Harmon: I was sleeping when the sitter came in this morning. I woke up though when she came up the stairs to get me to go outside for the day. She thinks it’s so cool that I can just go outside for the day and I don't even try to escape the yard. I am a lucky cat! I am so glad! The sitter got here just in time before it really started raining. I showed my appreciation by offering him some of my dinner. He declined however.
Chester: I couldn't get past the sitter today! Every time she let me out of my room I'd run to the garage and try to sneak out, but she was to smart for me! I was very excited to get some fresh food and water!
Bandit: I came running up to the door when the sitter got there, I didn't come close enough to the sitter for her to pet me, but I did go into the garage and wait for some food. Yum!
Smokey: I must blend in, because no one has seen me yet.
Jessi: I was laying in the living room when the sitter came in this morning. I was ready to eat breakfast!
Sally: I heard the sitter calling for me and Sassy but it took a while before we showed up. The sitter came outside just as I was climbing under the fence. While she was giving Sassy her meds, I went to eating breakfast and then it was right back outside for me!
Sassy: I snuck into the house without the sitter seeing me. That didn't keep her from giving me my meds. I didn't want to eat my treat so I ended up having to argue with the sitter over if I was going to take them or not. I spit them out a few times, but in the end she won.
Bubba: I was determined to not take my medicine, I ran under the bed and made her chase me around the house.
Sweet Pea: I jumped on the counter to make the sitter hurry up and give me some wet food! It’s sooooo YUMMMY!
Jessie: I jumped all over the sitter when she walked in the gate. She distracted me with food so I wouldn't jump on her while she got our water ready.
Homer: Jessie and I woofed down our food really quickly. I always tell Jessie that there is no need to jump on the sitter and act like a savage but she will not listen to me!
Meg: I was sleeping at the door. Once I woke up I was ready to go out to potty. I didn't walk to far, I just stood there and looked around. I need all my energy for getting back up them three steps!
P. Kitties: We tried to sneak into the sun room but the sitter had a big box to bring in and we were too scared to get near it.
F. Kitties: We rolled around on the carpet and got on the table to say hello to the sitter. We showed her where the food is and watched her clean our litter box. She got onto us for clawing at the carpet...I don't know why we do that!
Brutus: Yawn! I'm sleepy this morning... But let's go for a walk! I gotta pee real bad! Ah, thanks Mr. Sitter. That's much better. I took the sitter for a walk tonight! I searched for chicken bones, but the sitter tried to stop me for some reason! They taste so good! Try one!
Maggie May: Woohoo! It's breakfast! I'm gonna eat it all in one bite! Now let's go for a walk! And quit messing up my hair! It's not funny! It's wet out tonight, but we walked for a while anyway! I sniffed out the perfect place to take a poop, and it was in the middle of a park!
Dorian: Hey, you're back! Pet me please! And don't forget to give us some wet food! Me and Daphne are starving! But you can give me Da Vinci's food too!
Delilah: We greeted this sitter at the door this morning and started talking his head off as soon as he got in! I followed him all over and didn't stop purring! Mr. Bungle didn't want to be petted though, he just wanted to sniff the sitter.
DeeDee: Oh no! It's raining! We were scared to go out back until the sitter went first. And he didn't think it was funny when we watched him from inside for a minute! But now I get to make him smell like a wet dog! And Sadie keeps trying to dance with him!
Sadie - I really am a whiner...but the sitter figured it out. I whine even when the sitter is already petting me so that he'll think something is wrong and keep petting me. I'm really clever like that. I just hope he doesn't see through my facade.
Reilly: The sitter came by this morning right after I woke up. I had a dream that I was in a field and there were tennis balls everywhere. I ate my breakfast and went outside, then played with my real tennis ball.
Fiona: Reilly got upset with me because I made jokes about how excited he gets about the tennis ball.
Jackson & Nina: The sitter came today and I practically talked his ear off. He didn't seem to mind though. He listened to all my gripes about this and that. Nina came out and joined our conversation. It was so much fun!
Bailey: I had such stealth that the sitter didn't even realize I was behind him. He fooled me though, hid my morning pill in a treat again. All I can say is, good game sitter, you have won for now.
Junior & Snowball: I was quite shy when the sitter stopped by. Not as shy as Snowball though. He didn't even say hi. He just stayed in bed. I watched the sitter refill our water and food then I joined Snowball in the warm bed.
Captain Kitty: The sitter and I had so much fun! First he gave me some wet food, which was so delicious. Then we played with the mice. I got so much exercise from running back and forth, I might just start lifting weights too. Then I will be Super Captain Kitty!
Cooper & Raven: My, is it warm today. We actually broke a sweat today since it wasn't as cold. The yogurt and apples were delicious as always and made the afternoon so pleasant. I hope the sun comes out to stay. Yawn, time for a nap.
Meg: I may be old, but I'm still quite peppy. When the sitter arrived I was right at the door waiting for him. We went out and walked for a bit in the fresh air. There were all sorts of night sounds.
Maggie: I was real excited to see the sitter today, specially after he gave me that extra bacon for thanksgiving last night! I took my medicine very well today. I just know it's coming so I accept it without any fuss. The sitter said more dogs should be like me! Time to go outside! Nice lazy night tonight. The sitter came in and gave me some good belly rubs and ear scratches before taking me outside. We spent some time out there and came back in for my dinner with BACON!
G Kitties: Not a single one of use came out to say hello to the sitter today, we might be taking this hiding game a little too far but we're not going to give up! Gotta keep hiding because we think it's funny!
Lily: I decided to stay hidden from the sitter. I didn't know who he was! I'm not about to take any chances...gotta play it safe, you know.
Blue: When the sitter came in, I said hello to him from across the room and even rolled around to show my belly to him. When he came over to pet me, though, I got a little nervous and ran away. He gave us some food and cleaned out our box. He even tried to give me a treat but I listened to Lily and decided to play it safe.
Pounce: The sitter came in and gave us our wet food scoops right away cause he knew the drill. While we ate, he cleaned out our litter box and then got some of our toys and played with us! What a great way to start the day!
Screech: I started to get all lovely on the sitter when he got inside but it turns out that i didn't need to go through the effort because he gave us our food right away! Who said there's no such thing as a free meal? That's what I call service.
Loki: Whenever the sitter comes in, I always like to run right up to him and put my paws on his knees so I can touch noses with him. That's how I say hello. After giving us some food and taking care of our box, the sitter played with some of our toys. I got in on the action a little bit but I kind of just like watching Zelda fly through the air!
Zelda: Here's that sitter again! Whenever he's here that means it's time to play. My favorite game is the one where he makes me jump as High as I can. I never get tired of it, even after all that jumping! Loki can jump, too...he just doesn't know it yet.
Noelle: The sitter came in right as I was walking past the front door so I made it look like I was waiting there for him the whole time. He got my food all ready
and cleaned out my box. He fed the fish too but I think he should just feed ME the fish!
Max: I was ready to get out there first! We walked up the street, and then down the street and the whole time I was smelling and snorting! WHOO! I saw Brady and Mannie out with their mom. That was a nice little treat. I got another nice little treat when I went back inside!
Savannah: When we left on our walk, Max was pretty angry and he wouldn't stop yelling but he'll get over it. I like to take my time on the walk and enjoy the scents! Another nice walk, although it looks like it's gonna rain! I don't need the water thank you very much the sitter already put some fresh water out!
Maddie: I like walking with Savannah, she a nice old girl but sometimes she likes to steal my scents. You can have it cuz I just found a new one! I just like to walk around. Give me a treat please!
Rufus: More food already! I'll take it! I think I ate a pill with my food but I'm not sure, I ate so fast! The sitter says this is his last visit for us so we went on a long walk. I'm gonna miss that guy...cuz he gave me a treat!
Martha: It's crummy outside this morning, I don't like it. Oh, well, a walk's a walk! I'm always ready to get outside and do my business and I always go right away and have to wait for Rufus. C'mon Rufus!!
Sneeze: The sitter says I'm just a ball of energy. Whatdoesthatmean? huh? huh? whatdoesthatmean? huh? There was a scary black dog that looked like a wolf in the front yard today but he kept his distance. The sitter said he'd protect me but I said "I can protect myself!"
Baxter: I'm ready for the sitter! I like to twirl around at the top of the steps barking and sometimes the sitter has to cover his ears! He can't cover them when he's feeding me though, he he!
Callie: I came out this morning to say hi! Hi! I'll take some food please and thank you!
Chunkers: We saw more dolphins this morning and I got some more food, water, hay and some nibble rings. It was a good morning!
Gizmo: I told you I'm staying on the fridge! The sitter tries to pet me but I don't let him. I told him he can feed me though!
Bucky: Yay the sitter is here, I'm hungry.
Roscoe: I finished all my food and tried to finish everyone elses too.
Hailey: That crazy dog tried to eat my dinner, what is he thinking?
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