right away to play with us in the backyard. Well, first we had to got potty but then we got to play. He kept throwing me my ball and I'd chase after it but would never pick it up. he kept asking what i was doing. I was just toying with him!
Greta: I would sometimes chase after the ball but not as much as Shayna. I mainly wandered around or went up to the sitter so he could pet me. After playing outside we went back in for our dinner and a treat. I still had a little bit of food in my bowl from before. the sitter thought it was awesome that Shayna didn't eat anything from my bowl. That showed him that we're both very well behaved!
dog walking,
kitty care,
pet sitters,
pet sitting
Friday, April 10, 2009
April 9, 2009
Lexus: The sitter hasn't seen me in a while and said i was getting so big! I'm almost as big as Bailey now! I was pretty well behaved on my walk, and didn't pull the sitter around too much. I kept getting really excited whenever Bailey would find something to smell! The sitter came back to take us out on another walk! it's a good thing too cause I had to go potty pretty bad! As soon as we got out there, i began looking for a spot. That was a close call!
Bailey: The sitter came over and got us out of our crates and we went immediately into our walk. We were so excited to get out there that we kept spinning around in circles when the sitter tried to get our leashes on! When we got back, Lexus and I each took about a 10 minute water break! I didn't have to go like Lexus did. the sitter kept trying to convince me to go because i might not be able to in a while. You know, kind of like how dad's always do that before road trips?! But I insisted that it wouldn't be necessary.
Winston: The sitters came over and I was very excited to see them! They said they forgot how much energy is in that kitchen when they come over! The sitters let me lead the way during the walk today and I took them to where all the other dogs were...I just wanted to say hello! The sitters said that they'll be picking the route next time
Lucy: I was so excited to get out on the walk that I just went right outside when the sitters came in. i said hello, of course, but then just popped right outside. When the sitter tried to put my collar on me, i had so much excitement that it took him a while!
Joey: I was real excited to get out too but, unlike Lucy, I actually let the sitter put my collar on right away. You see Lucy, that speeds things up and, in the long run, we'll get out on the walk sooner!
Bella: It was such great weather outside today. The sunlight made it really nice and warm next to the window on the couch so I was lounging away when the sitter came in. We went outside and enjoyed the weather. The sitter brought his camera and took pictures of me. he said humans like having pictures of dogs and that Mom would probably love to have a couple extra ones! Look at that one of me yawning!
Tank: The sitter came over to take me on my second walk of the day and I gave him a big hung to say hello. He got me all set and off we went. I didn't feel like going for but we did get all of my business taken care of. The sitter let me out on the deck so we could spend more time outside. It was really nice. He took a few pictures of me and said that a lot of them turned out really good. He told me I should be in magazines!
Max: The sitter came over to make sure we had plenty of food and water and that we were a-ok. Both Lily and i went right up to him but neither of us felt like letting him pet us. We still felt like he was too much of a stranger to open up to him just yet. He said that was understandable.
Lily: I was rubbing all over the sitter but still didn't want him to pet me. I said, "look Mr. Sitter -- We're going to move at my own pace alright!?" He just laughed and gave us our dinner and fresh water. he said our automatic litter box was enough to make lots of other kitties jealous (or maybe kitty owners...I don't remember).
Sheyna: The sitter dropped by tonight. This was a different one and we barely remember him from a while back but we're nice dogs and we like everyone! He let us run around outside and kept throwing me my ball. I would chase after it but leave it at that. The sitter kept wondering what i was doing but I was just toying with him!
Greta: The sitter let us stay outside for a while and then brought us in for some dinner and a treat. I still had some food left over in my bowl from earlier so it looked like I got more than. I told her, "it was there before he poured more in, honest!" She didn't believe me.
Annabelle: Yay! the sitter is here. he took me out on a walk and there were lots of other people and doggies enjoying the weather. We ran home to try and burn off some of this Boston terrier energy! When we got back inside, I snatched up my toy and the sitter played with me for a while. I would growl at him to let him know that this was my toy and that i wasn't giving it up. He just snickered at me because my mouth was full while i was growling. I guess it did sound a bit funny...
Josie: Even with all of our new manners and practice, sometimes we can't help but get super excited for the sitter. He said that was ok. he doesn't mind getting hugs from us. As long as he knows we're trying! We were very well behaved on our walk today, though and we didn't even try to pull the sitter or anything.
Summer: That's right! We stayed side by side the whole time and kept a good pace with the sitter. he said walks are more enjoyable that way and I think he's right. It's nice to just take it easy sometimes! When we go back inside, i ran over to my bowl because I knew dinner was coming shortly!
Sams: When the sitter came in the door we jumped and danced all over in celebration. We just want love and attention and BREAKFAST! Then a nice walk to the park!
Lily: During my walk with the sitter I got all tangled in my leash running around. The sitter untangled me and then I was able to run all around again. There are so many things I need to examine.
Azrick: I was too busy for the sitter today. I was working on those secret plans in the secret room of mine. He left some food out and took care of the hamsters. My litter was nice and clean too.
Shayna: The sitter came over this morning to take care of Greta and me. One of us left a present in the hallway but we wouldn't confess who. The sitter made it magically disappear, while we were outside. Then he came and played with us!
Greta: Shayna and i were a little wary of the sitter at first but we warmed up fast to him once we saw what a cool guy he is. He gave us breakfast and scratched me in my favorite spots.
Elle: Yay! Breakfast! I like to eat slow and savor every bite. I hissed at the sitter a bunch but he knew I was just kidding. I like to be sar-cat-stic sometimes.
MJ: Woo! What a nice refreshing walk. It is perfect outside for walks all day! Pathfinder and I behaved so well and when we got back we each got a treat!
Pathfinder: Let's go! Let's go!!! I was so eager to get outside I jumped right out of my kennel and grabbed my leash ready to go!
Rex: Howdy Mr. Sitter. How are you today? Me? I'm great! Thank you for the fresh new food and water. Oh and also the nice clean litter. Care to scratch my belly?
Bacchus: Let's go sitter! Play with me! Rub my belly and let me nip at your fingers. It's not about you, its about me! I love playtime.
Cooper: Glad it warmed up today, I was getting worried there was going to be a second winter! We ran hard today and both collapsed when we got back into doggy daydreams.
Raven: Our run was long and fun today, but these trucks and vans just keep showing up. Who do they think they are? Kings Raven and Cooper own this road!
Annabelle: What a spectacular day! I just went on an adventure with the sitter. We climbed mountains and fought man eating bears. I did so well that I got a delicious treat when I got home.
Daisy: The sitter came by and Peaches and i jumped on him. We were so happy to see him because now it's time for our daily walk! Peaches and I kept arguing about who the sitter likes best but he said he likes both of us very much.
Peaches: Scratch my belly forever please! The sitter scratched my belly and I rolled over onto my back with my legs in all directions. It felt so good. Daisy came over and got her belly scratched too.
Max: I did my best to get in front of the sitter to stop her so she would rub my belly when I got out my night room. She had us go outside quickly to potty, but that is mainly for my benefit.
Shadow: We get to stay outside, we escape the porch so we may as well just hang out in the yard. I brought a new toy outside...gonna do my best to keep it away from Max!
Yogi: I have been getting out of my area during the morning. I got it all figured out how to push it out my way. I had fun running into the bushes...I smelled all kinds of stuff!
Daisy: I ran outside to go potty! I really had to go...usually I take my time and find the right spot. Had my yummy bacon as usual...only one piece since I am getting low on it.
Snowflake: I was already off the couch ready to go! I barked at the sitter to hurry up because I want to potty now! So we started walking down the road and everything was fine and dandy. We get half way and this dog that looks like me but a little bigger comes running up to us and gets all in my face! I backed away because I wasn't sure about it. The sitter picked me up and said something to owner but I guess they do not hear like me. Finally they got their dog because it was following us down the road while I was being carried. The dog seemed nice but I was having my walk, not social hour.
Greta: I was so excited to go outside. I remembered the sitter so I was not scared at all. Ran around in the yard and had a treat after wards. Decided to eat some food once I was inside for good.
Shayna: I was so excited and friendly! I had my toy in my mouth and was in the playing mood. I did my business and went inside when it was time without having to me put on the leash.
Tank: The sitter was careful with me. She petted me on the head because I kept following her and trying to rub my slobber on her leg. I was being stubborn and I am not sure why...I guess its because I am a bulldog and that is what we do. I managed to potty outside, and no messes inside when she got to me in the morning luckily!
Bailey: The sitter came over and got us out of our crates and we went immediately into our walk. We were so excited to get out there that we kept spinning around in circles when the sitter tried to get our leashes on! When we got back, Lexus and I each took about a 10 minute water break! I didn't have to go like Lexus did. the sitter kept trying to convince me to go because i might not be able to in a while. You know, kind of like how dad's always do that before road trips?! But I insisted that it wouldn't be necessary.
Winston: The sitters came over and I was very excited to see them! They said they forgot how much energy is in that kitchen when they come over! The sitters let me lead the way during the walk today and I took them to where all the other dogs were...I just wanted to say hello! The sitters said that they'll be picking the route next time
Lucy: I was so excited to get out on the walk that I just went right outside when the sitters came in. i said hello, of course, but then just popped right outside. When the sitter tried to put my collar on me, i had so much excitement that it took him a while!
Joey: I was real excited to get out too but, unlike Lucy, I actually let the sitter put my collar on right away. You see Lucy, that speeds things up and, in the long run, we'll get out on the walk sooner!

Max: The sitter came over to make sure we had plenty of food and water and that we were a-ok. Both Lily and i went right up to him but neither of us felt like letting him pet us. We still felt like he was too much of a stranger to open up to him just yet. He said that was understandable.
Lily: I was rubbing all over the sitter but still didn't want him to pet me. I said, "look Mr. Sitter -- We're going to move at my own pace alright!?" He just laughed and gave us our dinner and fresh water. he said our automatic litter box was enough to make lots of other kitties jealous (or maybe kitty owners...I don't remember).
Sheyna: The sitter dropped by tonight. This was a different one and we barely remember him from a while back but we're nice dogs and we like everyone! He let us run around outside and kept throwing me my ball. I would chase after it but leave it at that. The sitter kept wondering what i was doing but I was just toying with him!
Greta: The sitter let us stay outside for a while and then brought us in for some dinner and a treat. I still had some food left over in my bowl from earlier so it looked like I got more than. I told her, "it was there before he poured more in, honest!" She didn't believe me.
Annabelle: Yay! the sitter is here. he took me out on a walk and there were lots of other people and doggies enjoying the weather. We ran home to try and burn off some of this Boston terrier energy! When we got back inside, I snatched up my toy and the sitter played with me for a while. I would growl at him to let him know that this was my toy and that i wasn't giving it up. He just snickered at me because my mouth was full while i was growling. I guess it did sound a bit funny...
Josie: Even with all of our new manners and practice, sometimes we can't help but get super excited for the sitter. He said that was ok. he doesn't mind getting hugs from us. As long as he knows we're trying! We were very well behaved on our walk today, though and we didn't even try to pull the sitter or anything.
Summer: That's right! We stayed side by side the whole time and kept a good pace with the sitter. he said walks are more enjoyable that way and I think he's right. It's nice to just take it easy sometimes! When we go back inside, i ran over to my bowl because I knew dinner was coming shortly!
Sams: When the sitter came in the door we jumped and danced all over in celebration. We just want love and attention and BREAKFAST! Then a nice walk to the park!
Lily: During my walk with the sitter I got all tangled in my leash running around. The sitter untangled me and then I was able to run all around again. There are so many things I need to examine.
Azrick: I was too busy for the sitter today. I was working on those secret plans in the secret room of mine. He left some food out and took care of the hamsters. My litter was nice and clean too.
Shayna: The sitter came over this morning to take care of Greta and me. One of us left a present in the hallway but we wouldn't confess who. The sitter made it magically disappear, while we were outside. Then he came and played with us!
Greta: Shayna and i were a little wary of the sitter at first but we warmed up fast to him once we saw what a cool guy he is. He gave us breakfast and scratched me in my favorite spots.
Elle: Yay! Breakfast! I like to eat slow and savor every bite. I hissed at the sitter a bunch but he knew I was just kidding. I like to be sar-cat-stic sometimes.
MJ: Woo! What a nice refreshing walk. It is perfect outside for walks all day! Pathfinder and I behaved so well and when we got back we each got a treat!
Pathfinder: Let's go! Let's go!!! I was so eager to get outside I jumped right out of my kennel and grabbed my leash ready to go!
Rex: Howdy Mr. Sitter. How are you today? Me? I'm great! Thank you for the fresh new food and water. Oh and also the nice clean litter. Care to scratch my belly?
Bacchus: Let's go sitter! Play with me! Rub my belly and let me nip at your fingers. It's not about you, its about me! I love playtime.
Cooper: Glad it warmed up today, I was getting worried there was going to be a second winter! We ran hard today and both collapsed when we got back into doggy daydreams.
Raven: Our run was long and fun today, but these trucks and vans just keep showing up. Who do they think they are? Kings Raven and Cooper own this road!
Annabelle: What a spectacular day! I just went on an adventure with the sitter. We climbed mountains and fought man eating bears. I did so well that I got a delicious treat when I got home.
Daisy: The sitter came by and Peaches and i jumped on him. We were so happy to see him because now it's time for our daily walk! Peaches and I kept arguing about who the sitter likes best but he said he likes both of us very much.
Peaches: Scratch my belly forever please! The sitter scratched my belly and I rolled over onto my back with my legs in all directions. It felt so good. Daisy came over and got her belly scratched too.
Max: I did my best to get in front of the sitter to stop her so she would rub my belly when I got out my night room. She had us go outside quickly to potty, but that is mainly for my benefit.
Shadow: We get to stay outside, we escape the porch so we may as well just hang out in the yard. I brought a new toy outside...gonna do my best to keep it away from Max!
Yogi: I have been getting out of my area during the morning. I got it all figured out how to push it out my way. I had fun running into the bushes...I smelled all kinds of stuff!
Daisy: I ran outside to go potty! I really had to go...usually I take my time and find the right spot. Had my yummy bacon as usual...only one piece since I am getting low on it.
Snowflake: I was already off the couch ready to go! I barked at the sitter to hurry up because I want to potty now! So we started walking down the road and everything was fine and dandy. We get half way and this dog that looks like me but a little bigger comes running up to us and gets all in my face! I backed away because I wasn't sure about it. The sitter picked me up and said something to owner but I guess they do not hear like me. Finally they got their dog because it was following us down the road while I was being carried. The dog seemed nice but I was having my walk, not social hour.
Greta: I was so excited to go outside. I remembered the sitter so I was not scared at all. Ran around in the yard and had a treat after wards. Decided to eat some food once I was inside for good.
Shayna: I was so excited and friendly! I had my toy in my mouth and was in the playing mood. I did my business and went inside when it was time without having to me put on the leash.
Tank: The sitter was careful with me. She petted me on the head because I kept following her and trying to rub my slobber on her leg. I was being stubborn and I am not sure why...I guess its because I am a bulldog and that is what we do. I managed to potty outside, and no messes inside when she got to me in the morning luckily!
dog walking,
kitty care,
pet sitters,
pet sitting
April 9, 2009
Max: I did my best to get in front of the sitter to stop her so she would rub my belly when I got out my night room. She had us go outside quickly to potty, but that is mainly for my benefit.
Shadow: We get to stay outside, we escape the porch so we may as well just hang out in the yard. I brought a new toy outside...gonna do my best to keep it away from Max!
Yogi: I have been getting out of my area during the morning. I got it all figured out how to push it out my way. I had fun running into the bushes...I smelled all kinds of stuff!
Daisy: I ran outside to go potty! I really had to go...usually I take my time and find the right spot. Had my yummy bacon as usual...only one piece since I am getting low on it.
Snowflake: I was already off the couch ready to go! I barked at the sitter to hurry up because I want to potty now! So we started walking down the road and everything was fine and dandy. We get half way and this dog that looks like me but a little bigger comes running up to us and gets all in my face! I backed away because I wasn't sure about it. The sitter picked me up and said something to owner but I guess they do not hear like me. Finally they got their dog because it was following us down the road while I was being carried. The dog seemed nice but I was having my walk, not social hour.
Greta: I was so excited to go outside. I remembered the sitter so I was not scared at all. Ran around in the yard and had a treat afterwards. Decided to eat some food once I was inside for good.
Shayna: I was so excited and friendly! I had my toy in my mouth and was in the playing mood. I did my business and went inside when it was time without having to me put on the leash.
Tank: The sitter was careful with me. She petted me on the head because I kept following her and trying to rub my slobber on her leg. I was being stubborn and I am not sure why...I guess its because I am a bulldog and that is what we do. I managed to potty outside, and no messes inside when she got to me in the morning luckily!
Shadow: We get to stay outside, we escape the porch so we may as well just hang out in the yard. I brought a new toy outside...gonna do my best to keep it away from Max!
Yogi: I have been getting out of my area during the morning. I got it all figured out how to push it out my way. I had fun running into the bushes...I smelled all kinds of stuff!
Daisy: I ran outside to go potty! I really had to go...usually I take my time and find the right spot. Had my yummy bacon as usual...only one piece since I am getting low on it.
Snowflake: I was already off the couch ready to go! I barked at the sitter to hurry up because I want to potty now! So we started walking down the road and everything was fine and dandy. We get half way and this dog that looks like me but a little bigger comes running up to us and gets all in my face! I backed away because I wasn't sure about it. The sitter picked me up and said something to owner but I guess they do not hear like me. Finally they got their dog because it was following us down the road while I was being carried. The dog seemed nice but I was having my walk, not social hour.
Greta: I was so excited to go outside. I remembered the sitter so I was not scared at all. Ran around in the yard and had a treat afterwards. Decided to eat some food once I was inside for good.
Shayna: I was so excited and friendly! I had my toy in my mouth and was in the playing mood. I did my business and went inside when it was time without having to me put on the leash.
Tank: The sitter was careful with me. She petted me on the head because I kept following her and trying to rub my slobber on her leg. I was being stubborn and I am not sure why...I guess its because I am a bulldog and that is what we do. I managed to potty outside, and no messes inside when she got to me in the morning luckily!
dog walking,
kitty care,
pet sitters,
pet sitting
Thursday, April 9, 2009
April 8, 2009
Sam AM/PM - It's a beautiful daaaaay! I ate my breakfast super quick so I could go out on my walk first! Everytime I see the sitter I jump 80 feet into the air! Okay, maybe it's more like half a foot but I still jump like crazy!
Lily AM/PM - On the walk today I found a dead bird and tried to get it in my mouth but the sitter said "Nope!" I said "You're a bummer" so He brought me back inside to give us some treats but they had gotten wet from the rain! He gave me extra cuddles though!
Azrick - I was running around upstairs when the sitter came in, you know, doin' my own little kitty thing. The sitter fed us all and then came up with some treats and some cuddles!
The Guineas - The sitter gave us some lettuce and hay and then he went to play with Azrick. When he got back and checked in on us, we had finished the lettuce. It was good!
Daisy - It was such a nice day out! The sitter got here and I was ecited to see him so we went on our walk right away. I did my business and then we went out and layed in the sun with Harmon. That was awesome, but then I thought getting some cuddles would be more awesome so I slwoly made my way over to the sitter! To top it off, TREATS!
Harmon - I didn't stray far from the sitter outside, just hung out on the porch. Daisy had mentioned something like the sitter will give us treats if we're the best animals in the world so I stuck around to see what would happened. What happened? Treats happened.
Yogi - The sitter got here today and I was running all around the house! I figured a way to get passed the gate, hehe! He got me back in the kitchen and we went for a walk so I could do my biz. When we got back, he gave me some fresh water and put the bowl stand...thing in front of the gate so I couldn't get out! No fun! But I got extra cuddles!
Max - We were hanging out in the front again! We didn't do much damage, we were just sitting out! When the sitter went back to see how we had gotten out, the gate was opened and the chairs moved. We're geniuses! We had play time, but now it's bed time!
Shadow - The sitter through a blue thing around for me, that is if he could get it. I don't like when people or...MAX comes around and tries to steal it! I change drastically though when it's time for cuddles! I love cuddles!
Josie - I'm trying to sit but I just can't! I;m really working on it, I promise. But there's something I'm not working on and that's being cute, that comes easy. We went on a nice walk tonight and did our business!
Summer - Mmmmm dinner! When we get back from the walk, I'm such a good girl and go and lay by my food bowl and wait patiently for my delicious dinner. I know you prepared it so I'm extra excited!
Shayna Mid/PM - I remembered the sitter right away with no problems! The sitter let us out to play and we ran around for a little bit but it wasn't until he joined in that we really went crazy! After playing a ton, we came back inside for some fresh water and a treat!
Greta Mid/PM - Shayna has a cute little prance thing that she does and I like to stay near the fence to watch her, it makes me laugh! I wasted no time with the sitter and ran right up to get lots of cuuuuuddles! Dinner was grrreat tonight and so was play time!!
Snowflake: A very pretty day out there! I have been walking towards the trail lately. The only thing I don't like about going in that direction is that I cannot walk as far in peoples yards as I want to! I like to be all over the grass usually.
Max: When I first got outside I kept rolling over on my back like I usually do. I would pee and when she would back away from me I would just lay there. It took a while before I decided to go ahead and potty.
Shadow: It is hard to get to the sitter when Max is flopping all over her. So I have to be sneaky about getting petted because he is so jealous!
Elle: I was right at the door! I let her know that I was ready to eat! I ate a little at a time but I got the whole can down. She cleaned my litter box...she thinks its funny I have one litter box for #1 and the other for #2.
Sake: The sitter arrived about the same time as usual and I was taslking to him but hiding under the table on one of the chairs. he kept saying "I can hear you, Sake, but I have no idea where you are!" He found me eventually,though. That was fun! Oh yeah, today was the day where I get a wet treat to eat!!!
Rex: The sitter came over and both me and Bacchus tried to tag team him by going in circles around his feet. We nearly tripped him too but he was able to maneuver his way out of the way! We really only wanted to bring him down to our level so it'd be easier for him to pet us! Thats all!
Bacchus: It's true. We just love the way he pets us. He says he has 2 kitties at home and we believe him because he really knows the good spots. he gets me on my back so much that it makes me kind of feisty and I turn around to gnaw on his hand for a little bit. That's how you know it's good!
Cooper: The sitter arrived just in time because I had some really important stuff to show him. I brought him my toy and said "look!". he didn't get it. he just said "I've already seen that". Ugh, sometimes humans just don't get it!
Raven: We had a good run today all except for that big truck that drove by like it owned the street. hah! Me and Coop were 2 seconds away from giving it the what for but the sitter stopped us and said it wasn't worth it...I guess he's right :p
Sadie: Boy was I excited to see the sitter. I definitely remember how much fun we had and its been weeks. I have sure grown in the past few weeks, she almost didn't recognize me.
Lily AM/PM - On the walk today I found a dead bird and tried to get it in my mouth but the sitter said "Nope!" I said "You're a bummer" so He brought me back inside to give us some treats but they had gotten wet from the rain! He gave me extra cuddles though!
Azrick - I was running around upstairs when the sitter came in, you know, doin' my own little kitty thing. The sitter fed us all and then came up with some treats and some cuddles!
The Guineas - The sitter gave us some lettuce and hay and then he went to play with Azrick. When he got back and checked in on us, we had finished the lettuce. It was good!
Daisy - It was such a nice day out! The sitter got here and I was ecited to see him so we went on our walk right away. I did my business and then we went out and layed in the sun with Harmon. That was awesome, but then I thought getting some cuddles would be more awesome so I slwoly made my way over to the sitter! To top it off, TREATS!
Harmon - I didn't stray far from the sitter outside, just hung out on the porch. Daisy had mentioned something like the sitter will give us treats if we're the best animals in the world so I stuck around to see what would happened. What happened? Treats happened.
Yogi - The sitter got here today and I was running all around the house! I figured a way to get passed the gate, hehe! He got me back in the kitchen and we went for a walk so I could do my biz. When we got back, he gave me some fresh water and put the bowl stand...thing in front of the gate so I couldn't get out! No fun! But I got extra cuddles!
Max - We were hanging out in the front again! We didn't do much damage, we were just sitting out! When the sitter went back to see how we had gotten out, the gate was opened and the chairs moved. We're geniuses! We had play time, but now it's bed time!
Shadow - The sitter through a blue thing around for me, that is if he could get it. I don't like when people or...MAX comes around and tries to steal it! I change drastically though when it's time for cuddles! I love cuddles!
Josie - I'm trying to sit but I just can't! I;m really working on it, I promise. But there's something I'm not working on and that's being cute, that comes easy. We went on a nice walk tonight and did our business!
Summer - Mmmmm dinner! When we get back from the walk, I'm such a good girl and go and lay by my food bowl and wait patiently for my delicious dinner. I know you prepared it so I'm extra excited!
Shayna Mid/PM - I remembered the sitter right away with no problems! The sitter let us out to play and we ran around for a little bit but it wasn't until he joined in that we really went crazy! After playing a ton, we came back inside for some fresh water and a treat!
Greta Mid/PM - Shayna has a cute little prance thing that she does and I like to stay near the fence to watch her, it makes me laugh! I wasted no time with the sitter and ran right up to get lots of cuuuuuddles! Dinner was grrreat tonight and so was play time!!
Snowflake: A very pretty day out there! I have been walking towards the trail lately. The only thing I don't like about going in that direction is that I cannot walk as far in peoples yards as I want to! I like to be all over the grass usually.
Max: When I first got outside I kept rolling over on my back like I usually do. I would pee and when she would back away from me I would just lay there. It took a while before I decided to go ahead and potty.
Shadow: It is hard to get to the sitter when Max is flopping all over her. So I have to be sneaky about getting petted because he is so jealous!
Elle: I was right at the door! I let her know that I was ready to eat! I ate a little at a time but I got the whole can down. She cleaned my litter box...she thinks its funny I have one litter box for #1 and the other for #2.
Sake: The sitter arrived about the same time as usual and I was taslking to him but hiding under the table on one of the chairs. he kept saying "I can hear you, Sake, but I have no idea where you are!" He found me eventually,though. That was fun! Oh yeah, today was the day where I get a wet treat to eat!!!
Rex: The sitter came over and both me and Bacchus tried to tag team him by going in circles around his feet. We nearly tripped him too but he was able to maneuver his way out of the way! We really only wanted to bring him down to our level so it'd be easier for him to pet us! Thats all!
Bacchus: It's true. We just love the way he pets us. He says he has 2 kitties at home and we believe him because he really knows the good spots. he gets me on my back so much that it makes me kind of feisty and I turn around to gnaw on his hand for a little bit. That's how you know it's good!
Cooper: The sitter arrived just in time because I had some really important stuff to show him. I brought him my toy and said "look!". he didn't get it. he just said "I've already seen that". Ugh, sometimes humans just don't get it!
Raven: We had a good run today all except for that big truck that drove by like it owned the street. hah! Me and Coop were 2 seconds away from giving it the what for but the sitter stopped us and said it wasn't worth it...I guess he's right :p
Sadie: Boy was I excited to see the sitter. I definitely remember how much fun we had and its been weeks. I have sure grown in the past few weeks, she almost didn't recognize me.
dog walking,
kitty care,
pet sitters,
pet sitting
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
April 7, 2009
Snowflake: Such a cold day! I can't wait to get back onto my warm couch! When we were done with the outside we came back in and I got petted a whole bunch. When she left I ran to the office and watched her leave from the window.
Lacey: Its all dry out there but now its cold and I don't know if I want to go outside without some encouragement. I got some more food and water. I ran to the living room when it was time for the others to go outside...they are too wild for me!
Precious: I pushed Angel out the way to get to the sitter! I want all the attention! I tried both of our bowls just to make sure they were both the same, they are!
Angel: Precious can be pushy when it comes to getting petted! Ran right to my need a warm breakfast on a cold morning!
Sam: It is cold again! What happened?! We were all over the place this morning, the cold air makes us a little hyper!
Lily: There wasn't much to see out there but we pretended like there were things on the ground that were not really there. I guess we just smelled things.
Annabelle: We were excited to go out and play with sitter for the last time til our prents come home but boy it was cold
Daisy: The sitter and I went on a pleasant stroll today. It was a bit cold and very windy, but once we got out into the sun I warmed up.
Harmon: Outside? Hmm... Nah. I'll be fine inside today. I think I am just going to coil up and take a cat nap.
Elle: Mmm... mmm... Dee-licious wet lunch. I ate the whole can, including the can! Not really, aluminum is far from tasty, not that I've tried it. After my meal I got some playtime with the sitter.
Raven: It's chilly and windy outside. Perfect for cooling off a hot dog that just finished a jog. Those apples and yogurt really hit the spot, but I am pretty sure I've already burned it off.
Cooper: Our walk today was awesome! I fell like I just ran a dog-a-thon and won! Nothing else can compare to that feeling except the nice long nap that comes after.
Yogi: It's gusty but who cares, its nice outside. The sitter and I walked for a bit and watched the water. it is getting rough from the wind. I wouldn't want to be in there right now, it looks cold. Brrr.
Lily: I love going to the park. Seeing all the beautiful scenery and saying hello to all the dogs and people. My favorite thing to do is sniff all the lamp posts and trash cans to see who has been there.
Samson: Lily and I went on a good long walk with the sitter this evening. I walked right next to the sitter the whole time. I didn't really feel like sniffing everything today, the walk satisfied me enough.
Angel: The sitter came to let us all outside for some fresh air and exercise. Lacey of course went out by herself. Then Precious and I went out. We played with the sitter and with each other and had a whole bunch of fun!
Precious: I played with Angel and the sitter in the backyard tonight! We had a dance competition and we wrestled. Burned off all my pent up energy!
Lacey: I wasn't really in the mood for an outdoor excursion but I went anyway. It was cold though, so I did what I needed to do and came back inside. The sitter gave me some scratches and rules to warm me back up.
Sake: Boy was I talkative today! As soon as the sitter came in, I started up with the meowing...meowing like the sitter has never heard me meow before. I just REALLY wanted some attention and I was all over the sitter's legs and everything. I rolled around enough to let the sitter know that I wasn't going to leave him alone til I got some kitty scratches. Luckily for me, the sitter loves giving kitties attention!
Mercedes: We had a great walk today. It was super windy though so I had to be careful cause I'm such a small dog! We went all the way around the block and the whole way I was running and investigating! There's always way too many things to smell in the outside world, don't you think?
Rex: The sitter came over and me and Bacchus were laying right next to each other waiting for his arrival. We thought we'd play the adorable card today. It worked like a charm cause right when he walked in he said, "awwwwwwwww" then gave us each some cuddles.
Bacchus: After the sitter had been here a while, when he was coming back into the living room from cleaning the box, he saw Rex lounging away on the TV tray thing by the couch. That made him laugh and I'm not sure why...i think it's an excellent spot.
Lacey: Its all dry out there but now its cold and I don't know if I want to go outside without some encouragement. I got some more food and water. I ran to the living room when it was time for the others to go outside...they are too wild for me!
Precious: I pushed Angel out the way to get to the sitter! I want all the attention! I tried both of our bowls just to make sure they were both the same, they are!
Angel: Precious can be pushy when it comes to getting petted! Ran right to my need a warm breakfast on a cold morning!
Sam: It is cold again! What happened?! We were all over the place this morning, the cold air makes us a little hyper!
Lily: There wasn't much to see out there but we pretended like there were things on the ground that were not really there. I guess we just smelled things.
Annabelle: We were excited to go out and play with sitter for the last time til our prents come home but boy it was cold
Daisy: The sitter and I went on a pleasant stroll today. It was a bit cold and very windy, but once we got out into the sun I warmed up.
Harmon: Outside? Hmm... Nah. I'll be fine inside today. I think I am just going to coil up and take a cat nap.
Elle: Mmm... mmm... Dee-licious wet lunch. I ate the whole can, including the can! Not really, aluminum is far from tasty, not that I've tried it. After my meal I got some playtime with the sitter.
Raven: It's chilly and windy outside. Perfect for cooling off a hot dog that just finished a jog. Those apples and yogurt really hit the spot, but I am pretty sure I've already burned it off.
Cooper: Our walk today was awesome! I fell like I just ran a dog-a-thon and won! Nothing else can compare to that feeling except the nice long nap that comes after.
Yogi: It's gusty but who cares, its nice outside. The sitter and I walked for a bit and watched the water. it is getting rough from the wind. I wouldn't want to be in there right now, it looks cold. Brrr.
Lily: I love going to the park. Seeing all the beautiful scenery and saying hello to all the dogs and people. My favorite thing to do is sniff all the lamp posts and trash cans to see who has been there.
Samson: Lily and I went on a good long walk with the sitter this evening. I walked right next to the sitter the whole time. I didn't really feel like sniffing everything today, the walk satisfied me enough.
Angel: The sitter came to let us all outside for some fresh air and exercise. Lacey of course went out by herself. Then Precious and I went out. We played with the sitter and with each other and had a whole bunch of fun!
Precious: I played with Angel and the sitter in the backyard tonight! We had a dance competition and we wrestled. Burned off all my pent up energy!
Lacey: I wasn't really in the mood for an outdoor excursion but I went anyway. It was cold though, so I did what I needed to do and came back inside. The sitter gave me some scratches and rules to warm me back up.
Sake: Boy was I talkative today! As soon as the sitter came in, I started up with the meowing...meowing like the sitter has never heard me meow before. I just REALLY wanted some attention and I was all over the sitter's legs and everything. I rolled around enough to let the sitter know that I wasn't going to leave him alone til I got some kitty scratches. Luckily for me, the sitter loves giving kitties attention!
Mercedes: We had a great walk today. It was super windy though so I had to be careful cause I'm such a small dog! We went all the way around the block and the whole way I was running and investigating! There's always way too many things to smell in the outside world, don't you think?
Rex: The sitter came over and me and Bacchus were laying right next to each other waiting for his arrival. We thought we'd play the adorable card today. It worked like a charm cause right when he walked in he said, "awwwwwwwww" then gave us each some cuddles.
Bacchus: After the sitter had been here a while, when he was coming back into the living room from cleaning the box, he saw Rex lounging away on the TV tray thing by the couch. That made him laugh and I'm not sure why...i think it's an excellent spot.
dog walking,
kitty care,
pet sitters,
pet sitting
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