Monday, November 3, 2008

November 2, 2008

Rex: Breakfast was delicious! The sitter made me eat first before he let us outside to play. Then Dixie stole my ball from me! This erupted into a game of doggy soccer. Eventually I got the ball back, but Dixie is very persistent.

Toby: We were so happy to see the sitter today we knocked him over and were all over him. He was happy to see us too! We went on a quiet stroll before coming back for breakfast.

Sushi & Annabelle: We're crazy this morning! We can't stay running all over the house! Unless we get fed. We'll sit and stay for food. Yum! Walk time!

Zilker: That was a great walk. We played on the playground and I peed on a bunch of trees and sniffed everything! The outside smells so good! I was really happy tonight! The sitter fed me dinner and I ate super fast so I could get outside as fast as possible to run around! and he walked me for so long! It must be because I'm so sweet!

Bb: Ok! The sitter got to walk me today! For some reason today I was really into sniffing things. We'd been outside for over ten minutes already and because I was just smelling everything we'd probably onlyy gotten about 20 feet on the trail! What can I say? I just wanted to stop and smell the roses...ok, that was a bad pun.
Woof! Woof! It's the sitter! Yay! Carry me outside and then we can run all over! ha! I can run faster than the sitter! I'm a champion!

The Dogs: Uh, oh! Two of us made a mess in our crates. It's ok, though. The sitter cleaned it up without much of a big deal so no worries! We definitely wanted some breakfast today but the sitter didn't get it ready for us until AFTER we got all our willies out. I guess that was a good plan. Even though we like to pretend we don't like that cat, we're secretly glad tha the sitter is taking care of him too.

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