Bb: The sitter had to drag me a little so I would start walking. My fur got all wet underneath. She carried me over some puddles because I acted like I wanted to just jump right in them.
Meg: Some little rat looking dogs were barking at me and I started to bark back but the sitter had to calm me down because I was getting tired and panting from it all. I got up the steps alright and gobbled up all my food. She had to move my food and water bowl because I wouldn't walk in the laundry room until it was moved how I wanted it.
H. Kitties: We all wanted to go in different directions but mostly out of where we were. Had our food and water bowl filled and potties lucky are we?!
Reilly: I went with the sitter to get the paper and there was a big old dog walking down the street all by itself. I barked but they didn't bark back. She told me it was a great dane...I wasn't scared!
Fiona: I have a friend outside with me who has been helping me eat all my great is that?!
Bailey: It's been a while since we've seen this sitter. He knows what to do though! he got us our breakfast and gave us some fresh water to drink. We're going to need it after this walk! I barked at so many squirrels and even at another dog who was all the way across the street. I sure told him!
Jasmine: Bailey always gets so excited. I'm happy to see the sitter too but you won't catch me all hopping around and whining when he doesn't pet me right away...sometimes you just gotta teach the younger ones how to behave!
DeeDee: Oh, man. The sitter is here. Time to almost knock him over by jumping on him with excitement. Humans usually like that, even though they tell us to get down. I know their secrets. Hurry up and let me out in the yard, I gotta go potty!
Sadie: After sufficient petting from the sitter, he let us outside and gave us some more food while e was at it. When he brought us back in he gave me my pill but I act like it's food so it's easier to take. I don't know what the big deal is about taking pills... it's just another thing to eat!
Harley: The sitter came in and we were sitting in our crate not making any noise. The sitter thought it was hard to believe that there were any dogs in here because most dogs start rattling their crates as soon as he gets inside...I was sleeping so I don't really understand what actually happened!
Dignan: The sitter came and got us out of our crates and took us out into the yard. After that he gave us our breakfast which we scarfed down like wild dogs! After it was over, I kept running into the laundry room to try and get more food because I didn't feel like I was done yet!
Maggie - Ugh, nobody likes the rain. I hate walking around outside when it's yucky out there. I stayed out just long enough to get my stuff done then it was back inside form my medicine and breakfast!
Big Boy: Much to the sitter's surprise, I decided to give up on the hiding game and come say hello this morning. It's a good thing I didn’t because he gave me soooo much attention. I think he was trying to make all the other kitties jealous. (It worked but they'd never admit it).
Zelda: The sitter played with us extra today because he knew that he wouldn't get to tomorrow. He drags that fluffy toy across the ground and I can't help but just try and snatch it...I don't know what it is. it's like a reflex or something!
Loki: When it comes to playing with the sitter, I've more of a hide-and-seek kind of cat. But sometimes the sitter gets me and flips me over on my back and attacks my belly. I try to get his fingers and hands but he's just too quick.
Brutus: This morning it was very warm out! Great day for a long walk to look for chicken bones! Come on sitter, sniff them out with me!- Brutus
Maggie May: There was so many people out this morning! And they kept petting me and telling me how cute I am! These walks are very good for my self esteem.
Jackson: As soon as the sitter came in we demanded attention. Nina didn't want too much back scratching, but I loved it! After that I just stared at our feeder. When will it drop more food!?
Sassy: This sitter was looking for me to give me my pills, but couldn't find me for a while until he finally realized that I was just laying in my bed! My meds were delicious and Jessie and Sallie were very happy to get some wet food!-Sassy
Cooper: Raven needs to run faster on our walks! I'm always in such a hurry and he's just casually jogging! He's holding me back!
Max: When the sitter arrived this morning we welcomed him with a chorus of barks. He told us we should start a singing group. Our walks were wonderful; it is going to be a beautiful day! The sitter arrived for our last walk of the day just after the rain stopped. Maddie and Savannah told me that they bumped into one of our canine companions from down the street. I found out that the bridge has an interesting smell.
Maddie: Another walk with the sitter in this fabulous weather. All three of us agree, we haven't seen as spectacular a day like this in awhile. We expressed this to the sitter in barks but he just looked at us funny.
Savannah: How lousy. This beautiful sunny day is turning into a rainy gray evening. The sprinkles were kind of refreshing though. It looks like a storm is coming, Maddie and Savannah and I can tough it out. We aren't afraid of anything.
Rufus & Sneezy: The sitter came by to serve us breakfast and take us outside. There was a sweet potato surprise in the food, it was delicious. The walk was really nice, we saw all sorts of forest critters out and about.
Martha: There is nothing any of us like more than a midday walk. Except morning walks, night walks, food, playtime, more food, squirrels... Our point is, our midday walk was excellent. Gotta love that fresh air.
Harmon: Ahhh. What a nice morning. The sun is out and it is warm outside. When I came back in the sitter had already taken care of all of my needs. Then he brushed me and it felt soooo good.
Jessie & Homer: We have been waiting for the sitter and now he is here! We were both so excited because now we get lunch and to play. Hurray! Hurray! Huroo!
Snowball & Junior: Junior and I hid for a bit when the sitter first came in. Then we recognized him and came out to say hello. Our litter was cleaned and our food and water refilled. We were thankful.
Saturday, November 29, 2008
Friday, November 28, 2008
November 28, 2008
Harmon: I was sleeping when the sitter came in this morning. I woke up though when she came up the stairs to get me to go outside for the day. She thinks it’s so cool that I can just go outside for the day and I don't even try to escape the yard. I am a lucky cat! I am so glad! The sitter got here just in time before it really started raining. I showed my appreciation by offering him some of my dinner. He declined however.
Chester: I couldn't get past the sitter today! Every time she let me out of my room I'd run to the garage and try to sneak out, but she was to smart for me! I was very excited to get some fresh food and water!
Bandit: I came running up to the door when the sitter got there, I didn't come close enough to the sitter for her to pet me, but I did go into the garage and wait for some food. Yum!
Smokey: I must blend in, because no one has seen me yet.
Jessi: I was laying in the living room when the sitter came in this morning. I was ready to eat breakfast!
Sally: I heard the sitter calling for me and Sassy but it took a while before we showed up. The sitter came outside just as I was climbing under the fence. While she was giving Sassy her meds, I went to eating breakfast and then it was right back outside for me!
Sassy: I snuck into the house without the sitter seeing me. That didn't keep her from giving me my meds. I didn't want to eat my treat so I ended up having to argue with the sitter over if I was going to take them or not. I spit them out a few times, but in the end she won.
Bubba: I was determined to not take my medicine, I ran under the bed and made her chase me around the house.
Sweet Pea: I jumped on the counter to make the sitter hurry up and give me some wet food! It’s sooooo YUMMMY!
Jessie: I jumped all over the sitter when she walked in the gate. She distracted me with food so I wouldn't jump on her while she got our water ready.
Homer: Jessie and I woofed down our food really quickly. I always tell Jessie that there is no need to jump on the sitter and act like a savage but she will not listen to me!
Meg: I was sleeping at the door. Once I woke up I was ready to go out to potty. I didn't walk to far, I just stood there and looked around. I need all my energy for getting back up them three steps!
P. Kitties: We tried to sneak into the sun room but the sitter had a big box to bring in and we were too scared to get near it.
F. Kitties: We rolled around on the carpet and got on the table to say hello to the sitter. We showed her where the food is and watched her clean our litter box. She got onto us for clawing at the carpet...I don't know why we do that!
Brutus: Yawn! I'm sleepy this morning... But let's go for a walk! I gotta pee real bad! Ah, thanks Mr. Sitter. That's much better. I took the sitter for a walk tonight! I searched for chicken bones, but the sitter tried to stop me for some reason! They taste so good! Try one!
Maggie May: Woohoo! It's breakfast! I'm gonna eat it all in one bite! Now let's go for a walk! And quit messing up my hair! It's not funny! It's wet out tonight, but we walked for a while anyway! I sniffed out the perfect place to take a poop, and it was in the middle of a park!
Dorian: Hey, you're back! Pet me please! And don't forget to give us some wet food! Me and Daphne are starving! But you can give me Da Vinci's food too!
Delilah: We greeted this sitter at the door this morning and started talking his head off as soon as he got in! I followed him all over and didn't stop purring! Mr. Bungle didn't want to be petted though, he just wanted to sniff the sitter.
DeeDee: Oh no! It's raining! We were scared to go out back until the sitter went first. And he didn't think it was funny when we watched him from inside for a minute! But now I get to make him smell like a wet dog! And Sadie keeps trying to dance with him!
Sadie - I really am a whiner...but the sitter figured it out. I whine even when the sitter is already petting me so that he'll think something is wrong and keep petting me. I'm really clever like that. I just hope he doesn't see through my facade.
Reilly: The sitter came by this morning right after I woke up. I had a dream that I was in a field and there were tennis balls everywhere. I ate my breakfast and went outside, then played with my real tennis ball.
Fiona: Reilly got upset with me because I made jokes about how excited he gets about the tennis ball.
Jackson & Nina: The sitter came today and I practically talked his ear off. He didn't seem to mind though. He listened to all my gripes about this and that. Nina came out and joined our conversation. It was so much fun!
Bailey: I had such stealth that the sitter didn't even realize I was behind him. He fooled me though, hid my morning pill in a treat again. All I can say is, good game sitter, you have won for now.
Junior & Snowball: I was quite shy when the sitter stopped by. Not as shy as Snowball though. He didn't even say hi. He just stayed in bed. I watched the sitter refill our water and food then I joined Snowball in the warm bed.
Captain Kitty: The sitter and I had so much fun! First he gave me some wet food, which was so delicious. Then we played with the mice. I got so much exercise from running back and forth, I might just start lifting weights too. Then I will be Super Captain Kitty!
Cooper & Raven: My, is it warm today. We actually broke a sweat today since it wasn't as cold. The yogurt and apples were delicious as always and made the afternoon so pleasant. I hope the sun comes out to stay. Yawn, time for a nap.
Meg: I may be old, but I'm still quite peppy. When the sitter arrived I was right at the door waiting for him. We went out and walked for a bit in the fresh air. There were all sorts of night sounds.
Maggie: I was real excited to see the sitter today, specially after he gave me that extra bacon for thanksgiving last night! I took my medicine very well today. I just know it's coming so I accept it without any fuss. The sitter said more dogs should be like me! Time to go outside! Nice lazy night tonight. The sitter came in and gave me some good belly rubs and ear scratches before taking me outside. We spent some time out there and came back in for my dinner with BACON!
G Kitties: Not a single one of use came out to say hello to the sitter today, we might be taking this hiding game a little too far but we're not going to give up! Gotta keep hiding because we think it's funny!
Lily: I decided to stay hidden from the sitter. I didn't know who he was! I'm not about to take any chances...gotta play it safe, you know.
Blue: When the sitter came in, I said hello to him from across the room and even rolled around to show my belly to him. When he came over to pet me, though, I got a little nervous and ran away. He gave us some food and cleaned out our box. He even tried to give me a treat but I listened to Lily and decided to play it safe.
Pounce: The sitter came in and gave us our wet food scoops right away cause he knew the drill. While we ate, he cleaned out our litter box and then got some of our toys and played with us! What a great way to start the day!
Screech: I started to get all lovely on the sitter when he got inside but it turns out that i didn't need to go through the effort because he gave us our food right away! Who said there's no such thing as a free meal? That's what I call service.
Loki: Whenever the sitter comes in, I always like to run right up to him and put my paws on his knees so I can touch noses with him. That's how I say hello. After giving us some food and taking care of our box, the sitter played with some of our toys. I got in on the action a little bit but I kind of just like watching Zelda fly through the air!
Zelda: Here's that sitter again! Whenever he's here that means it's time to play. My favorite game is the one where he makes me jump as High as I can. I never get tired of it, even after all that jumping! Loki can jump, too...he just doesn't know it yet.
Noelle: The sitter came in right as I was walking past the front door so I made it look like I was waiting there for him the whole time. He got my food all ready
and cleaned out my box. He fed the fish too but I think he should just feed ME the fish!
Max: I was ready to get out there first! We walked up the street, and then down the street and the whole time I was smelling and snorting! WHOO! I saw Brady and Mannie out with their mom. That was a nice little treat. I got another nice little treat when I went back inside!
Savannah: When we left on our walk, Max was pretty angry and he wouldn't stop yelling but he'll get over it. I like to take my time on the walk and enjoy the scents! Another nice walk, although it looks like it's gonna rain! I don't need the water thank you very much the sitter already put some fresh water out!
Maddie: I like walking with Savannah, she a nice old girl but sometimes she likes to steal my scents. You can have it cuz I just found a new one! I just like to walk around. Give me a treat please!
Rufus: More food already! I'll take it! I think I ate a pill with my food but I'm not sure, I ate so fast! The sitter says this is his last visit for us so we went on a long walk. I'm gonna miss that guy...cuz he gave me a treat!
Martha: It's crummy outside this morning, I don't like it. Oh, well, a walk's a walk! I'm always ready to get outside and do my business and I always go right away and have to wait for Rufus. C'mon Rufus!!
Sneeze: The sitter says I'm just a ball of energy. Whatdoesthatmean? huh? huh? whatdoesthatmean? huh? There was a scary black dog that looked like a wolf in the front yard today but he kept his distance. The sitter said he'd protect me but I said "I can protect myself!"
Baxter: I'm ready for the sitter! I like to twirl around at the top of the steps barking and sometimes the sitter has to cover his ears! He can't cover them when he's feeding me though, he he!
Callie: I came out this morning to say hi! Hi! I'll take some food please and thank you!
Chunkers: We saw more dolphins this morning and I got some more food, water, hay and some nibble rings. It was a good morning!
Gizmo: I told you I'm staying on the fridge! The sitter tries to pet me but I don't let him. I told him he can feed me though!
Bucky: Yay the sitter is here, I'm hungry.
Roscoe: I finished all my food and tried to finish everyone elses too.
Hailey: That crazy dog tried to eat my dinner, what is he thinking?
Chester: I couldn't get past the sitter today! Every time she let me out of my room I'd run to the garage and try to sneak out, but she was to smart for me! I was very excited to get some fresh food and water!
Bandit: I came running up to the door when the sitter got there, I didn't come close enough to the sitter for her to pet me, but I did go into the garage and wait for some food. Yum!
Smokey: I must blend in, because no one has seen me yet.
Jessi: I was laying in the living room when the sitter came in this morning. I was ready to eat breakfast!
Sally: I heard the sitter calling for me and Sassy but it took a while before we showed up. The sitter came outside just as I was climbing under the fence. While she was giving Sassy her meds, I went to eating breakfast and then it was right back outside for me!
Sassy: I snuck into the house without the sitter seeing me. That didn't keep her from giving me my meds. I didn't want to eat my treat so I ended up having to argue with the sitter over if I was going to take them or not. I spit them out a few times, but in the end she won.
Bubba: I was determined to not take my medicine, I ran under the bed and made her chase me around the house.
Sweet Pea: I jumped on the counter to make the sitter hurry up and give me some wet food! It’s sooooo YUMMMY!
Jessie: I jumped all over the sitter when she walked in the gate. She distracted me with food so I wouldn't jump on her while she got our water ready.
Homer: Jessie and I woofed down our food really quickly. I always tell Jessie that there is no need to jump on the sitter and act like a savage but she will not listen to me!
Meg: I was sleeping at the door. Once I woke up I was ready to go out to potty. I didn't walk to far, I just stood there and looked around. I need all my energy for getting back up them three steps!
P. Kitties: We tried to sneak into the sun room but the sitter had a big box to bring in and we were too scared to get near it.
F. Kitties: We rolled around on the carpet and got on the table to say hello to the sitter. We showed her where the food is and watched her clean our litter box. She got onto us for clawing at the carpet...I don't know why we do that!
Brutus: Yawn! I'm sleepy this morning... But let's go for a walk! I gotta pee real bad! Ah, thanks Mr. Sitter. That's much better. I took the sitter for a walk tonight! I searched for chicken bones, but the sitter tried to stop me for some reason! They taste so good! Try one!
Maggie May: Woohoo! It's breakfast! I'm gonna eat it all in one bite! Now let's go for a walk! And quit messing up my hair! It's not funny! It's wet out tonight, but we walked for a while anyway! I sniffed out the perfect place to take a poop, and it was in the middle of a park!
Dorian: Hey, you're back! Pet me please! And don't forget to give us some wet food! Me and Daphne are starving! But you can give me Da Vinci's food too!
Delilah: We greeted this sitter at the door this morning and started talking his head off as soon as he got in! I followed him all over and didn't stop purring! Mr. Bungle didn't want to be petted though, he just wanted to sniff the sitter.
DeeDee: Oh no! It's raining! We were scared to go out back until the sitter went first. And he didn't think it was funny when we watched him from inside for a minute! But now I get to make him smell like a wet dog! And Sadie keeps trying to dance with him!
Sadie - I really am a whiner...but the sitter figured it out. I whine even when the sitter is already petting me so that he'll think something is wrong and keep petting me. I'm really clever like that. I just hope he doesn't see through my facade.
Reilly: The sitter came by this morning right after I woke up. I had a dream that I was in a field and there were tennis balls everywhere. I ate my breakfast and went outside, then played with my real tennis ball.
Fiona: Reilly got upset with me because I made jokes about how excited he gets about the tennis ball.
Jackson & Nina: The sitter came today and I practically talked his ear off. He didn't seem to mind though. He listened to all my gripes about this and that. Nina came out and joined our conversation. It was so much fun!
Bailey: I had such stealth that the sitter didn't even realize I was behind him. He fooled me though, hid my morning pill in a treat again. All I can say is, good game sitter, you have won for now.
Junior & Snowball: I was quite shy when the sitter stopped by. Not as shy as Snowball though. He didn't even say hi. He just stayed in bed. I watched the sitter refill our water and food then I joined Snowball in the warm bed.
Captain Kitty: The sitter and I had so much fun! First he gave me some wet food, which was so delicious. Then we played with the mice. I got so much exercise from running back and forth, I might just start lifting weights too. Then I will be Super Captain Kitty!
Cooper & Raven: My, is it warm today. We actually broke a sweat today since it wasn't as cold. The yogurt and apples were delicious as always and made the afternoon so pleasant. I hope the sun comes out to stay. Yawn, time for a nap.
Meg: I may be old, but I'm still quite peppy. When the sitter arrived I was right at the door waiting for him. We went out and walked for a bit in the fresh air. There were all sorts of night sounds.
Maggie: I was real excited to see the sitter today, specially after he gave me that extra bacon for thanksgiving last night! I took my medicine very well today. I just know it's coming so I accept it without any fuss. The sitter said more dogs should be like me! Time to go outside! Nice lazy night tonight. The sitter came in and gave me some good belly rubs and ear scratches before taking me outside. We spent some time out there and came back in for my dinner with BACON!
G Kitties: Not a single one of use came out to say hello to the sitter today, we might be taking this hiding game a little too far but we're not going to give up! Gotta keep hiding because we think it's funny!
Lily: I decided to stay hidden from the sitter. I didn't know who he was! I'm not about to take any chances...gotta play it safe, you know.
Blue: When the sitter came in, I said hello to him from across the room and even rolled around to show my belly to him. When he came over to pet me, though, I got a little nervous and ran away. He gave us some food and cleaned out our box. He even tried to give me a treat but I listened to Lily and decided to play it safe.
Pounce: The sitter came in and gave us our wet food scoops right away cause he knew the drill. While we ate, he cleaned out our litter box and then got some of our toys and played with us! What a great way to start the day!
Screech: I started to get all lovely on the sitter when he got inside but it turns out that i didn't need to go through the effort because he gave us our food right away! Who said there's no such thing as a free meal? That's what I call service.
Loki: Whenever the sitter comes in, I always like to run right up to him and put my paws on his knees so I can touch noses with him. That's how I say hello. After giving us some food and taking care of our box, the sitter played with some of our toys. I got in on the action a little bit but I kind of just like watching Zelda fly through the air!
Zelda: Here's that sitter again! Whenever he's here that means it's time to play. My favorite game is the one where he makes me jump as High as I can. I never get tired of it, even after all that jumping! Loki can jump, too...he just doesn't know it yet.
Noelle: The sitter came in right as I was walking past the front door so I made it look like I was waiting there for him the whole time. He got my food all ready
and cleaned out my box. He fed the fish too but I think he should just feed ME the fish!
Max: I was ready to get out there first! We walked up the street, and then down the street and the whole time I was smelling and snorting! WHOO! I saw Brady and Mannie out with their mom. That was a nice little treat. I got another nice little treat when I went back inside!
Savannah: When we left on our walk, Max was pretty angry and he wouldn't stop yelling but he'll get over it. I like to take my time on the walk and enjoy the scents! Another nice walk, although it looks like it's gonna rain! I don't need the water thank you very much the sitter already put some fresh water out!
Maddie: I like walking with Savannah, she a nice old girl but sometimes she likes to steal my scents. You can have it cuz I just found a new one! I just like to walk around. Give me a treat please!
Rufus: More food already! I'll take it! I think I ate a pill with my food but I'm not sure, I ate so fast! The sitter says this is his last visit for us so we went on a long walk. I'm gonna miss that guy...cuz he gave me a treat!
Martha: It's crummy outside this morning, I don't like it. Oh, well, a walk's a walk! I'm always ready to get outside and do my business and I always go right away and have to wait for Rufus. C'mon Rufus!!
Sneeze: The sitter says I'm just a ball of energy. Whatdoesthatmean? huh? huh? whatdoesthatmean? huh? There was a scary black dog that looked like a wolf in the front yard today but he kept his distance. The sitter said he'd protect me but I said "I can protect myself!"
Baxter: I'm ready for the sitter! I like to twirl around at the top of the steps barking and sometimes the sitter has to cover his ears! He can't cover them when he's feeding me though, he he!
Callie: I came out this morning to say hi! Hi! I'll take some food please and thank you!
Chunkers: We saw more dolphins this morning and I got some more food, water, hay and some nibble rings. It was a good morning!
Gizmo: I told you I'm staying on the fridge! The sitter tries to pet me but I don't let him. I told him he can feed me though!
Bucky: Yay the sitter is here, I'm hungry.
Roscoe: I finished all my food and tried to finish everyone elses too.
Hailey: That crazy dog tried to eat my dinner, what is he thinking?
November 27, 2008 HAPPY THANKSGIVING!
Scout: The sitter caught me eating poo outside, I also tried to eat out the litter box....ewwww! I really like my sitter, specially when she gives me peanut butter.
Taylor: I gave the sitter my puppy dog face so I could get some extra peanut butter...its so yummy! Treats & playtime, my favorite.
Blue: I sniffed the sitter and gave her lots of kisses! I almost knocked her down a few times. I ran & played outside, then I drank all the water.
F. Kitties: Where's the turkey?! We rolled all around the floor with excitement and all we got was some dry food!
P kitties: We said hello to the sitter but we kept running off once she got too close to us. Maybe if she had brought us some turkey we would be more loving, just a thought.
Hembree: I was a sweet boy for the sitter. I did want to check out what was going on next door, I heard kids and I needed to go see. So quiet in the house I heard something and ran to the garage thinking my parents were home but no I was mistaken!
Harmon: I was glad to see my sitter. She fed me then I went out to enjoy the nice day. I was meowing to come back inside! Getting cold out there! I did a Daisy and ran upstairs quickly but I had to because my food is up there.
Bubba: I was a little naughty this morning but I don't care I don't want my pills! I had my paws on the placemat and when she picked me up I dug my claws into it and pulled it up which caused food and water to go everywhere. That will teach her!
Sweet Pea: Food! give me FOOD!
Blue, Bubba's lookalike: The sitter checked me out a few times to make sure I wasn't don't know how scary it is to be mistaken for Bubba for a second...I don't want any part of taking pills and liquids!
Maggie: The sitter came in this morning and I was waiting for him by the door. As soon as he reaches down to pet me, I plop over on my side for him to scratch my belly, He thinks that's funny. When he took me outside, I didn't want to do much so we came in shortly after. He told me that for dinner tonight, since it's thanksgiving, he'd give me an extra piece of Bacon!
Big Boy: I was the only one who wanted to show up to say hello to the sitter. I wonder why, look at all this food he just put out! He cleaned both our boxes and laid out this buffet and no one else showed up to thank him!
Patty: Today was the first day that the sitter ever saw me and he wondered why. He told me I was the sweetest kitty! I do what I can :)
Toby - I was at the door like always to greet the sitter. I know what it means when he walks through that door, food time is near! I was scarfing all the food while he cleaned out our boxes.
Penny - I was right at the door too to say hello to the sitter. We hit him with an attack of meows the second he stepped into the garage. We had to let him know that he needs to hurry up. He's dealing with some hungry kitties here.
Baby - I was waiting at the door also, we all were this morning! I helped formulate the meow barrage so he'd know what was what.
Pounce: The sitter came in and right away I started to give him the "rub up on your leg" routine. He sure bought it cause he gave us our helpings of wet food that we love so much. He even spent all this time scratching me head! Man, I'm good!
Screech - I was a little more subtle but sometimes they say slow and steady wins the race. And they're right because he gave me my wet food too and I didn't even have to work nearly as hard as Pounce.
Zelda: The sitter came back, I think I remember him but it's been a really long time. He said he definitely remembers us because we're awesome! He liked making me jump with my toy. I can jump REALLY high.
Loki - This guy sure does like us. He won't stop petting with us and playing with us. But I guess it doesn't help that we're giving him just as much attention right back, huh?
Maggie: The sitter really wasn't joking around! After we went outside and I did my business He got me a little more food and started to crumble a bacon strip into it...but he didn't stop when it was gone, He pulled out another strip! TWO BACONS! I love this holiday!
Deedee:I was right at the window when the sitter got here this morning. He laughed at my bark because it's a little high-pitched. Whatever, I think it's lady-like! He took us outside and I was more interested in getting attention from him than going potty. The sitter got here and I gave him my high-pitched bark again. He snickered and I shot him the eye (ok, I didn't really do that..I ran up to him and loved on him anyways). He took us outside to let us go to the bathroom and get all our wiggles out!
Sadie: I was sitting at the window with DeeDee and when the sitter came in, it was go time! We both ambushed him with a barrage of jump-ups and kisses. I like to whine the second he stops touching really gets his attention! We went outside and I did my business then he gave me my medicine when we got back in. The sitter came back tonight and let us out but after I went pee, I didn't want to leave him alone. I kept leaning on him and I'm a big girl so I almost knocked him down a few times. After coming back in, he gave us our benadryl and said goodnight.
Baily: The sitter woke me up from my slumber this morning so I decided to give him the cold shoulder for a bit. I was supposed to sleep in this morning! He did refill my food and water though. now my day off will be even better.
Chester, Smokey, & Bandit: I guess Smokey and Bandit are having Thanksgiving with some other cats because they just took their food and left. That's fine. I have an entire warm house(with all the food and water I need) to have Thanksgiving in. It's going to be Turkey Day Chester style. The sitter is back to check up on me. It looks like he has gained some weight since I saw him this morning. Bandit apparently greeted him outside but didn't stick around. No sign of Smokey. Oh well, I'm getting my belly scratched.
Reilly: It must be Thanksgiving! There is a parade going on! The sitter told me if I behaved that maybe one day I could be in the parade. We went outside and said hello to Fiona as she was eating breakfast. I ate my breakfast and then went back to watching the parade. Joy! One last venture outside for the day before I go to bed. The sitter and I played with my tennis ball for a bit before I got ready to turn in. Tomorrow is going to be another wonderful day.
Fiona: I jumped out and scared that Reilly, it was funny.
Maggie May: The sitter came back early this morning and we went for a walk all around downtown! It was so nice and random people agree that I'm very cute! I was feeling glum when the sitter came is tonight, but he took me for a really long walk and I feel so much better! I'm gonna need some sleep after that!
Dorian: I was really friendly with the sitter this morning!! And he was nice enough to give us wet food! But he wouldn't let me eat Daphne's or Da Vinci's food! Even though I'm soooooo hungry!
Mr. Bungle: You're back! Feed us please! Listen to Delilah! We're starving! Meow! Thank you! Now I'm going to sniff you! You smell like other cats! Where are they?
Baxter: I didn't remember the sitter so I was a little loud this morning but I soon warmed up and couldn't wait to get outside and play. The sitter tried to check out my hotspot but I wouldn't let him. I'm still loud like always but it was a happy loud because it's time for my thanksgiving feast! Woohoo! After dinner we ran around out back but it was dark out there!
Callie: I was hiding the whoooole time! But the sitter fed me anyway! I didn't come in all day, I didn't even touch my food. Maybe I'll say hi tomorrow!
Chunkers: I just like sitting in the sunroom. I saw some dolphins swim by this morning. That's always nice. Baxter yells a lot but I don't mind. The sitter gave me some fresh water and hay!
Gizmo: I haven't got off the fridge yet but 'm always watching the sitter, ready to pounce if he does something stupid. But he didn't, just fed me and took care of business!
Max, Maddie, & Savannah: Dad was still home! But the sitter took us on a walk anyway!
Rufus: We were all ready to go for a nice walk and I think Sneeze was a little jealous but she got to go out later. I took my meds with my breakfast like a good boy! The sitter's back! Time for a nice afternoon stroll. I came jogging to see the sitter when he came in. I was ready to get out there! Happy Thanksgiving! Time to eat! Oh man did I get stuuuuffed. I'm gonna have to go take a nap!
Martha: I did fine not gated up last night in fact, I loved it! I was a little stubborn on the walk this morning but I did my business and came in for a treat! My ears are so long and the sitter likes playing with them. I don't mind, I like it! Rufus is pretending like he ate some turkey but he didn't get any. I had turduken, does that count as turkey?
Sneeze: I wanna play!!! Let me out!!! Rufus accompanied us on the walk this morning cuz he wouldn't poop, but he finally did and I got lots of cuddles! We went for a nice long walk this afternoon but I didn't have to wear my coat because it was so nice outside! It was dark outside tonight so we only ran around the front yard a little bit but I did my business and it was still fun!
Jessi: I watched the sitter the whole time, then we got treats.
Kitty: I was hiding in the back yard.
Calico: I took my meds then came out to eat.
Taylor: I gave the sitter my puppy dog face so I could get some extra peanut butter...its so yummy! Treats & playtime, my favorite.
Blue: I sniffed the sitter and gave her lots of kisses! I almost knocked her down a few times. I ran & played outside, then I drank all the water.
F. Kitties: Where's the turkey?! We rolled all around the floor with excitement and all we got was some dry food!
P kitties: We said hello to the sitter but we kept running off once she got too close to us. Maybe if she had brought us some turkey we would be more loving, just a thought.
Hembree: I was a sweet boy for the sitter. I did want to check out what was going on next door, I heard kids and I needed to go see. So quiet in the house I heard something and ran to the garage thinking my parents were home but no I was mistaken!
Harmon: I was glad to see my sitter. She fed me then I went out to enjoy the nice day. I was meowing to come back inside! Getting cold out there! I did a Daisy and ran upstairs quickly but I had to because my food is up there.
Bubba: I was a little naughty this morning but I don't care I don't want my pills! I had my paws on the placemat and when she picked me up I dug my claws into it and pulled it up which caused food and water to go everywhere. That will teach her!
Sweet Pea: Food! give me FOOD!
Blue, Bubba's lookalike: The sitter checked me out a few times to make sure I wasn't don't know how scary it is to be mistaken for Bubba for a second...I don't want any part of taking pills and liquids!
Maggie: The sitter came in this morning and I was waiting for him by the door. As soon as he reaches down to pet me, I plop over on my side for him to scratch my belly, He thinks that's funny. When he took me outside, I didn't want to do much so we came in shortly after. He told me that for dinner tonight, since it's thanksgiving, he'd give me an extra piece of Bacon!
Big Boy: I was the only one who wanted to show up to say hello to the sitter. I wonder why, look at all this food he just put out! He cleaned both our boxes and laid out this buffet and no one else showed up to thank him!
Patty: Today was the first day that the sitter ever saw me and he wondered why. He told me I was the sweetest kitty! I do what I can :)
Toby - I was at the door like always to greet the sitter. I know what it means when he walks through that door, food time is near! I was scarfing all the food while he cleaned out our boxes.
Penny - I was right at the door too to say hello to the sitter. We hit him with an attack of meows the second he stepped into the garage. We had to let him know that he needs to hurry up. He's dealing with some hungry kitties here.
Baby - I was waiting at the door also, we all were this morning! I helped formulate the meow barrage so he'd know what was what.
Pounce: The sitter came in and right away I started to give him the "rub up on your leg" routine. He sure bought it cause he gave us our helpings of wet food that we love so much. He even spent all this time scratching me head! Man, I'm good!
Screech - I was a little more subtle but sometimes they say slow and steady wins the race. And they're right because he gave me my wet food too and I didn't even have to work nearly as hard as Pounce.
Zelda: The sitter came back, I think I remember him but it's been a really long time. He said he definitely remembers us because we're awesome! He liked making me jump with my toy. I can jump REALLY high.
Loki - This guy sure does like us. He won't stop petting with us and playing with us. But I guess it doesn't help that we're giving him just as much attention right back, huh?
Maggie: The sitter really wasn't joking around! After we went outside and I did my business He got me a little more food and started to crumble a bacon strip into it...but he didn't stop when it was gone, He pulled out another strip! TWO BACONS! I love this holiday!
Deedee:I was right at the window when the sitter got here this morning. He laughed at my bark because it's a little high-pitched. Whatever, I think it's lady-like! He took us outside and I was more interested in getting attention from him than going potty. The sitter got here and I gave him my high-pitched bark again. He snickered and I shot him the eye (ok, I didn't really do that..I ran up to him and loved on him anyways). He took us outside to let us go to the bathroom and get all our wiggles out!
Sadie: I was sitting at the window with DeeDee and when the sitter came in, it was go time! We both ambushed him with a barrage of jump-ups and kisses. I like to whine the second he stops touching really gets his attention! We went outside and I did my business then he gave me my medicine when we got back in. The sitter came back tonight and let us out but after I went pee, I didn't want to leave him alone. I kept leaning on him and I'm a big girl so I almost knocked him down a few times. After coming back in, he gave us our benadryl and said goodnight.
Baily: The sitter woke me up from my slumber this morning so I decided to give him the cold shoulder for a bit. I was supposed to sleep in this morning! He did refill my food and water though. now my day off will be even better.
Chester, Smokey, & Bandit: I guess Smokey and Bandit are having Thanksgiving with some other cats because they just took their food and left. That's fine. I have an entire warm house(with all the food and water I need) to have Thanksgiving in. It's going to be Turkey Day Chester style. The sitter is back to check up on me. It looks like he has gained some weight since I saw him this morning. Bandit apparently greeted him outside but didn't stick around. No sign of Smokey. Oh well, I'm getting my belly scratched.
Reilly: It must be Thanksgiving! There is a parade going on! The sitter told me if I behaved that maybe one day I could be in the parade. We went outside and said hello to Fiona as she was eating breakfast. I ate my breakfast and then went back to watching the parade. Joy! One last venture outside for the day before I go to bed. The sitter and I played with my tennis ball for a bit before I got ready to turn in. Tomorrow is going to be another wonderful day.
Fiona: I jumped out and scared that Reilly, it was funny.
Maggie May: The sitter came back early this morning and we went for a walk all around downtown! It was so nice and random people agree that I'm very cute! I was feeling glum when the sitter came is tonight, but he took me for a really long walk and I feel so much better! I'm gonna need some sleep after that!
Dorian: I was really friendly with the sitter this morning!! And he was nice enough to give us wet food! But he wouldn't let me eat Daphne's or Da Vinci's food! Even though I'm soooooo hungry!
Mr. Bungle: You're back! Feed us please! Listen to Delilah! We're starving! Meow! Thank you! Now I'm going to sniff you! You smell like other cats! Where are they?
Baxter: I didn't remember the sitter so I was a little loud this morning but I soon warmed up and couldn't wait to get outside and play. The sitter tried to check out my hotspot but I wouldn't let him. I'm still loud like always but it was a happy loud because it's time for my thanksgiving feast! Woohoo! After dinner we ran around out back but it was dark out there!
Callie: I was hiding the whoooole time! But the sitter fed me anyway! I didn't come in all day, I didn't even touch my food. Maybe I'll say hi tomorrow!
Chunkers: I just like sitting in the sunroom. I saw some dolphins swim by this morning. That's always nice. Baxter yells a lot but I don't mind. The sitter gave me some fresh water and hay!
Gizmo: I haven't got off the fridge yet but 'm always watching the sitter, ready to pounce if he does something stupid. But he didn't, just fed me and took care of business!
Max, Maddie, & Savannah: Dad was still home! But the sitter took us on a walk anyway!
Rufus: We were all ready to go for a nice walk and I think Sneeze was a little jealous but she got to go out later. I took my meds with my breakfast like a good boy! The sitter's back! Time for a nice afternoon stroll. I came jogging to see the sitter when he came in. I was ready to get out there! Happy Thanksgiving! Time to eat! Oh man did I get stuuuuffed. I'm gonna have to go take a nap!
Martha: I did fine not gated up last night in fact, I loved it! I was a little stubborn on the walk this morning but I did my business and came in for a treat! My ears are so long and the sitter likes playing with them. I don't mind, I like it! Rufus is pretending like he ate some turkey but he didn't get any. I had turduken, does that count as turkey?
Sneeze: I wanna play!!! Let me out!!! Rufus accompanied us on the walk this morning cuz he wouldn't poop, but he finally did and I got lots of cuddles! We went for a nice long walk this afternoon but I didn't have to wear my coat because it was so nice outside! It was dark outside tonight so we only ran around the front yard a little bit but I did my business and it was still fun!
Jessi: I watched the sitter the whole time, then we got treats.
Kitty: I was hiding in the back yard.
Calico: I took my meds then came out to eat.
November 26, 2008
Scout: hmmm! peanut butter time! I had to run out the door once I got done eating all my yummy food. Sitter is glad my legs are better and I am not sliding all over the floor.
Captain Kitty: Not too sure about this person coming in my house but I sure love how she knows to give me can food so I guess she is okay!
Blue: I howled at the sitter to hurry up and let me outside! Taylor and I like to race to the other side of the yard for no reason but to be silly.
Taylor: I played fetch with some of my babies, I followed the sitter and watched her pick up some poop, I told her that I didn't do it!!
Zelda: I love to be all in the sitters face at all times or under her feet...wherever!
Baxter: I didn't really remember the sitter so I told him to back off but then he fed me and it was all better! He brought the leash out to so we went outside and saw three dolphins swimming around!
Callie:I didn't feel like coming around to say hi but there sitter put my food out and everything! I didn't come around all day, I didn't touch my food from this morning. Maybe I'll come out ans say hi tomorrow!
Bunny: Chomp, chomp, chomp, Thank you for the food sitter.
Gizmo:I was a little nervous around the sitter so I didn't really want to play. Something weird though, the fire alarm thingy was knocked off the ceiling...did I do that? Anyway, I got all my food and that goodness!
Baxter: I knew the sitter this time but I was still loud as always. I devoured my dinner then we went running around outside, it's dark out there! We came back in for a treat!
Rufus: Well, what a crazy night! First the sitter gets there and Martha walking around the house because the gate was knocked over. Then...well that was most of the crazy! I took my pill with dinner!
Martha: I really didn't want to go back inside after my walk but I finally gave in. Dinner was tasty!
Sneeze: Boy was I loud when the sitter was setting up our food. I guess I'm just more comfortable running around being me! We went for a walk and all and it was fun!
Loki: I jumped in the litter box to show the sitter where I went and to add a little more too it! hehe!
Harmon: I ran right to the door when my sitter got here. Man it's cold out there!!!
Bubba: I was really excited when I heard we were getting treats.
Sweet Pea: I followed the sitter around the whole time.
Blue: I made my entrance later than everyone else so I could get my treat.
Blue: I was extra sweet & lovable tonight I got lots of pet.
Scout: I was so excited that it was dinner time.
Taylor: I played in the yard then got peanut butter. yum!!
Baily: Who is this intruder in my house? I have been left in place here to guard. Oh, its just the sitter, excellent. A guard cat needs its fresh food and water. The company is good too.
Toby, Baby, Penny & Patty: The sitter arrived and Baby and I showed the sitter in. He gave us our breakfast which made Penny come out and say hello. Patty stayed hidden. After he cleaned our litter we had a brief political conversation which ended up going in a circle so we decided it was best to chat about the weather.
Lily & Blue: We were tired kitties today, The sitter just moved about making sure we had everything we needed while we slept. He made breakfast for us then cleaned our litter. He tried to wake us up to play but we just kept sleeping.
Noelle: I greeted the sitter today, with a lick on the nose. He rubbed my belly the refilled my food and water and cleaned my litter. I helped him feed Oscar and water the herbs. Then I rolled around on the ground while he rubbed my belly again.
Raven & Cooper: Hooray! The sitter has come to take us on a jog. Its also snack time and we've been waiting for our yogurt and apples all day! The walk was wonderful. It was much warmer today and there were birds flying everywhere as if they were having a party. How strange.
Brutus: Top of the morning! Time to go outside! I'm so excited! There's so much out here! I don't ever wanna go back inside!
Maggie May: I'm ready to go outside! I don't care it is chilly! I've gotta sniff and pee on all kinds of things! Let's go! Finally the sitter's back! I ate my dinner super fast so I could get outside sooner! And everything outside smelled so good! I could sniff all night!
Mr. Bungles: We both really needed attention today, and we let the sitter know as soon as he came in! Delilah wanted food too! We both got what we wanted! Thanks Mr. Sitter!
Captain Kitty: Not too sure about this person coming in my house but I sure love how she knows to give me can food so I guess she is okay!
Blue: I howled at the sitter to hurry up and let me outside! Taylor and I like to race to the other side of the yard for no reason but to be silly.
Taylor: I played fetch with some of my babies, I followed the sitter and watched her pick up some poop, I told her that I didn't do it!!
Zelda: I love to be all in the sitters face at all times or under her feet...wherever!
Baxter: I didn't really remember the sitter so I told him to back off but then he fed me and it was all better! He brought the leash out to so we went outside and saw three dolphins swimming around!
Callie:I didn't feel like coming around to say hi but there sitter put my food out and everything! I didn't come around all day, I didn't touch my food from this morning. Maybe I'll come out ans say hi tomorrow!
Bunny: Chomp, chomp, chomp, Thank you for the food sitter.
Gizmo:I was a little nervous around the sitter so I didn't really want to play. Something weird though, the fire alarm thingy was knocked off the ceiling...did I do that? Anyway, I got all my food and that goodness!
Baxter: I knew the sitter this time but I was still loud as always. I devoured my dinner then we went running around outside, it's dark out there! We came back in for a treat!
Rufus: Well, what a crazy night! First the sitter gets there and Martha walking around the house because the gate was knocked over. Then...well that was most of the crazy! I took my pill with dinner!
Martha: I really didn't want to go back inside after my walk but I finally gave in. Dinner was tasty!
Sneeze: Boy was I loud when the sitter was setting up our food. I guess I'm just more comfortable running around being me! We went for a walk and all and it was fun!
Loki: I jumped in the litter box to show the sitter where I went and to add a little more too it! hehe!
Harmon: I ran right to the door when my sitter got here. Man it's cold out there!!!
Bubba: I was really excited when I heard we were getting treats.
Sweet Pea: I followed the sitter around the whole time.
Blue: I made my entrance later than everyone else so I could get my treat.
Blue: I was extra sweet & lovable tonight I got lots of pet.
Scout: I was so excited that it was dinner time.
Taylor: I played in the yard then got peanut butter. yum!!
Baily: Who is this intruder in my house? I have been left in place here to guard. Oh, its just the sitter, excellent. A guard cat needs its fresh food and water. The company is good too.
Toby, Baby, Penny & Patty: The sitter arrived and Baby and I showed the sitter in. He gave us our breakfast which made Penny come out and say hello. Patty stayed hidden. After he cleaned our litter we had a brief political conversation which ended up going in a circle so we decided it was best to chat about the weather.
Lily & Blue: We were tired kitties today, The sitter just moved about making sure we had everything we needed while we slept. He made breakfast for us then cleaned our litter. He tried to wake us up to play but we just kept sleeping.
Noelle: I greeted the sitter today, with a lick on the nose. He rubbed my belly the refilled my food and water and cleaned my litter. I helped him feed Oscar and water the herbs. Then I rolled around on the ground while he rubbed my belly again.
Raven & Cooper: Hooray! The sitter has come to take us on a jog. Its also snack time and we've been waiting for our yogurt and apples all day! The walk was wonderful. It was much warmer today and there were birds flying everywhere as if they were having a party. How strange.
Brutus: Top of the morning! Time to go outside! I'm so excited! There's so much out here! I don't ever wanna go back inside!
Maggie May: I'm ready to go outside! I don't care it is chilly! I've gotta sniff and pee on all kinds of things! Let's go! Finally the sitter's back! I ate my dinner super fast so I could get outside sooner! And everything outside smelled so good! I could sniff all night!
Mr. Bungles: We both really needed attention today, and we let the sitter know as soon as he came in! Delilah wanted food too! We both got what we wanted! Thanks Mr. Sitter!
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
November 25, 2008
Brutus: I was a little shy at first but warmed up when the sitter gave me some food! I love being outside, I peed all over and sniffed out something new to eat! I'm tired of this dog food! and wanted to stay outside all day but the sitter said we had to go inside and play a little bit! When we got back inside there was a cat there and the sitter got a little weirded out, until your roommate came out and it all made sense!
Mr. Bungles: I was pretty excited to see the sitter today. I was right up in his business, meowing and asking for cuddles. I'm not usually like that!
Delilah: I'm always asking for cuddles, so I got plenty, but even better was the delicious breakfast the sitter had planned for us! Mmmmmm mm!
Cooper: We were waiting by the window when the sitter came by today, we were excited for snack time! WHOO!
Raven: I was more excited to get out running! I finished my snack real quick so we could get to it faster but Cooper dragged and took his time!
Maggie May: I was not excited at all to see the sitter. But then he put my leash on and I got tons of energy! I devoured dinner and ran for the door! I'm so ready to walk!
Baxter: When the sitter first came in I started barking like crazy! Who is this stranger? But then he took me on a nice walk and we became good friends! I hope he walks me again tomorrow!
Taylor: Blue and I aren't even hungry! Is it really time to eat already? Scout and Maxx say yes, but I just went out back.
Mr. Bungles: I was pretty excited to see the sitter today. I was right up in his business, meowing and asking for cuddles. I'm not usually like that!
Delilah: I'm always asking for cuddles, so I got plenty, but even better was the delicious breakfast the sitter had planned for us! Mmmmmm mm!
Cooper: We were waiting by the window when the sitter came by today, we were excited for snack time! WHOO!
Raven: I was more excited to get out running! I finished my snack real quick so we could get to it faster but Cooper dragged and took his time!
Maggie May: I was not excited at all to see the sitter. But then he put my leash on and I got tons of energy! I devoured dinner and ran for the door! I'm so ready to walk!
Baxter: When the sitter first came in I started barking like crazy! Who is this stranger? But then he took me on a nice walk and we became good friends! I hope he walks me again tomorrow!
Taylor: Blue and I aren't even hungry! Is it really time to eat already? Scout and Maxx say yes, but I just went out back.
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
November 24, 2008
Tank: I was so eager to go on my walk today that I jumped up and down impatiently. The walk was long and good and I thanked the sitter by giving him a big gooey kiss. It was nice out and the air was fresh. I want to go outside again just thinking about it. I was happy as always, sleeping on your bed! Right away we went for a walk and I was a little stubborn but the sitter said "cmon little Tanky" and I started back up again. Back inside, I had a little banana with my lunch! Yum!
Noelle: How wonderful! A sitter has arrived! I took the initiative to greet him and show him around. We played for a bit and he rubbed my belly until I purred, I was so happy. He made sure I had enough food and that my litter was clean too. The sitter says he always loves coming to see me! He fed me and did all then, then I watched him water the plants out back, then we spent some time playing!
Fish: I love food!
Captain Kitty: I was being real talkative this morning and excited to see the sitter! He gave me some delicious food and then we played with all them mice scattered around!
Sasha - I didn't really feel like playing a whole lot, neither did I feel like eating. I got a little scratches on the neck but that's bout it.
Sidney: I took my pills like it was no thang! The sitter says I'm super cute and gave me loads of attentions
Cooper: The sitter was training someone today and I liked her! I kept saying "here, here look at my toy!" and she said "I like those!"
Raven: It was a beautiful day out there today and a nice walk was great after snack!
Daisy: I jumped on the sitter and got her shirt all dirty! hehe! After that I went with her into the garage and got so excited I jumped on my water bowl and broke it!! Luckily we have a huge pink one in the kitchen so its OKAY!
Peaches: When Daisy and I went out this morning we saw a rabbit! We chased it out the yard but we have this darn thing on our necks that won't let us leave the yard! not fair!
Snowflake: I had to potty so bad today! The sitter thinks I am just pretending to pee since I keep hiking my leg like a boy dog so much. She doesn't think its possible for me to have that much pee in me.
Kitties: We were a little nutty today! The sitter was near the counter so we both decided to see what was that thing on her face and we kept sniffing it, turns out its glasses but they are so weird looking!
Cleo: I love food time because I get to hang out in the living room all by myself. All my brothers ever do is bark in my face and jump on me, its very annoying! So I appreciate the breaks I get!
Mason & Dixon: We decided we wanted to start playing at 4 a.m., perfect time to get up! Who needs sleep?! We sleep all day anyway!
Noelle: How wonderful! A sitter has arrived! I took the initiative to greet him and show him around. We played for a bit and he rubbed my belly until I purred, I was so happy. He made sure I had enough food and that my litter was clean too. The sitter says he always loves coming to see me! He fed me and did all then, then I watched him water the plants out back, then we spent some time playing!
Fish: I love food!
Captain Kitty: I was being real talkative this morning and excited to see the sitter! He gave me some delicious food and then we played with all them mice scattered around!
Sasha - I didn't really feel like playing a whole lot, neither did I feel like eating. I got a little scratches on the neck but that's bout it.
Sidney: I took my pills like it was no thang! The sitter says I'm super cute and gave me loads of attentions
Cooper: The sitter was training someone today and I liked her! I kept saying "here, here look at my toy!" and she said "I like those!"
Raven: It was a beautiful day out there today and a nice walk was great after snack!
Daisy: I jumped on the sitter and got her shirt all dirty! hehe! After that I went with her into the garage and got so excited I jumped on my water bowl and broke it!! Luckily we have a huge pink one in the kitchen so its OKAY!
Peaches: When Daisy and I went out this morning we saw a rabbit! We chased it out the yard but we have this darn thing on our necks that won't let us leave the yard! not fair!
Snowflake: I had to potty so bad today! The sitter thinks I am just pretending to pee since I keep hiking my leg like a boy dog so much. She doesn't think its possible for me to have that much pee in me.
Kitties: We were a little nutty today! The sitter was near the counter so we both decided to see what was that thing on her face and we kept sniffing it, turns out its glasses but they are so weird looking!
Cleo: I love food time because I get to hang out in the living room all by myself. All my brothers ever do is bark in my face and jump on me, its very annoying! So I appreciate the breaks I get!
Mason & Dixon: We decided we wanted to start playing at 4 a.m., perfect time to get up! Who needs sleep?! We sleep all day anyway!
Monday, November 24, 2008
November 23, 2008
Dixie & Rex: We were in such a playful mood after breakfast this morning. I rolled around on the floor with the little green toy making it squeak. Rex watched me, but thought being outside was a better idea. So we moved to the backyard and played fetch again.
Gizmo: Aha! An intruder! Oh wait, it's just the sitter here to feed me and clean my litter box. What a sweet deal! I made sure he knew who is queen in this house!
Sidney & Sasha: We are such sweet kitties. The sitter told us this so it must be true. After breakfast we played catch the mouse on the string. The sitter tried the Robo-Hamster, but neither of us were too into it. The mouse was much more fun.
Delilah & Mr. Bungles: Right when the sitter arrived I welcomed him in. Mr. Bungles took a minute to come closer, but he ended up showing the sitter where the fish was. Lunch was served and it was delicious.
Gizmo: Aha! An intruder! Oh wait, it's just the sitter here to feed me and clean my litter box. What a sweet deal! I made sure he knew who is queen in this house!
Sidney & Sasha: We are such sweet kitties. The sitter told us this so it must be true. After breakfast we played catch the mouse on the string. The sitter tried the Robo-Hamster, but neither of us were too into it. The mouse was much more fun.
Delilah & Mr. Bungles: Right when the sitter arrived I welcomed him in. Mr. Bungles took a minute to come closer, but he ended up showing the sitter where the fish was. Lunch was served and it was delicious.
November 21, 2008
Smokey, Bandit & Chester: I had a conversation with the sitter while he was cleaning the litter box and feeding us. Bandit was uninterested and just munched. Chester on the other hand was glaring through the door wishing he was outside. he doesn't realize what comfort he lives in.
Kody: It was so cold and breezy outside today, but the nice walk warmed me up. When we got back home the sitter rubbed my belly and I curled up and licked him many times. I just love to be pet and cuddled.
Cooper & Raven: I don't think Raven is going to disagree with me... there is nothing better than yogurt and apples! it hits the spot right before a nice jog outside. The sitter looked at us jealously but we enjoyed the snacks too much to share.
Mattie: It's getting very nippy outside. When I barked, I watched it float away through the air! I didn't chase it even though it tempted me so much. I guess my training is working. I walked right next to the sitter the whole time today! I have to practice and get ready for a big show. I can't wait! I even resisted the urge to chase after all the birds that got in the way.
Captain & Pacquita: We were very excited to go outside tonight. Each of us was so filled with energy that we were pulling the sitter forward. As soon as we were both back inside where it's warm we snuggled up and went to sleep.
Georgia: Somebody's here! Ah! I'm so excited! And Glory can't stop barking! Who is this, new person! Ah! He's feeding us and letting Coco out! He's real friendly!
Coco: When the sitter arrived we were all pretty ready for bed. Glory ran around barking and playing hard to get. She finally warmed up to him and Georgia and Glory went to bed. I went potty and then I too curled up and went to sleep.
The Kitties: Sitter brought catnip to bribe us to like her, not working but we will take the catnip! We spread it all over the house and have a party when she leaves..hehe
Tiger: I love the sitter! She wore her extra soft shoes just for me! I rub all over them and flop around. She sat on the couch so I could roll around on her lap. I got behind her head and head butted her and gave her a mini cat massage.
Tank: Don't tell the sitter but I pretend to have an itch so I can lay down on the sidewalk.
Snowflake: WOW objects are really closer than they appear with these old eyes. I was really jumpy since we went a different route. I try to memorize where all the sticks are so I can walk around them.
Cleo: The sitter and I are best friends now. She carries me around so I can potty and she puts my food down first, I love all the extra special treatment!
Dixon: I love sitting on all the toys and kicking them out the toy box...its so much fun! Lets not even mention destroying mommies plants!
Mason: I am the smallest so all I know to do is bark! bark! bark! I don't know what Dixon is talking about...I have never played mommies plants, ever!
Chevy: The sitter snuck up on us! We were happy to see him, but had to bark at him first. Stella was really happy to get to walk, but I just wanted a belly rub!
Kody: It was so cold and breezy outside today, but the nice walk warmed me up. When we got back home the sitter rubbed my belly and I curled up and licked him many times. I just love to be pet and cuddled.
Cooper & Raven: I don't think Raven is going to disagree with me... there is nothing better than yogurt and apples! it hits the spot right before a nice jog outside. The sitter looked at us jealously but we enjoyed the snacks too much to share.
Mattie: It's getting very nippy outside. When I barked, I watched it float away through the air! I didn't chase it even though it tempted me so much. I guess my training is working. I walked right next to the sitter the whole time today! I have to practice and get ready for a big show. I can't wait! I even resisted the urge to chase after all the birds that got in the way.
Captain & Pacquita: We were very excited to go outside tonight. Each of us was so filled with energy that we were pulling the sitter forward. As soon as we were both back inside where it's warm we snuggled up and went to sleep.
Georgia: Somebody's here! Ah! I'm so excited! And Glory can't stop barking! Who is this, new person! Ah! He's feeding us and letting Coco out! He's real friendly!
Coco: When the sitter arrived we were all pretty ready for bed. Glory ran around barking and playing hard to get. She finally warmed up to him and Georgia and Glory went to bed. I went potty and then I too curled up and went to sleep.
The Kitties: Sitter brought catnip to bribe us to like her, not working but we will take the catnip! We spread it all over the house and have a party when she leaves..hehe
Tiger: I love the sitter! She wore her extra soft shoes just for me! I rub all over them and flop around. She sat on the couch so I could roll around on her lap. I got behind her head and head butted her and gave her a mini cat massage.
Tank: Don't tell the sitter but I pretend to have an itch so I can lay down on the sidewalk.
Snowflake: WOW objects are really closer than they appear with these old eyes. I was really jumpy since we went a different route. I try to memorize where all the sticks are so I can walk around them.
Cleo: The sitter and I are best friends now. She carries me around so I can potty and she puts my food down first, I love all the extra special treatment!
Dixon: I love sitting on all the toys and kicking them out the toy box...its so much fun! Lets not even mention destroying mommies plants!
Mason: I am the smallest so all I know to do is bark! bark! bark! I don't know what Dixon is talking about...I have never played mommies plants, ever!
Chevy: The sitter snuck up on us! We were happy to see him, but had to bark at him first. Stella was really happy to get to walk, but I just wanted a belly rub!
Saturday, November 22, 2008
November 22, 2008
Tucker: Play Play, outside outside, where's my ball. I can't find it, where's it at? I know its here somwhere. Their it is, get the ball get the ball. Hey what are you doing? come back out here, I found my ball. We can play, where are you going? What do you got how? thats not my ball. Come here let me have that, Oh yes I know what this is. Its great for tug-o-war, yel I'm good at this pull, pull, pull, I never let go. Grrr, Grr see I'm good at this Grr, Grr. Get out of the way Charleston, I have his attention first, Grr,Grr. Come on buddy, can't you pull any harder?Hey now where are you going? Wait wait I know that sound, breakfast, O yel. Put it down here, here yel I can eat it all here, here.
Charleston: Grr, Grr, Grr, get out of the way Tucker Grr, he came to see me, yes he did. You bark too much. Outside yes, O its cold out here. Whats that in the woods? Squirrel? come down here I will give you something, Grr, Grr, Grrrrrr. Tucker stop, stop, be quiet. Can't you see him up there in the tree. Theirs another one over there. Tucker get out of the way He's rubbing me, yes right there, and there, O yes thats the spot. Grrrrr, Grrr Tucker, go play with the dumb ball, Grrr, Grrrrr.
Oli: It's about time you get here, I'm hungry. Yel the dish is empty, I know whats in there, those are just empty seed shells. Lets go put the food in the dish, change the water, open the blind, lets go. Don't touch me, I didn't give you permission to touch me. What are you doing, no, no, no, get that thing away from me. Oh! you didn't know I could fly, Ha!! No, no, don't give me that stuff. I will bite it, get that away from me, no, no That stuff taste like___ Wait till I get away, your mean, making me take that stuff. Turn the music on, thats right get out. I will be fine, Bye, bye.
Peaches & Daisy: Midday walk! And what fantastic weather. Right when the sitter came in, Daisy jumped up on him and kept hugging him and slobbering all over. She was a little bit gassy too. Lunch was very delicious, I can't wait until dinner!
Dixie: When the sitter arrived I was so excited! I jumped around with Rex showing the sitter all of our toys. He gave us our dinner and then we played fetch with the donut. Rex hogged it so I grabbed the little green man to play with.
Rex: Tonight we played fetch with the french fries. It was very cold outside, but once I started chasing the french fries, I warmed up quick. Dixie only seemed interested in squeaking her toy. But we both played outside until it was time for the sitter to go.
Capitan & Pacquita: We almost turned into pup-sicles tonight. it was freezing outside! If only we had thicker hair or nice fur coats. We were very happy to be inside in the warmth again.
Bb: Hey! The sitter is here! I better get real loud so he takes me for a good walk! It gotta go pee real bad, but after that it's sniff time!
Cooper: Me and Raven were so ready to run when the sitter got here! We took off full speed and surprised the sitter! He couldn't even keep up with Raven at first! But soon our energy ran out!
Tiger: Hello stranger! Will you pet me? Prrr.... I'm so happy to have a person to give me lots of attention, unlike Lion... He's been hiding this whole time! Oh well, more attention for me!
Shadow the Poodle Mix: I was sleeping when the sitter came in this morning, but I woke right up and pranced my way to the back door to go potty. The sitter noticed I got a hair cut and told me I was so cute! When the sitter came back to take me outside again, she made sure I had my sweater on because it was to chilly outside for lil ol' me. I must agree, then she gave me my favorite treats and tons of cuddles.
Cup aka Cuppy: I greeted the sitter at the door and she grab my leash right away and we left to go to my parents wedding! Woof! There were so beautiful! We took some pictures, I had a handsome bow tie to where and we were off again to go home to get some yummy food! and fresh water.
Charleston: Grr, Grr, Grr, get out of the way Tucker Grr, he came to see me, yes he did. You bark too much. Outside yes, O its cold out here. Whats that in the woods? Squirrel? come down here I will give you something, Grr, Grr, Grrrrrr. Tucker stop, stop, be quiet. Can't you see him up there in the tree. Theirs another one over there. Tucker get out of the way He's rubbing me, yes right there, and there, O yes thats the spot. Grrrrr, Grrr Tucker, go play with the dumb ball, Grrr, Grrrrr.
Oli: It's about time you get here, I'm hungry. Yel the dish is empty, I know whats in there, those are just empty seed shells. Lets go put the food in the dish, change the water, open the blind, lets go. Don't touch me, I didn't give you permission to touch me. What are you doing, no, no, no, get that thing away from me. Oh! you didn't know I could fly, Ha!! No, no, don't give me that stuff. I will bite it, get that away from me, no, no That stuff taste like___ Wait till I get away, your mean, making me take that stuff. Turn the music on, thats right get out. I will be fine, Bye, bye.
Peaches & Daisy: Midday walk! And what fantastic weather. Right when the sitter came in, Daisy jumped up on him and kept hugging him and slobbering all over. She was a little bit gassy too. Lunch was very delicious, I can't wait until dinner!
Dixie: When the sitter arrived I was so excited! I jumped around with Rex showing the sitter all of our toys. He gave us our dinner and then we played fetch with the donut. Rex hogged it so I grabbed the little green man to play with.
Rex: Tonight we played fetch with the french fries. It was very cold outside, but once I started chasing the french fries, I warmed up quick. Dixie only seemed interested in squeaking her toy. But we both played outside until it was time for the sitter to go.
Capitan & Pacquita: We almost turned into pup-sicles tonight. it was freezing outside! If only we had thicker hair or nice fur coats. We were very happy to be inside in the warmth again.
Bb: Hey! The sitter is here! I better get real loud so he takes me for a good walk! It gotta go pee real bad, but after that it's sniff time!
Cooper: Me and Raven were so ready to run when the sitter got here! We took off full speed and surprised the sitter! He couldn't even keep up with Raven at first! But soon our energy ran out!
Tiger: Hello stranger! Will you pet me? Prrr.... I'm so happy to have a person to give me lots of attention, unlike Lion... He's been hiding this whole time! Oh well, more attention for me!
Shadow the Poodle Mix: I was sleeping when the sitter came in this morning, but I woke right up and pranced my way to the back door to go potty. The sitter noticed I got a hair cut and told me I was so cute! When the sitter came back to take me outside again, she made sure I had my sweater on because it was to chilly outside for lil ol' me. I must agree, then she gave me my favorite treats and tons of cuddles.
Cup aka Cuppy: I greeted the sitter at the door and she grab my leash right away and we left to go to my parents wedding! Woof! There were so beautiful! We took some pictures, I had a handsome bow tie to where and we were off again to go home to get some yummy food! and fresh water.
Friday, November 21, 2008
November 20, 2008
Samson: Time for fooooood! The sitter had to push me away from Delilah's bowl again. Sometimes when food is around I get a little crazy. After dinner we went on our walk to the park but something was different today, the park was kind of like a ghost town...spooooky. Nobody was there tonight. Oh well, we still had ourselves a nice walk!
Delilah: Why does Sams keep trying to take my food? He just had some. I bet he didn't even taste it...only took him half a second to finish all of it. The park was weird tonight because nobody was there to say "hello" to. Even Sams and I were alot more calm than usual because of it. Hmm..just an off night, maybe?
Chester: I used a different technique for getting outside tonight. This one involved sitting by the door until he opened it. Unfortunately, he was a little smarter than that and put me in my food and litter room while he took care of the other cats. I guess the sitter doesn't know what I can open doors, eh? He thought it was crazy when he saw me walking around. He put me back in there just to see if I could open the door. Who does he think he's dealing with? I'm a cat!
Smokey: We were both waiting right by the door to come inside. As soon as the sitter opened the door to the garage, we ran inside. He had to carry us back inside the garage but we didn't really mind. We're pretty laid back.
Bandit: I was a little more excited about getting inside than Smokey was. When we got inside I started meowing and rubbing up against a bunch of things. I just like being in here...I think it's cause Chester doesn't really like us so I know it probably bothers him :)
Conrade kitties: A few of us decided to sit in the living room and stare at the sitter. Zeus the brave one jumped on the counter and let her pet him. Before she left she gave us catnip....hmmm catnip.
Tiger: I was all over the sitter again! She sat on the couch so I could lay in her lap and head butt her.
Delilah: Why does Sams keep trying to take my food? He just had some. I bet he didn't even taste it...only took him half a second to finish all of it. The park was weird tonight because nobody was there to say "hello" to. Even Sams and I were alot more calm than usual because of it. Hmm..just an off night, maybe?
Chester: I used a different technique for getting outside tonight. This one involved sitting by the door until he opened it. Unfortunately, he was a little smarter than that and put me in my food and litter room while he took care of the other cats. I guess the sitter doesn't know what I can open doors, eh? He thought it was crazy when he saw me walking around. He put me back in there just to see if I could open the door. Who does he think he's dealing with? I'm a cat!
Smokey: We were both waiting right by the door to come inside. As soon as the sitter opened the door to the garage, we ran inside. He had to carry us back inside the garage but we didn't really mind. We're pretty laid back.
Bandit: I was a little more excited about getting inside than Smokey was. When we got inside I started meowing and rubbing up against a bunch of things. I just like being in here...I think it's cause Chester doesn't really like us so I know it probably bothers him :)
Conrade kitties: A few of us decided to sit in the living room and stare at the sitter. Zeus the brave one jumped on the counter and let her pet him. Before she left she gave us catnip....hmmm catnip.
Tiger: I was all over the sitter again! She sat on the couch so I could lay in her lap and head butt her.
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
November 19, 2008
Lily: Here's that sitter! Are we going to play the knock-him-over game when he tries to get the mail? I caught the tennis ball a few times from Sam. I am glad we found something new to do when the sitter comes by but Sam doesn't share very much which is very rude! Hey, SAMS! stay away from my food! You already ate yours! Time to go out to the park for our walk, eh? What's the matter, sitter? You look a bit cold (what a wimp).
Sam: Oh boy! The sitter came! Time for me to jump up to say hello, he always thinks that's funny. Whenever he bends down to get the mail from the slot, I like to try and knock him over. Just a little game I developed (but don't tell him or he might start bracing himself!). He had to play goalie and keep me away from Delilah's food...I can't help it, it's just so delicious! I ran up and down the stairs after the tennis ball for a while in the freezing cold. Its some new and fun exercise that I am more than happy to do!
Gus: I tried to jump all over the sitter but she wouldn't let me! We played a lot of fetch in the backyard. I did a lot of jumps and flips in the air! I am one crazy weimrainer!
Conrade kitties: We decided to scram when the sitter opened the door. Zeus stayed behind to watch the sitters every move. We are just not that brave.
Tiger: I laid all over the sitters shoes and flipped over on my back to show her my big belly. I am the sweetest!
Lion: I didn't feel like waking up from my nap to say hello, its too cold to be awake!
Daisy: I get so excited when the sitter comes then once I am back inside I take off to the upstairs, not the greatest host there is.
Harmon: I love the sitters new purse! Its very strange looking, I bet I could fit right in and take a nap!
Snowflake: I barked like crazy at the sitter to hurry up and take me out! She was messing with gloves and I was just not in the mood to wait! I pooed three times so I really had to go!
Cleo: The sitter keeps calling me butterball, I don't like that!
Mason: My bow is still all nice and neat on my head, Dixons is well all a mess. I love to be pretty!
Dixon: I like to start barking playing with my brother around 5 am...why sleep when you can play?
Odysseus: When the sitter came in today, it was kind of dark and the first i saw of him was just a silhouette. It kind of scared me. I've never met him before either so I was acting nervous around him. He showed us that he was nice which helped a little bit I wasn't going to take any chances just yet!
Penelope: I listened to my brother. This sitter was just a little too unfamiliar for me to be totally comfortable with him. He did pet us and be nice but, like Odysseus said, no chances just yet! He gave us some food which we loved but we both ate with one eye on the sitter
Chester: This is a new sitter so I played the innocent kitty routine to try and escape when he least expected it. I tried to bolt but he had already closed the garage, Rats! Someday, I'll roam free like Bandit and Smokey! At least i got to complain the whole time he picked me up to carry be back inside. I just made noises to show my dissatisfaction, though. I'm not a mean kitty. I'm actually quite sweet, the sitter said so himself!
Smokey: The sitter came into the garage and I was just chilling on top of the moped. The sitter said I made him smile because I had to coolest look on my face. "Totally laid back", he said. Whatever that means.
Bandit: As soon as the sitter came into the garage, I was all over him. I kept rubbing up on his leg and telling him how sweet I was. He gave us some dry food but I was aiming for some of the meaty stuff! Maybe next time.
Jack: I am the protector of the house. Do not enter or I will bark…until you give me treats! And then throw the tennis ball around for me! After that we’ll cuddle!
Jesse: I’m a little shy but once the other two calmed down a bit, I could get in there and say hi. I liked the sitter a lot, especially when he gave us that delicious breakfast!
Gus the Shepard Mix: I tell ya, I’m a cutie! I was the first to calm down and trust the sitter. We went outside after breakfast and played around for a little bit, then I cam inside and had myself a nice roll around!
Kody: I am tiny. I like to pee behind the tree in the corner. I wish I could catch that green lizard the sitter was playing with, but I just swat at it and miss. He finally gave it to me and I rolled around by myself. I don’t know much yet, but I do know I love belly rubs.
Sushi: I don’t know where Barkley is but I’m hiding. The sitter seems to be putting food out for us. That’s good because I’m hungry and could use a little food. I’ll stay in hiding.
Barkley: I don’t know where Sushi is but I’m hiding. I see the sitter cleaning up our litter boxes. I hate them when they’re smelly so that’s good. I hope sushi sees this too because I know he likes a clean litter box.
Cooper: I’m prepared for the snow to come. The sitter says snow is a good thing but apparently he’s from up north where they get snow a lot. He says it’s coming so good thing my coat’s big and fluffy. But on to more important things…SNACK!
Raven: The jog was nice but cold like Cooper was saying. He’s a little worried about the snow but I’m not. All I’m worried about is getting my treat!
Sam: Oh boy! The sitter came! Time for me to jump up to say hello, he always thinks that's funny. Whenever he bends down to get the mail from the slot, I like to try and knock him over. Just a little game I developed (but don't tell him or he might start bracing himself!). He had to play goalie and keep me away from Delilah's food...I can't help it, it's just so delicious! I ran up and down the stairs after the tennis ball for a while in the freezing cold. Its some new and fun exercise that I am more than happy to do!
Gus: I tried to jump all over the sitter but she wouldn't let me! We played a lot of fetch in the backyard. I did a lot of jumps and flips in the air! I am one crazy weimrainer!
Conrade kitties: We decided to scram when the sitter opened the door. Zeus stayed behind to watch the sitters every move. We are just not that brave.
Tiger: I laid all over the sitters shoes and flipped over on my back to show her my big belly. I am the sweetest!
Lion: I didn't feel like waking up from my nap to say hello, its too cold to be awake!
Daisy: I get so excited when the sitter comes then once I am back inside I take off to the upstairs, not the greatest host there is.
Harmon: I love the sitters new purse! Its very strange looking, I bet I could fit right in and take a nap!
Snowflake: I barked like crazy at the sitter to hurry up and take me out! She was messing with gloves and I was just not in the mood to wait! I pooed three times so I really had to go!
Cleo: The sitter keeps calling me butterball, I don't like that!
Mason: My bow is still all nice and neat on my head, Dixons is well all a mess. I love to be pretty!
Dixon: I like to start barking playing with my brother around 5 am...why sleep when you can play?
Odysseus: When the sitter came in today, it was kind of dark and the first i saw of him was just a silhouette. It kind of scared me. I've never met him before either so I was acting nervous around him. He showed us that he was nice which helped a little bit I wasn't going to take any chances just yet!
Penelope: I listened to my brother. This sitter was just a little too unfamiliar for me to be totally comfortable with him. He did pet us and be nice but, like Odysseus said, no chances just yet! He gave us some food which we loved but we both ate with one eye on the sitter
Chester: This is a new sitter so I played the innocent kitty routine to try and escape when he least expected it. I tried to bolt but he had already closed the garage, Rats! Someday, I'll roam free like Bandit and Smokey! At least i got to complain the whole time he picked me up to carry be back inside. I just made noises to show my dissatisfaction, though. I'm not a mean kitty. I'm actually quite sweet, the sitter said so himself!
Smokey: The sitter came into the garage and I was just chilling on top of the moped. The sitter said I made him smile because I had to coolest look on my face. "Totally laid back", he said. Whatever that means.
Bandit: As soon as the sitter came into the garage, I was all over him. I kept rubbing up on his leg and telling him how sweet I was. He gave us some dry food but I was aiming for some of the meaty stuff! Maybe next time.
Jack: I am the protector of the house. Do not enter or I will bark…until you give me treats! And then throw the tennis ball around for me! After that we’ll cuddle!
Jesse: I’m a little shy but once the other two calmed down a bit, I could get in there and say hi. I liked the sitter a lot, especially when he gave us that delicious breakfast!
Gus the Shepard Mix: I tell ya, I’m a cutie! I was the first to calm down and trust the sitter. We went outside after breakfast and played around for a little bit, then I cam inside and had myself a nice roll around!
Kody: I am tiny. I like to pee behind the tree in the corner. I wish I could catch that green lizard the sitter was playing with, but I just swat at it and miss. He finally gave it to me and I rolled around by myself. I don’t know much yet, but I do know I love belly rubs.
Sushi: I don’t know where Barkley is but I’m hiding. The sitter seems to be putting food out for us. That’s good because I’m hungry and could use a little food. I’ll stay in hiding.
Barkley: I don’t know where Sushi is but I’m hiding. I see the sitter cleaning up our litter boxes. I hate them when they’re smelly so that’s good. I hope sushi sees this too because I know he likes a clean litter box.
Cooper: I’m prepared for the snow to come. The sitter says snow is a good thing but apparently he’s from up north where they get snow a lot. He says it’s coming so good thing my coat’s big and fluffy. But on to more important things…SNACK!
Raven: The jog was nice but cold like Cooper was saying. He’s a little worried about the snow but I’m not. All I’m worried about is getting my treat!
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
November 18, 2008
Chester: I told the sitter that I really am allowed to go outside, but she wasn't buying it. She put out more food and changed my litter box. When the next sitter came, I didn't even ask I just went outside to hang out with Smokey and Bandit! But the sitter got me back inside, dangit.
Smokey and Bandit: We saw Chester sitting inside like a prissy house cat. He is so jealous of us!
Braund kitties: We decided that invisible was a good look for us. We have been gobbling up our food when the sitter leaves.
Kody: I love having a friend come over to play with me! I walked nicely for her on the leash, well as nicely as a puppy can! Then I came inside and tried to chew on her jacket but she kept sticking my toy in my mouth so I decided to jump around and play with my toy. Did you know I am the cutest thing ever?
Raven: Can you believe the street sweeper came down the road slowly next to us and I never barked?! Isnt that insane!!!
Cooper: I was trying to jump at cars like a jack rabbit. I don't know what Raven's problem is, its our job to make the sitter crazy by barking and jumping!
Mattie: It's so good to see the sitter again! I showed the sitter how good I've become. I stayed right next to him the whole walk and then we sat in the sun at the park. When we got back I got lots of fresh water! I walked pretty well but I got sooo scared of the lawn person. They were blowing leaves all over the place and I was freaking out!
Stella: I had to have the sitter thisclose to me while I ate or I would just stare at it.
Chevy: I tried to jump on the kitchen island and get my chewy. I am such a pushy boy!
Gus: Woof! Woof! Jesse and Jack were scared of the sitter at first! They forgot who he was. They were even scared when he offered us treats. Crazy dogs! I remembered him, and was so excited when he had treats! If they don't want theirs, you can give them to me!
Sam: It's the sitter again! We were waiting by the window again. I was hungry I needed my breakfast! Yum!
Lily: Woo! It's cold out tonight! Great reason to run a lot! He took me through a bunch of small parks. That made me soo happy! I hope Sam gets a good run too! He really needs it!
Tank: The sitter said he was super happy the parasites gone! On our walk he asked if I was ready for lunch. I wasn't paying attention and shook my head like dogs would do and he took it as a no! I insisted that I wanted my lunch and I completely devoured it in 2 seconds flat when he finally gave it to me. I showed him! Great walk! I was so calm and friendly for most of it! Then I got a burst of energy and started running full speed! Luckily for me the sitter could keep up!
Tiger: Oh my goodness did I get some good cuddles today! I followed the sitter around meowing my head off until finally he caved and we sat on the couch for some good cuddlin'!
Lion: I didn't feel like coming out but I saw that he gave us fresh food and water so I might come out a little later to check that out.
Zeus: I just decided to hang out on my cat castle. The sitter came in a couple times and gave me some neck scracthes and that was all good but I was really all about lounging today!
The Hidin' Kitties: The sitter gave us food again. Zeus insists he's a nice guy but we're still not sure. We're gonna wait it out in the shadows!
Daisy: We went on a nice long walk today and then came back in for a treat. I was excited to see the sitter and all but I really just wanted to hang out on your bed!
Harmon: It's too cold to be outside! I stay in for some good treats and, hey, if Daisy doesn't want the cuddles, I'll take 'em!
Smokey and Bandit: We saw Chester sitting inside like a prissy house cat. He is so jealous of us!
Braund kitties: We decided that invisible was a good look for us. We have been gobbling up our food when the sitter leaves.
Kody: I love having a friend come over to play with me! I walked nicely for her on the leash, well as nicely as a puppy can! Then I came inside and tried to chew on her jacket but she kept sticking my toy in my mouth so I decided to jump around and play with my toy. Did you know I am the cutest thing ever?
Raven: Can you believe the street sweeper came down the road slowly next to us and I never barked?! Isnt that insane!!!
Cooper: I was trying to jump at cars like a jack rabbit. I don't know what Raven's problem is, its our job to make the sitter crazy by barking and jumping!
Mattie: It's so good to see the sitter again! I showed the sitter how good I've become. I stayed right next to him the whole walk and then we sat in the sun at the park. When we got back I got lots of fresh water! I walked pretty well but I got sooo scared of the lawn person. They were blowing leaves all over the place and I was freaking out!
Stella: I had to have the sitter thisclose to me while I ate or I would just stare at it.
Chevy: I tried to jump on the kitchen island and get my chewy. I am such a pushy boy!
Gus: Woof! Woof! Jesse and Jack were scared of the sitter at first! They forgot who he was. They were even scared when he offered us treats. Crazy dogs! I remembered him, and was so excited when he had treats! If they don't want theirs, you can give them to me!
Sam: It's the sitter again! We were waiting by the window again. I was hungry I needed my breakfast! Yum!
Lily: Woo! It's cold out tonight! Great reason to run a lot! He took me through a bunch of small parks. That made me soo happy! I hope Sam gets a good run too! He really needs it!
Tank: The sitter said he was super happy the parasites gone! On our walk he asked if I was ready for lunch. I wasn't paying attention and shook my head like dogs would do and he took it as a no! I insisted that I wanted my lunch and I completely devoured it in 2 seconds flat when he finally gave it to me. I showed him! Great walk! I was so calm and friendly for most of it! Then I got a burst of energy and started running full speed! Luckily for me the sitter could keep up!
Tiger: Oh my goodness did I get some good cuddles today! I followed the sitter around meowing my head off until finally he caved and we sat on the couch for some good cuddlin'!
Lion: I didn't feel like coming out but I saw that he gave us fresh food and water so I might come out a little later to check that out.
Zeus: I just decided to hang out on my cat castle. The sitter came in a couple times and gave me some neck scracthes and that was all good but I was really all about lounging today!
The Hidin' Kitties: The sitter gave us food again. Zeus insists he's a nice guy but we're still not sure. We're gonna wait it out in the shadows!
Daisy: We went on a nice long walk today and then came back in for a treat. I was excited to see the sitter and all but I really just wanted to hang out on your bed!
Harmon: It's too cold to be outside! I stay in for some good treats and, hey, if Daisy doesn't want the cuddles, I'll take 'em!
November 17, 2008
Sarah - I left a big mess for the sitter. I guess I just wasn't feeling very good. I felt really bad and the sitter could tell so after I got my breakfast he gave me a few extra hugs!
The Hidin' Kitties - We didn't come out to play at all! One of us ran by as soon as the sitter walked in but after that there was nothing. He even tried to pull us out by shooting the laser all around. Anyway, he gave us our food and all that. Maybe we'll come out tomorrow!
Zeus - I was the only one to come out and say hi so I got all the cuddles. I was talkin' up a storm too!
The Hidin' Kitties - We were hidin' as usual but we noticed the sitter set everything us for us good and nice. We love food and water!
Cooper - What a good day for a snack! I could eat snack all day long, I tell ya, I love it! It felt great outside, and the sky was the reddest we have ever seen. Our walk with the sitter was wonderful.
Raven - The jog was nothing special, little of this, little of that, some big trucks went by, we flipped out at 'em, you know the usual.
Chester: The sitter has come, and just in time too. I was getting a tad lonely and needed someone to pet and play with me. Bandit and Smokey never showed up, or at the least they were hiding. Oh well, they are missing out, I'm getting my neck scratched.
Tank: I was a good boy! I walked with the sitter without having to be bribed. Saw a neighbor friend and said hello! Sitter saw a little worm sac in my poo! How gross to have something white crawling from your booty! ewwwww! Anyway! I got a little confused when the sitter went to leave. She ran out the door after setting the alarm and I decided to run out with her! HAHA!
Daisy: Sitter tried to give me a treat while I went for my walk and I just wanted to carry it in my mouth. I can never be satisfied! I ran up stairs and let my brother Harmon charm the sitter for a treat and get attention.
Shadow: I rolled around in the grass and chased after birdies. The cold air makes me a little crazy! We played fetch with my toys, which makes me a little crazy also!
Snowflake: It was just like any other day. I slept until the sitter woke me up, pooped twice, jumped around a little stick because I thought it was a big stick, ran to the house because I thought I had walked enough, got inside and barked at the sitter like a crazy old dog, I must have my midday snack asap! After that I was all happy and let the sitter pet me on the couch.
The Hidin' Kitties - We didn't come out to play at all! One of us ran by as soon as the sitter walked in but after that there was nothing. He even tried to pull us out by shooting the laser all around. Anyway, he gave us our food and all that. Maybe we'll come out tomorrow!
Zeus - I was the only one to come out and say hi so I got all the cuddles. I was talkin' up a storm too!
The Hidin' Kitties - We were hidin' as usual but we noticed the sitter set everything us for us good and nice. We love food and water!
Cooper - What a good day for a snack! I could eat snack all day long, I tell ya, I love it! It felt great outside, and the sky was the reddest we have ever seen. Our walk with the sitter was wonderful.
Raven - The jog was nothing special, little of this, little of that, some big trucks went by, we flipped out at 'em, you know the usual.
Chester: The sitter has come, and just in time too. I was getting a tad lonely and needed someone to pet and play with me. Bandit and Smokey never showed up, or at the least they were hiding. Oh well, they are missing out, I'm getting my neck scratched.
Tank: I was a good boy! I walked with the sitter without having to be bribed. Saw a neighbor friend and said hello! Sitter saw a little worm sac in my poo! How gross to have something white crawling from your booty! ewwwww! Anyway! I got a little confused when the sitter went to leave. She ran out the door after setting the alarm and I decided to run out with her! HAHA!
Daisy: Sitter tried to give me a treat while I went for my walk and I just wanted to carry it in my mouth. I can never be satisfied! I ran up stairs and let my brother Harmon charm the sitter for a treat and get attention.
Shadow: I rolled around in the grass and chased after birdies. The cold air makes me a little crazy! We played fetch with my toys, which makes me a little crazy also!
Snowflake: It was just like any other day. I slept until the sitter woke me up, pooped twice, jumped around a little stick because I thought it was a big stick, ran to the house because I thought I had walked enough, got inside and barked at the sitter like a crazy old dog, I must have my midday snack asap! After that I was all happy and let the sitter pet me on the couch.
Monday, November 17, 2008
November 16, 2008
Bb: This sitter is my favorite! We always have really nice walks! Time to go outside! Carry me there! Thanks! Ah! That was nice. I really had to pee! ow let's go back in! Fine.... I guess I'll keep running around outside.
Solace: Great! The sitter is here for my morning meal and medicine. Wish it was just the meal, but I guess I can handle a little medicine.
Max: MORNING WALK! MORNING WALK! That's what I was barking as loud as I could when the sitter showed up. After completing a deposit for the sitter in the backyard we walked down the street a bit. Brrr... the breeze was so cold.
Savannah & Maddie: We were very quiet when the sitter came in to take us for a walk, she called us pretty lil' ladies. Savannah really enjoyed laying in her bed after we came back, and I Maddie chased Max around after he teased me with a chewy. He's such a punk.
Gyro: I may be small, but I have lots of love! Today while we were playing out back, Tucker found a mole hole. We haven't spotted Mr. Mole yet though. But if I saw him I would probably lick him all over.
Shadow the Scottie: The sitter and I had a race on our walk today and I won! Of course if the sitter had won he would have gotten to eat the treat, and that's just horrendous to think of. I even chased a turtle! But it got away! I wasn't allowed to chase it into the pond. When we got back I beat him in tug'o'war too. Now I am going to think of other games to play while I dine.
Sarah: Ruff! Ruff! There was a new sitter today, so when I peaked my head out of the bedroom, I barked at her. But I warmed up to her very quickly. We went on a walk/jog around the neighborhood and I even saw the next door neighbor's dog. WOW! He sure is tiny. When my other sitter came
DeeDee & Sadie: We came barking out at the sitter when she came up to the door. We were so excited to have someone to give kisses too, and get tons of cuddles back. We went outside to go potty then back in for fresh water and treats! yum!
Shadow the Poodle Mix: I was asleep and had gotten my cone head off when the sitter came in this morning. I didn't wake up until the sitter touched me, then I jumped. We went outside into the chilly morning and then back inside for loads of cuddles. She told me she would be back tonight, but my mommy and daddy beat her there. I did see her after my bath, and gave her a few more kisses to say "thank you."
Solace: Great! The sitter is here for my morning meal and medicine. Wish it was just the meal, but I guess I can handle a little medicine.
Max: MORNING WALK! MORNING WALK! That's what I was barking as loud as I could when the sitter showed up. After completing a deposit for the sitter in the backyard we walked down the street a bit. Brrr... the breeze was so cold.
Savannah & Maddie: We were very quiet when the sitter came in to take us for a walk, she called us pretty lil' ladies. Savannah really enjoyed laying in her bed after we came back, and I Maddie chased Max around after he teased me with a chewy. He's such a punk.
Gyro: I may be small, but I have lots of love! Today while we were playing out back, Tucker found a mole hole. We haven't spotted Mr. Mole yet though. But if I saw him I would probably lick him all over.
Shadow the Scottie: The sitter and I had a race on our walk today and I won! Of course if the sitter had won he would have gotten to eat the treat, and that's just horrendous to think of. I even chased a turtle! But it got away! I wasn't allowed to chase it into the pond. When we got back I beat him in tug'o'war too. Now I am going to think of other games to play while I dine.
Sarah: Ruff! Ruff! There was a new sitter today, so when I peaked my head out of the bedroom, I barked at her. But I warmed up to her very quickly. We went on a walk/jog around the neighborhood and I even saw the next door neighbor's dog. WOW! He sure is tiny. When my other sitter came
DeeDee & Sadie: We came barking out at the sitter when she came up to the door. We were so excited to have someone to give kisses too, and get tons of cuddles back. We went outside to go potty then back in for fresh water and treats! yum!
Shadow the Poodle Mix: I was asleep and had gotten my cone head off when the sitter came in this morning. I didn't wake up until the sitter touched me, then I jumped. We went outside into the chilly morning and then back inside for loads of cuddles. She told me she would be back tonight, but my mommy and daddy beat her there. I did see her after my bath, and gave her a few more kisses to say "thank you."
November 15, 2008
Shadow the Scottie: Even though it was quite wet outside this morning, I still went out to run around. Nothing beats the great outdoors. Once I had my fill of the backyard I came in for some breakfast and belly rubs. YAY! A new sitter! During our long walk it started pouring rain! Guess I'll have to shake it off on the sitter! Ick. It's so cold and rainy outside. This is a bit depressing. However a good game of tug'o'war and chase the sitter got my spirit up. Perhaps tomorrow will be sunny and warm.
Oliver: The sitter took us on a walk this afternoon. There was another group of dogs right outside the door when we left. We were so happy to see friends that we tangled ourselves up. The sitter was really smart and de-tangled us.
Sarah: Today was a lazy day. It started raining during my walk with the sitter. I didn't like it too much so we went inside to get dry and cuddle. The sitter found my sweet spot and I had the most exhilarating pet session ever! I was very mellow when the other sitter came until we went for a walk and a little run too! I didn't want to go on another walk, just went outside and peed twice and came back inside... its too cold! Plus... treats are inside the house.
DeeDee: I am pretty sure that licking and back scratches go hand in hand, like fresh water and food. The sitter scratched and rubbed us for what seemed like hours and he left with his arms soaked in our kisses.
Sadie: Woof! Woof! The sitter is back! We get more attention! We're so happy, and it's such a nice day out already! Perfect day for a sitter to scratch my neck a lot!
Chelsea: It sure did rain today. Luckily it ended before the sitter got here for our evening stroll. it is very chilly out and slippery. we had to be careful not to run too fast. When we got back inside we warmed up and then cuddled until we fell asleep.
Tucker: It may be cold and rainy, but that is not stopping me from rocketing around the yard like a blur. Gyro just cuddled the sitter while I exercised. When I came back in we all warmed up and cuddled before the sitter left.
Gyro: Tucker played fetch as usual, and I got belly rubs! I could sit here all day and have my belly scratched! No! Don't leave! Who's gonna rub my belly now!
Shadow the Poodle: I let the sitter know right where I was when she came in the door. I didn't want to go outside at first but it was so nice outside, that I said "ok" quickly and went out into the flower bed and did my business. We enjoyed the sun for awhile before we came back inside where I got myself some puperoni snacks! yum! When the sitter came back, I was quiet because I knew she knew where I was, when we went outside we enjoyed some music that was being played nearby.
Juno: We're much more interested in the sitter today than we were last night! We must be starting to miss you! But we weren't interested in food this morning. It's too early, for breakfast.
Solace: We've been waiting for the sitter, and he's finally here! It's time for my medicine... I'm not excited.
Maddie & Savannah: AwoooO! Someone's home! We all got a good walk, and it was great weather! When we got back in Max drank a bunch of water and then puked it back up! ewww!
Max: Ah! It's raining and cold now! We ran to keep warm! I was as fast as the sitter1 He was very surprised by that! Oh, and dinner was delicious!
Oliver: The sitter took us on a walk this afternoon. There was another group of dogs right outside the door when we left. We were so happy to see friends that we tangled ourselves up. The sitter was really smart and de-tangled us.
Sarah: Today was a lazy day. It started raining during my walk with the sitter. I didn't like it too much so we went inside to get dry and cuddle. The sitter found my sweet spot and I had the most exhilarating pet session ever! I was very mellow when the other sitter came until we went for a walk and a little run too! I didn't want to go on another walk, just went outside and peed twice and came back inside... its too cold! Plus... treats are inside the house.
DeeDee: I am pretty sure that licking and back scratches go hand in hand, like fresh water and food. The sitter scratched and rubbed us for what seemed like hours and he left with his arms soaked in our kisses.
Sadie: Woof! Woof! The sitter is back! We get more attention! We're so happy, and it's such a nice day out already! Perfect day for a sitter to scratch my neck a lot!
Chelsea: It sure did rain today. Luckily it ended before the sitter got here for our evening stroll. it is very chilly out and slippery. we had to be careful not to run too fast. When we got back inside we warmed up and then cuddled until we fell asleep.
Tucker: It may be cold and rainy, but that is not stopping me from rocketing around the yard like a blur. Gyro just cuddled the sitter while I exercised. When I came back in we all warmed up and cuddled before the sitter left.
Gyro: Tucker played fetch as usual, and I got belly rubs! I could sit here all day and have my belly scratched! No! Don't leave! Who's gonna rub my belly now!
Shadow the Poodle: I let the sitter know right where I was when she came in the door. I didn't want to go outside at first but it was so nice outside, that I said "ok" quickly and went out into the flower bed and did my business. We enjoyed the sun for awhile before we came back inside where I got myself some puperoni snacks! yum! When the sitter came back, I was quiet because I knew she knew where I was, when we went outside we enjoyed some music that was being played nearby.
Juno: We're much more interested in the sitter today than we were last night! We must be starting to miss you! But we weren't interested in food this morning. It's too early, for breakfast.
Solace: We've been waiting for the sitter, and he's finally here! It's time for my medicine... I'm not excited.
Maddie & Savannah: AwoooO! Someone's home! We all got a good walk, and it was great weather! When we got back in Max drank a bunch of water and then puked it back up! ewww!
Max: Ah! It's raining and cold now! We ran to keep warm! I was as fast as the sitter1 He was very surprised by that! Oh, and dinner was delicious!
November 14, 2008
Shadow: So sleepy... the sitter and I threw around my blue toy outside. It was so much fun! But all that running around has exhausted me. So after this dinner gobble I am going to stretch out on the rug and snooze.
Sarah: It rained last night. Yuck! And outside’s all yucky too! I went out to do my business but that’s it, I’m a little afraid of the squishy ground. We went back inside for cuddles, breakfast and a treat! The sitter took me for a walk this afternoon but I really didn’t feel like going far. I did my business and started pulling back to the house. I like cuddling inside! The sitter gave me fresh water and a treat! When the sitter arrived tonight I was tired. We only played for a little. Then I flopped out on the floor and got rubbed and hugged. He gave me a treat and then I told him it was time for bed before retreating to the bedroom.
Cooper: I really took my time today eating my snack. Sometimes I like to do that. I’m not aaaalways crazy! I was feelin’ good today.
Raven: We faaaliiiipped out at some kind of truck today. Then it drove by and we continue our jog like nothing happened!
Pork Chop & gang: Woof! Woof! We have so much energy! We all kept running around the yard and Wolf and Biscuit kept wrestling around. And the treats were delicious!
Sadie: I got such a nice walk today! we went through a bunch of partks and I met all kinds of people! I'm so happy and cute! Can I have some treats?!
Juno: We're not very interested in the sitter tonight, Solace isn't even interested in food! But I definitely am! Yum! Thanks Mr. Sitter!
Deedee & Sadie: Pet me! Pet me! Look I'm right here! Scratch my neck! don't stop! I'm so friendly I can't leave you alone! Dont' forget to pet both of us!
Sarah: It rained last night. Yuck! And outside’s all yucky too! I went out to do my business but that’s it, I’m a little afraid of the squishy ground. We went back inside for cuddles, breakfast and a treat! The sitter took me for a walk this afternoon but I really didn’t feel like going far. I did my business and started pulling back to the house. I like cuddling inside! The sitter gave me fresh water and a treat! When the sitter arrived tonight I was tired. We only played for a little. Then I flopped out on the floor and got rubbed and hugged. He gave me a treat and then I told him it was time for bed before retreating to the bedroom.
Cooper: I really took my time today eating my snack. Sometimes I like to do that. I’m not aaaalways crazy! I was feelin’ good today.
Raven: We faaaliiiipped out at some kind of truck today. Then it drove by and we continue our jog like nothing happened!
Pork Chop & gang: Woof! Woof! We have so much energy! We all kept running around the yard and Wolf and Biscuit kept wrestling around. And the treats were delicious!
Sadie: I got such a nice walk today! we went through a bunch of partks and I met all kinds of people! I'm so happy and cute! Can I have some treats?!
Juno: We're not very interested in the sitter tonight, Solace isn't even interested in food! But I definitely am! Yum! Thanks Mr. Sitter!
Deedee & Sadie: Pet me! Pet me! Look I'm right here! Scratch my neck! don't stop! I'm so friendly I can't leave you alone! Dont' forget to pet both of us!
Friday, November 14, 2008
November 13, 2008
Sarah: I’m cute. I frolic around with my chewy. I frolicked so hard I accidently threw my chewy under the door and into the pantry and didn’t know what to do! So the sitter and I went outside and played with the tennis ball! Fun! I took my pill like it was a treat!
Sam: I met a golden retriever in the park today. She was unavoidable! But fun! She was too young for me though so I just continued on my walk!
Lily: It was very nice outside today. Hot and muggy. Yuck! But I’ll tell you what wasn’t yuck, my breakfast and a delicious treat!
Sadie: I was really excited to get to the park today. I was pullin’ and puuuullin’. “Bring me to the park, I say” I said. The sitter said “yes, ma’am”. And back home I got a treat and some fresh water! Mm!
Cooper: It was pretty gross out there today but we still went for a jog. Noticed a bunch of fire ant hills on the side of the road. Better stay away from them! Unless I gotta poop!
Raven: I’ll take my apples with some yogurt and a little bit of love please. After I finished my snack, Cooper still had a ways to go so I put my head on the sitters lap and got some cuddles!
Sam: I met a golden retriever in the park today. She was unavoidable! But fun! She was too young for me though so I just continued on my walk!
Lily: It was very nice outside today. Hot and muggy. Yuck! But I’ll tell you what wasn’t yuck, my breakfast and a delicious treat!
Sadie: I was really excited to get to the park today. I was pullin’ and puuuullin’. “Bring me to the park, I say” I said. The sitter said “yes, ma’am”. And back home I got a treat and some fresh water! Mm!
Cooper: It was pretty gross out there today but we still went for a jog. Noticed a bunch of fire ant hills on the side of the road. Better stay away from them! Unless I gotta poop!
Raven: I’ll take my apples with some yogurt and a little bit of love please. After I finished my snack, Cooper still had a ways to go so I put my head on the sitters lap and got some cuddles!
November 13, 2008
Porkchop: I barked at the sitter some and stayed my distance even though I know her very well! I am just a weirdo!
Biscuit: I jumped on the couch before wolf so I could get to the sitter first! Wolf always manages to take over the couch regardless of what I do!
Wolf: I am the boss in this house! I will tell you that I had nothing to do with eating the couch! nothing!
Snowflake: I saw a turtle today! They scare me, but thats not surprising since walking upon a stick scares me!
Shadow: YEAH! I love visitors! A guard dog I am not! I showed my belly then showed my fun blue toy. We went for a walk and I drug her all over the place. Its good to have so much space with no distractions.
Sarah: I showed the sitter my butt right when she walked in. Either I have to potty or need it about both?!
Biscuit: I jumped on the couch before wolf so I could get to the sitter first! Wolf always manages to take over the couch regardless of what I do!
Wolf: I am the boss in this house! I will tell you that I had nothing to do with eating the couch! nothing!
Snowflake: I saw a turtle today! They scare me, but thats not surprising since walking upon a stick scares me!
Shadow: YEAH! I love visitors! A guard dog I am not! I showed my belly then showed my fun blue toy. We went for a walk and I drug her all over the place. Its good to have so much space with no distractions.
Sarah: I showed the sitter my butt right when she walked in. Either I have to potty or need it about both?!
Thursday, November 13, 2008
November 12, 2008
Tank: I think I'm going to be a really good boy today and be extra awesome on my walk. That might get me some extra treats! I know the sitter definitely appreciated it cause he kept telling me what a good boy I was. No extra treats, though :( (I'm still recovering from being sick so the sitter didn't know if it was ok). I wouldn't have told on him. After my walk, the siter sat with me and just pet me for a while, sometimes it's nice to do that instead of play all the time.
The Dogs: Oh man oh man oh man! here's that sitter! We're going to sit by the door and just howl until he finally comes in. Once he gets inside, we know what that means: DINNER! We always line up and wait for it. Sometimes we get antsy and poke the sitter in the leg with out noses so he knows to hurry up. He just laughs instead.
Sams: I'm always a fun dog to be around. Today I made the sitter laugh by really preparing myself and then jump just a little bit. He was so pleased he gave me a tasty breakfast! It's getting so dark way too early now! There are less and less people in the park nowadays.
Lily: The sitter gives us breakfast anyway, Sam is just flattering himself. I'm the cutest and I got to go on the walk first so take that little Sammy!
Sarah: I tired to act all tough and use my big girl voice when the sitter came in. I soon realized that it was just the sitter, I remember him. He took me outside and ran around with me for a bit before we came back in so I could get some water. He said I'm getting better at catching my treats...even though I still miss some.
Wolf - It's always me,me, me! And the sitter appreciates that and tends to my needs. Thank you sitter for giving me my breakfast first. I enjoy that very much.
Biscuit - I couldn't wait to get outside! It was such a nice day out there. I rolled around as usual!
Pork Chop - I'm so innocent and cute. Sometimes the sitter catches me off guard and I get a little weirded out but he coaxes me back in with a niiiice back rub. Mmmmm mm!
Murray - The sitter it good at scratching my neck and I like it very much. I love having the upstairs all to myself with my fooood and waaaater! Mmm!
Sadie: I was being real sniffy today. I don't know what my deal was but I did all my business and came back inside for a good treat!
Cooper: I'm an excited little puppy! The snack was good today aaas always I think its about time to get outside!
Raven: I jumped at a couple of cars today but no big deal... except I almost knocked the sitter over, hehe! We had a good run though!
The Dogs: Oh man oh man oh man! here's that sitter! We're going to sit by the door and just howl until he finally comes in. Once he gets inside, we know what that means: DINNER! We always line up and wait for it. Sometimes we get antsy and poke the sitter in the leg with out noses so he knows to hurry up. He just laughs instead.
Sams: I'm always a fun dog to be around. Today I made the sitter laugh by really preparing myself and then jump just a little bit. He was so pleased he gave me a tasty breakfast! It's getting so dark way too early now! There are less and less people in the park nowadays.
Lily: The sitter gives us breakfast anyway, Sam is just flattering himself. I'm the cutest and I got to go on the walk first so take that little Sammy!
Sarah: I tired to act all tough and use my big girl voice when the sitter came in. I soon realized that it was just the sitter, I remember him. He took me outside and ran around with me for a bit before we came back in so I could get some water. He said I'm getting better at catching my treats...even though I still miss some.
Wolf - It's always me,me, me! And the sitter appreciates that and tends to my needs. Thank you sitter for giving me my breakfast first. I enjoy that very much.
Biscuit - I couldn't wait to get outside! It was such a nice day out there. I rolled around as usual!
Pork Chop - I'm so innocent and cute. Sometimes the sitter catches me off guard and I get a little weirded out but he coaxes me back in with a niiiice back rub. Mmmmm mm!
Murray - The sitter it good at scratching my neck and I like it very much. I love having the upstairs all to myself with my fooood and waaaater! Mmm!
Sadie: I was being real sniffy today. I don't know what my deal was but I did all my business and came back inside for a good treat!
Cooper: I'm an excited little puppy! The snack was good today aaas always I think its about time to get outside!
Raven: I jumped at a couple of cars today but no big deal... except I almost knocked the sitter over, hehe! We had a good run though!
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
October 11, 2008
Sam: We love to wait for the sitter at the window and say hello! I devoured my breakfast in 5 seconds flat!
Lily: I was sniffing all over the place today on the walk. i'm a dog, it's what I do best! Treat time!
Wolf: I get jealous and have to bark at the sitter to pet me, but then he gives me my food first and is redeeemed!
Biscuit: I love rolling around and getting lots of attention! I'm so wild, the sitter tried playing fetch with me, but that toy was all mine, I wasn't sharing.
Pork Chop: Biscuit doesn't know what she's talking about because the sitter likes me best and when Biscuits not looking I get aaaall the cuddles!
Murray: I'm just hanging out upstairs, doing a little reading but mostly sleeping!
Sadie: the sitter was real frustrated when he got here. He said he had to park reeeally far away because of the parade. So I took him for a walk and he felt better, then he gave me a treat!
Daisy & Harmon: Dad was home!
Cooper: I love having free run of the house now! Whoop Whoop! I get excited for the sitter but he calms me down before I get my snack. I'm such a good boy! I really like green beans, what... you don't like your vegetables?
Raven: Jogging around here is so nice, especially this time of year. I love to do a little trot next to the sitter. The evening sitter forgot his running shoes so we just walked at night. Well, now it's time for a treat!
Sasha: Woohoo! Walktime and dinner! I was so ready to go outside for a walk.
I almost convinced the cats to join with my excitement. We jogged with the sitter for awhile before dinner was served and we were tucked in for the night.
Odysseus and Penelope: We're So excited we can't stop running in circles! And Penelope is so happy to see the sitter that she's not even interested in dinner! Yes! it's walk time I'm gonna catch me a cat!
Lily: I was sniffing all over the place today on the walk. i'm a dog, it's what I do best! Treat time!
Wolf: I get jealous and have to bark at the sitter to pet me, but then he gives me my food first and is redeeemed!
Biscuit: I love rolling around and getting lots of attention! I'm so wild, the sitter tried playing fetch with me, but that toy was all mine, I wasn't sharing.
Pork Chop: Biscuit doesn't know what she's talking about because the sitter likes me best and when Biscuits not looking I get aaaall the cuddles!
Murray: I'm just hanging out upstairs, doing a little reading but mostly sleeping!
Sadie: the sitter was real frustrated when he got here. He said he had to park reeeally far away because of the parade. So I took him for a walk and he felt better, then he gave me a treat!
Daisy & Harmon: Dad was home!
Cooper: I love having free run of the house now! Whoop Whoop! I get excited for the sitter but he calms me down before I get my snack. I'm such a good boy! I really like green beans, what... you don't like your vegetables?
Raven: Jogging around here is so nice, especially this time of year. I love to do a little trot next to the sitter. The evening sitter forgot his running shoes so we just walked at night. Well, now it's time for a treat!
Sasha: Woohoo! Walktime and dinner! I was so ready to go outside for a walk.
I almost convinced the cats to join with my excitement. We jogged with the sitter for awhile before dinner was served and we were tucked in for the night.
Odysseus and Penelope: We're So excited we can't stop running in circles! And Penelope is so happy to see the sitter that she's not even interested in dinner! Yes! it's walk time I'm gonna catch me a cat!
November 11, 2008
Henry: I tried to eat the palm tree in the front yard. The sitter took the palm tree piece away from me and I started to chase her so I could get it back!
Sasha: I cannot contain myself when I hop out the crate! I am a little jack rabbit! I was a good girl and sat when the golf carts came by. Only thing I refused to do was poop!
Kazi and Emma: Since we were given our food like we wanted we decided to take a nap and not say hello to the sitter during midday visit.
Snowflake: Still a little nutty but thats okay! This old lady was full of energy and sniffer was going crazy! I was all over the place sniffing!
Sasha: I cannot contain myself when I hop out the crate! I am a little jack rabbit! I was a good girl and sat when the golf carts came by. Only thing I refused to do was poop!
Kazi and Emma: Since we were given our food like we wanted we decided to take a nap and not say hello to the sitter during midday visit.
Snowflake: Still a little nutty but thats okay! This old lady was full of energy and sniffer was going crazy! I was all over the place sniffing!
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
November 10, 2008
Sam: It's freeeeezin' outside! We went for a walk and I acted like I was having a good time but it was too cold! Bring me back inside for a treat please!
Lily: I always love seeing the sitter and getting my tasty breakfast and getting my good back rubs and neck scratches and eating some tasty treats!
Ferdinand: I sure got the sitter good and frustrated when he couldn't find me! But it's okay he thought it was funny! Hehe! He put out some food and water for me so I might have to venture out a little later and have a taste!
Sadie: It was a new adventure today! A different park! I didn't go poop though, I was too busy sniffing around and playing with the birds in the bushes! I got some good fresh water and a treat when we got back though!
Cooper: The sitter was a little weirded out when he first got here. We were out of the laundry room and the timer on the oven was going off...straaaange. He gave us our snack anyway though!
Raven: It turned out to be a beautiful day out there today and we had a nice little jog to get rid of all our energy, or should I say all of Coop's energy!
Snowflake: I was wide awake jumping and barking at the sitter when she came in. This cold weather makes me really nutty!
Bodie: I haven't taken my nose off the sitter once during the visit, she smells like too many things!
Charlie: I ran around with Bodie and barked at the sitter for no reason other than to hear myself bark, I have a lovely voice.
Henry: I love pine cones and smelling the sitters car. I wouldn't get away from it so we played chase and I ran and hid so I could do my business in private.
Sasha: I am soooo happy all the time! I spun around a lot while I walked and picked up some sticks, I love sticks!
Kazi: I loved all over the sitter so she would give us kitties some food! We love to act like we are starving so she will take pity on us!
Emma: Kazi and I make strange noises when we eat. I love to eat so much I don't even notice the pill being dropped in my food.
Lily: I always love seeing the sitter and getting my tasty breakfast and getting my good back rubs and neck scratches and eating some tasty treats!
Ferdinand: I sure got the sitter good and frustrated when he couldn't find me! But it's okay he thought it was funny! Hehe! He put out some food and water for me so I might have to venture out a little later and have a taste!
Sadie: It was a new adventure today! A different park! I didn't go poop though, I was too busy sniffing around and playing with the birds in the bushes! I got some good fresh water and a treat when we got back though!
Cooper: The sitter was a little weirded out when he first got here. We were out of the laundry room and the timer on the oven was going off...straaaange. He gave us our snack anyway though!
Raven: It turned out to be a beautiful day out there today and we had a nice little jog to get rid of all our energy, or should I say all of Coop's energy!
Snowflake: I was wide awake jumping and barking at the sitter when she came in. This cold weather makes me really nutty!
Bodie: I haven't taken my nose off the sitter once during the visit, she smells like too many things!
Charlie: I ran around with Bodie and barked at the sitter for no reason other than to hear myself bark, I have a lovely voice.
Henry: I love pine cones and smelling the sitters car. I wouldn't get away from it so we played chase and I ran and hid so I could do my business in private.
Sasha: I am soooo happy all the time! I spun around a lot while I walked and picked up some sticks, I love sticks!
Kazi: I loved all over the sitter so she would give us kitties some food! We love to act like we are starving so she will take pity on us!
Emma: Kazi and I make strange noises when we eat. I love to eat so much I don't even notice the pill being dropped in my food.
Monday, November 10, 2008
November 9, 2008
Bb: This sitter is my favorite! I love our walks.
Henry: I barked until the sitter let me out. I love to play.
Sashi: I was SO excited I had a little accident but the sitter cleaned it up right away.
Kazi: I was a little scared but that didn't keep me from dinner.
Emma: I was really friendly & had lots to say.
Bodie: I really had to potty when the sitter got here. Then I got to play with my new friend, I had so much fun.
Charlie: I played in the yard then had some dinner, yum!
Annabelle: Ok, not going to take my medicine today. Haha! cheese cube trick again? What an amateur. Yeah, you guessed it, I'm not going to eat that...I know better. Hey! a sausage treat! I guess he gave up on trying to give me my medicine and just gave me a treat instea-- DARN! Fell for it
Ebon: We were sleeping so soundly when the sitter came in that he actually had to wake us up which startled the both of us a little bit. He gave us our breakfast and then took us outside. Dooley dawdled around so I had to wait for him to finish up before we went back inside and got to play with our squeaky toys!
Ferdinand: I'm good at hiding from the sitters. He never even saw me even when he walked right past me. He gave me food and cleaned out my box all while I was lurking in the shadows, watching his every move. If I don't want to be found, I can become invisible...that's just how it works, don't ask me.
Barkley: I tried to hide from the sitter again like yesterday but he learned my hiding spot. He didn't waste anytime getting me out and giving me my eye drop. I should have stayed on top of my game and picked a new spot but, fair is fair. One interesting thing, he did see Sushi today and she didn't run away from him right away...he even almost actually touched her but that was a bit much for her...that's when she bolted.
Henry: I barked until the sitter let me out. I love to play.
Sashi: I was SO excited I had a little accident but the sitter cleaned it up right away.
Kazi: I was a little scared but that didn't keep me from dinner.
Emma: I was really friendly & had lots to say.
Bodie: I really had to potty when the sitter got here. Then I got to play with my new friend, I had so much fun.
Charlie: I played in the yard then had some dinner, yum!
Annabelle: Ok, not going to take my medicine today. Haha! cheese cube trick again? What an amateur. Yeah, you guessed it, I'm not going to eat that...I know better. Hey! a sausage treat! I guess he gave up on trying to give me my medicine and just gave me a treat instea-- DARN! Fell for it
Ebon: We were sleeping so soundly when the sitter came in that he actually had to wake us up which startled the both of us a little bit. He gave us our breakfast and then took us outside. Dooley dawdled around so I had to wait for him to finish up before we went back inside and got to play with our squeaky toys!
Ferdinand: I'm good at hiding from the sitters. He never even saw me even when he walked right past me. He gave me food and cleaned out my box all while I was lurking in the shadows, watching his every move. If I don't want to be found, I can become invisible...that's just how it works, don't ask me.
Barkley: I tried to hide from the sitter again like yesterday but he learned my hiding spot. He didn't waste anytime getting me out and giving me my eye drop. I should have stayed on top of my game and picked a new spot but, fair is fair. One interesting thing, he did see Sushi today and she didn't run away from him right away...he even almost actually touched her but that was a bit much for her...that's when she bolted.
November 8, 2008
Chevy: Mmm. Food has been served! Stella and I had such a nice walk in the park. The weather was beautiful, there wasn't a cloud in sight. I only wished we could have stayed at the park all day.
Dorian: We are such wonderful kitties. Before the sitter could even put the wet food down, Daphne and I ate up our hairball meds. The sitter was very proud. DaVinci however needed the wet food. Oh well, he will learn it isn't so bad.
Annabelle: Cheese cube, eh? I'm not dumb, I know what's in there. I'm not going to eat it because I know my medicine is in there. Oh, he's going to give me a sausage treat instead, alright! Hey, what's this chalky substance? Kind of tastes like my medici- AAWW foiled again! It is beginning to look a lot more like fall outside, the colors made me excited, as did the squirrel that streaked across the road. After we came back inside I kept wanting to play with the sitter and doing these little tiny barks that make my whole body jump...I do those straight from the gut!
Henry: Sasha and I had a nice stroll with the sitter before coming in for dinner. My tummy rumbled and then my dinner was out again. I must have eaten too fast. The sitter cleaned it up and comforted me. I'll have to be more careful next time.
Sasha: I was barking and anxious to get out of my crate when the sitter got here. He took Henry out first so I had to wait but I waited (semi) patiently. Henry didn't want to go back into his crate so the sitter had to trick him in there with a treat, what a silly dog. I went right back in mine no problem!.
Ebon: Woof! Woof! Hurry up with that food! We're starving! and don't touch me while I eat! I swear I'm really tough! Don't make me bite your ankles. We were really calm tonight. It was really nice to spend some time outside and get some food. But the sitter kept petting me while I ate! Grr! And it is not cute when I get mad about that!
Ferdinand: The sitter and I played hide and seek today, but I hid so good that he never found me! I wouldn't even come out for food! I guess that means I win!
Raven: That was an awesome walk! We ran like Olympic athletes, until the end at least. We went really far and even saws some horses! We went crazy when they walked by and Cooper was so excited he attacked me!
Mr. Roscoe: I missed the sitter today. I smelled the food too late! But it was delicious! Thanks for the fresh water too Mr. Sitter!
Bb: I love my early morning walk! I always get so excited and bark at the door. Sometimes I like to run around and pretend like I'm not as old as I am. Today was one of those days. The sitter thinks I may have a split personality but we're fine.
Barkley: Let's play a game, it's called "Hide from the sitter and make him think that nobody is here even though I need to take my eye drop medicine". What's that? you're looking for nearly an hour and you still haven't found me yet? I must be pretty good. Well, turns out he did find me eventually and I let him give me my eye drop without a fuss, fair and square.
Dorian: We are such wonderful kitties. Before the sitter could even put the wet food down, Daphne and I ate up our hairball meds. The sitter was very proud. DaVinci however needed the wet food. Oh well, he will learn it isn't so bad.
Annabelle: Cheese cube, eh? I'm not dumb, I know what's in there. I'm not going to eat it because I know my medicine is in there. Oh, he's going to give me a sausage treat instead, alright! Hey, what's this chalky substance? Kind of tastes like my medici- AAWW foiled again! It is beginning to look a lot more like fall outside, the colors made me excited, as did the squirrel that streaked across the road. After we came back inside I kept wanting to play with the sitter and doing these little tiny barks that make my whole body jump...I do those straight from the gut!
Henry: Sasha and I had a nice stroll with the sitter before coming in for dinner. My tummy rumbled and then my dinner was out again. I must have eaten too fast. The sitter cleaned it up and comforted me. I'll have to be more careful next time.
Sasha: I was barking and anxious to get out of my crate when the sitter got here. He took Henry out first so I had to wait but I waited (semi) patiently. Henry didn't want to go back into his crate so the sitter had to trick him in there with a treat, what a silly dog. I went right back in mine no problem!.
Ebon: Woof! Woof! Hurry up with that food! We're starving! and don't touch me while I eat! I swear I'm really tough! Don't make me bite your ankles. We were really calm tonight. It was really nice to spend some time outside and get some food. But the sitter kept petting me while I ate! Grr! And it is not cute when I get mad about that!
Ferdinand: The sitter and I played hide and seek today, but I hid so good that he never found me! I wouldn't even come out for food! I guess that means I win!
Raven: That was an awesome walk! We ran like Olympic athletes, until the end at least. We went really far and even saws some horses! We went crazy when they walked by and Cooper was so excited he attacked me!
Mr. Roscoe: I missed the sitter today. I smelled the food too late! But it was delicious! Thanks for the fresh water too Mr. Sitter!
Bb: I love my early morning walk! I always get so excited and bark at the door. Sometimes I like to run around and pretend like I'm not as old as I am. Today was one of those days. The sitter thinks I may have a split personality but we're fine.
Barkley: Let's play a game, it's called "Hide from the sitter and make him think that nobody is here even though I need to take my eye drop medicine". What's that? you're looking for nearly an hour and you still haven't found me yet? I must be pretty good. Well, turns out he did find me eventually and I let him give me my eye drop without a fuss, fair and square.
November 7, 2008
Dooley: Hurray for dinner! The sitter let us into the backyard and we pooped and ran back inside before he could even ask us to. I growled at him but he understood that's how I say "I love you." He could see it in my eyes.
Annabelle: Oh no! Not meds again. Wait, where did they go? This cheese cube looks delicious. The sitter took me on a nice stroll after giving me the cheese treat. There are so many interesting sounds at night.
Sam: I’m always such a happy little boy running around! The walk was nice and I was a good boy at breakfast this morning!
Lily: We saw so many friends at the park today! Squirrels, birds, other dogs, I wanted to play with them all! Buuut the sitter said nope and that we had to go home. He had a treat for me! If I’d known that I wouldn’t have put up such a fuss!
Dorian: I got my delicious food first again today and then got to sit on the sitters lap for some good cuddles!
Daphne: I like cuddles to so I jumped on the couch and tried to get my fill… Which I goooot!
Da Vinci: I wasn’t much into the cuddling today, mostly just wanted to watch. But I did watch the sitter give us fresh litter and water so I was pleased.
Cooper: We were breeeathin’ heavy today but it was so nice outside! I could’ve stayed out there for ever! I pooped!
Raven: I enjoy eating my snack outside on a day like today with my fur growing longer for the winter. It was a good day!
Barkley: As soon as the sitter came in I ran and hid. He was nice enough to clean our litter box, and feed us. So I came out for treats, but sushi never showed her face.
Clooney: I was such a cute and happy fuzz ball today! It was great to run around outside and I don't want the belly rubs to stop! The sitter was surprised by how much I've grown since we last walked!
Annabelle: Oh no! Not meds again. Wait, where did they go? This cheese cube looks delicious. The sitter took me on a nice stroll after giving me the cheese treat. There are so many interesting sounds at night.
Sam: I’m always such a happy little boy running around! The walk was nice and I was a good boy at breakfast this morning!
Lily: We saw so many friends at the park today! Squirrels, birds, other dogs, I wanted to play with them all! Buuut the sitter said nope and that we had to go home. He had a treat for me! If I’d known that I wouldn’t have put up such a fuss!
Dorian: I got my delicious food first again today and then got to sit on the sitters lap for some good cuddles!
Daphne: I like cuddles to so I jumped on the couch and tried to get my fill… Which I goooot!
Da Vinci: I wasn’t much into the cuddling today, mostly just wanted to watch. But I did watch the sitter give us fresh litter and water so I was pleased.
Cooper: We were breeeathin’ heavy today but it was so nice outside! I could’ve stayed out there for ever! I pooped!
Raven: I enjoy eating my snack outside on a day like today with my fur growing longer for the winter. It was a good day!
Barkley: As soon as the sitter came in I ran and hid. He was nice enough to clean our litter box, and feed us. So I came out for treats, but sushi never showed her face.
Clooney: I was such a cute and happy fuzz ball today! It was great to run around outside and I don't want the belly rubs to stop! The sitter was surprised by how much I've grown since we last walked!
Friday, November 7, 2008
November 6, 2007
Tank: I'm feeling a little sick lately so momma said to take it easy on the walk. I took "take it easy" as an excuse to be stubborn on my walk. It didn't help that I saw my mom walk off in a different direction :( At least I was ok enough to get all my business done. Wait, mom said take it easy on the treats too?! What a ripoff! I was sleeping when the sitter came in. I'm still not feeling too well but getting out and getting some fresh air seemed to make me feel a little better. I still wanted to eat those leaves but the sitter stopped me. We came back in for lunch and the sitter gave me an extra hug so I would feel better.
Sams & Lily: We're lucky cause there was just enough food in our bin for us to get our servings...that was a close one! Everyone knows how much we love food. On our walk , we went down to the park like always. unlike always, however, there were a LOT of other dogs out today! Lots of new friends for us to say hello to and smell and play with.
Sams: One of my most favorite things to do is run around in the long grass and get the leash caught on branches! The sitter loves it! The park was wonderful this morning but a little wet! Yuck!
Lily: Sam tried to get at me breakfast AGAIN but the sitter stopped him. When's Sam gonna learn his manners? Sheesh!
Ebon: The sitter came in and instantly we knew that it meant food time! (probably because we saw him walk into the kitchen where our food is kept...). While he was getting our food ready, we made sure to let him know how excited for it we were. Once we ate, we went outside and Dooley took forever. I wanted to go inside and play with my squeaky toys!
Snowflake: Not much happened today other than sniffing and barking at nothing. I get pretty demanding when it comes to my treat time, but what is new?
Ferdinand: I am not really sure if I want to be friendly or not. I kept running to my food bowl then running away because I just wasn't sure if I should eat or not. I will come around soon.
Raven: We saw what was left of a squirrel on the road. I kept looking back at it because I wasn't sure what it was.
Cooper: Its a nice pretty day outside, I was paying too much attention to the live squirrels didn't see the one on the road...I hear it was really gross!
Cleo: I am having trouble with just about everything from the waist down but I have been so much sweeter which is unlike me but I am at the point where being snotty is just too much work!
Mason: I love beating up on my brother Dixon. I am smaller than him so I have to be a bully!
Dixon: I love to bark and bark for no reason other than to hear myself. I love my bark!
Dorian: The sitter fed me first and I was very grateful. In fact, I was so grateful I kept him company the whole time while he finished his duties!
Daphne: I'm a fluff ball. The sitter likes that about me.
Da Vinci: I was sniffing his hand and trying to kept some cuddles in when the sitter was writing you a note. He said hold on, so I did, and then I got some cuddles!
Daisy: After the walk the sitter and I played in the living room! I loved it! I got a treat and some fresh water!
Harmon: I was right ready to get inside when the sitter was getting ready to take Daisy for a walk. When he got back he gave me some treats and a scratch under my chin!
Sadie: There was something fun going on at the park today but I have no idea what it was! I wanted to stay but the sitter said he had a surprise back at the house. Guess what it was... Treats and a tummy rub!
Sams & Lily: We're lucky cause there was just enough food in our bin for us to get our servings...that was a close one! Everyone knows how much we love food. On our walk , we went down to the park like always. unlike always, however, there were a LOT of other dogs out today! Lots of new friends for us to say hello to and smell and play with.
Sams: One of my most favorite things to do is run around in the long grass and get the leash caught on branches! The sitter loves it! The park was wonderful this morning but a little wet! Yuck!
Lily: Sam tried to get at me breakfast AGAIN but the sitter stopped him. When's Sam gonna learn his manners? Sheesh!
Ebon: The sitter came in and instantly we knew that it meant food time! (probably because we saw him walk into the kitchen where our food is kept...). While he was getting our food ready, we made sure to let him know how excited for it we were. Once we ate, we went outside and Dooley took forever. I wanted to go inside and play with my squeaky toys!
Snowflake: Not much happened today other than sniffing and barking at nothing. I get pretty demanding when it comes to my treat time, but what is new?
Ferdinand: I am not really sure if I want to be friendly or not. I kept running to my food bowl then running away because I just wasn't sure if I should eat or not. I will come around soon.
Raven: We saw what was left of a squirrel on the road. I kept looking back at it because I wasn't sure what it was.
Cooper: Its a nice pretty day outside, I was paying too much attention to the live squirrels didn't see the one on the road...I hear it was really gross!
Cleo: I am having trouble with just about everything from the waist down but I have been so much sweeter which is unlike me but I am at the point where being snotty is just too much work!
Mason: I love beating up on my brother Dixon. I am smaller than him so I have to be a bully!
Dixon: I love to bark and bark for no reason other than to hear myself. I love my bark!
Dorian: The sitter fed me first and I was very grateful. In fact, I was so grateful I kept him company the whole time while he finished his duties!
Daphne: I'm a fluff ball. The sitter likes that about me.
Da Vinci: I was sniffing his hand and trying to kept some cuddles in when the sitter was writing you a note. He said hold on, so I did, and then I got some cuddles!
Daisy: After the walk the sitter and I played in the living room! I loved it! I got a treat and some fresh water!
Harmon: I was right ready to get inside when the sitter was getting ready to take Daisy for a walk. When he got back he gave me some treats and a scratch under my chin!
Sadie: There was something fun going on at the park today but I have no idea what it was! I wanted to stay but the sitter said he had a surprise back at the house. Guess what it was... Treats and a tummy rub!
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
November 5, 2008
Sadie: I was so not wanting to go out! I was all in bed minding my own business and in walks the sitter wanting me to get up from my nap!
Snowflake: I had a senior moment today. I didnt realize the sitter was standing beside me and I started barking at nothing then at her leg.
Cooper: Nothing much happened today but I did stand in an ant pile while I pottied...oops!
Cleo: I had some trouble holding in my pee and I peed on the floor when the sitter picked me up to help me outside! I was so embarassed and ran and hid!
Mason and Dixon: We barked and played off and on all night. Cleo is never in the mood to play with us, she doesn't know what she is missing.
Snowflake: I had a senior moment today. I didnt realize the sitter was standing beside me and I started barking at nothing then at her leg.
Cooper: Nothing much happened today but I did stand in an ant pile while I pottied...oops!
Cleo: I had some trouble holding in my pee and I peed on the floor when the sitter picked me up to help me outside! I was so embarassed and ran and hid!
Mason and Dixon: We barked and played off and on all night. Cleo is never in the mood to play with us, she doesn't know what she is missing.
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
November 4, 2008
Snowflake: I was a little sneezy today, I guess its from sticking my nose in the ground too much! Either my smeller is working too much or too little I can't tell but I cannot keep my nose from sticking in the ground at one location for less than 2 minutes.
Raven: I almost had an embarrasing moment, my brother and I wanted to pee at the same time and well he beat me to it and luckily missed my beautiful hair, but as I moved away from the stream I hit my head on the mailbox...opps!
Cooper: A big creepy crawler, a roach got too close to use while we were eating. The sitter stomped it and I kept my distance because I wasn't sure what that thing was but Raven didn't care nothing will keep him from eating!
Ody: I ran around the yard like crazy with my sister! I ran into the fence a few times but its okay! We have to be rough to have fun!
Penelope: There was a lot of rough housing going on, the sitter yelled for us to stop a few times, we get so carried away!
Sam: I really wanted to eat Lily’s food this morning but the sitter stopped me. That’s okay though, I got a treat after the walk! When the sitter came back we were so happy that we couldn't stop jumping for joy! But we did stop for dinner! Then we ran through the park and we even voted! Whooyoo.
Lily: I’m such a cute little princess! I got lots of ear scratches today and all around the place on my walk!
Sadie: I’m afraid to walk on the vents in the sidewalk so today I was jumping them. It was fun! We spent a ton of time in the park today and I got some fresh water and a treat when we got home!
Raven: I almost had an embarrasing moment, my brother and I wanted to pee at the same time and well he beat me to it and luckily missed my beautiful hair, but as I moved away from the stream I hit my head on the mailbox...opps!
Cooper: A big creepy crawler, a roach got too close to use while we were eating. The sitter stomped it and I kept my distance because I wasn't sure what that thing was but Raven didn't care nothing will keep him from eating!
Ody: I ran around the yard like crazy with my sister! I ran into the fence a few times but its okay! We have to be rough to have fun!
Penelope: There was a lot of rough housing going on, the sitter yelled for us to stop a few times, we get so carried away!
Sam: I really wanted to eat Lily’s food this morning but the sitter stopped me. That’s okay though, I got a treat after the walk! When the sitter came back we were so happy that we couldn't stop jumping for joy! But we did stop for dinner! Then we ran through the park and we even voted! Whooyoo.
Lily: I’m such a cute little princess! I got lots of ear scratches today and all around the place on my walk!
Sadie: I’m afraid to walk on the vents in the sidewalk so today I was jumping them. It was fun! We spent a ton of time in the park today and I got some fresh water and a treat when we got home!
November 3, 2008
Tank: My poopy is quite soupy at the moment. But I am sure this will clear up soon enough. The sitter and I went for a wonderful stroll. It was a bit nippy outside, but naturally as my name suggests, I can deal with anything. I had a little diarrhea in the hall today but the sitter picked it up and gave me an extra hug. He saw that I felt bad and I only did it because it was an emeeeerrgency! But we went out for a walk which was nice then back in for a little lunch!
Annabelle: My, how cold it is starting to get outside. Today the sitter jogged with us so we could warm up. We passed a whole bunch of other dogs jogging also. After we barked the latest back and forth we went back to the house for a nice dinner.
Henry: I am obsessed with the sitters car, I cannot get enough of the smell!! She chased me around the suv since I wouldn't potty because of the constant sniffing!
Sasha: I am full of energy! I went out seperate from Henry since all I wanna do is bite his neck and play rough!
Raven: Sitter said I looked cute in my cop costume. I should of won in the costume contest! The contest was rigged!
Cooper: My poo was a little weird today, but what about me is not weird?!
Snowflake: Just the usual day, didn't hear the sitter come in while I napped, woke up, shook off the sleepiness, then headed out the door. Came back in to bark at the sitter, I like my treat right away!!
Zilker: Whoop Whoop! I remember this sitter! I had a nice big breakfast and then we went outside to play in the park. I was tired so i didn't do a whole lot of running around. When we got back inside I got some extra hugs! The sitter's back! We went to the park and played with the tennis ball a little but then a grabbed a seat on the sitters lap so I could get my back scratched. After that we went back in for a treat and some tasty fresh water!
Gus: I'm always so excited for the sitter! We went right outside and played with my yellow bone then came back in for some food! The sitter said he talked to my dad and he wasn't supposed to be there but I enjoyed it anyway!
Sadie - I can run around the park all day long. It's what I love to do! I did my business and came back in for some good tasty treats and some fresh water!
Annabelle: My, how cold it is starting to get outside. Today the sitter jogged with us so we could warm up. We passed a whole bunch of other dogs jogging also. After we barked the latest back and forth we went back to the house for a nice dinner.
Henry: I am obsessed with the sitters car, I cannot get enough of the smell!! She chased me around the suv since I wouldn't potty because of the constant sniffing!
Sasha: I am full of energy! I went out seperate from Henry since all I wanna do is bite his neck and play rough!
Raven: Sitter said I looked cute in my cop costume. I should of won in the costume contest! The contest was rigged!
Cooper: My poo was a little weird today, but what about me is not weird?!
Snowflake: Just the usual day, didn't hear the sitter come in while I napped, woke up, shook off the sleepiness, then headed out the door. Came back in to bark at the sitter, I like my treat right away!!
Zilker: Whoop Whoop! I remember this sitter! I had a nice big breakfast and then we went outside to play in the park. I was tired so i didn't do a whole lot of running around. When we got back inside I got some extra hugs! The sitter's back! We went to the park and played with the tennis ball a little but then a grabbed a seat on the sitters lap so I could get my back scratched. After that we went back in for a treat and some tasty fresh water!
Gus: I'm always so excited for the sitter! We went right outside and played with my yellow bone then came back in for some food! The sitter said he talked to my dad and he wasn't supposed to be there but I enjoyed it anyway!
Sadie - I can run around the park all day long. It's what I love to do! I did my business and came back in for some good tasty treats and some fresh water!
Monday, November 3, 2008
November 2, 2008
Rex: Breakfast was delicious! The sitter made me eat first before he let us outside to play. Then Dixie stole my ball from me! This erupted into a game of doggy soccer. Eventually I got the ball back, but Dixie is very persistent.
Toby: We were so happy to see the sitter today we knocked him over and were all over him. He was happy to see us too! We went on a quiet stroll before coming back for breakfast.
Sushi & Annabelle: We're crazy this morning! We can't stay running all over the house! Unless we get fed. We'll sit and stay for food. Yum! Walk time!
Zilker: That was a great walk. We played on the playground and I peed on a bunch of trees and sniffed everything! The outside smells so good! I was really happy tonight! The sitter fed me dinner and I ate super fast so I could get outside as fast as possible to run around! and he walked me for so long! It must be because I'm so sweet!
Bb: Ok! The sitter got to walk me today! For some reason today I was really into sniffing things. We'd been outside for over ten minutes already and because I was just smelling everything we'd probably onlyy gotten about 20 feet on the trail! What can I say? I just wanted to stop and smell the roses...ok, that was a bad pun.
Woof! Woof! It's the sitter! Yay! Carry me outside and then we can run all over! ha! I can run faster than the sitter! I'm a champion!
The Dogs: Uh, oh! Two of us made a mess in our crates. It's ok, though. The sitter cleaned it up without much of a big deal so no worries! We definitely wanted some breakfast today but the sitter didn't get it ready for us until AFTER we got all our willies out. I guess that was a good plan. Even though we like to pretend we don't like that cat, we're secretly glad tha the sitter is taking care of him too.
Toby: We were so happy to see the sitter today we knocked him over and were all over him. He was happy to see us too! We went on a quiet stroll before coming back for breakfast.
Sushi & Annabelle: We're crazy this morning! We can't stay running all over the house! Unless we get fed. We'll sit and stay for food. Yum! Walk time!
Zilker: That was a great walk. We played on the playground and I peed on a bunch of trees and sniffed everything! The outside smells so good! I was really happy tonight! The sitter fed me dinner and I ate super fast so I could get outside as fast as possible to run around! and he walked me for so long! It must be because I'm so sweet!
Bb: Ok! The sitter got to walk me today! For some reason today I was really into sniffing things. We'd been outside for over ten minutes already and because I was just smelling everything we'd probably onlyy gotten about 20 feet on the trail! What can I say? I just wanted to stop and smell the roses...ok, that was a bad pun.
Woof! Woof! It's the sitter! Yay! Carry me outside and then we can run all over! ha! I can run faster than the sitter! I'm a champion!
The Dogs: Uh, oh! Two of us made a mess in our crates. It's ok, though. The sitter cleaned it up without much of a big deal so no worries! We definitely wanted some breakfast today but the sitter didn't get it ready for us until AFTER we got all our willies out. I guess that was a good plan. Even though we like to pretend we don't like that cat, we're secretly glad tha the sitter is taking care of him too.
November 1, 2008
Annabelle: We were so excited when the sitter came. Sushi was jumping all over the sitter and licking him. We ran around in the yard for a bit, it was cold. Brrr. We warmed up fast though.
Zilker: What a wonderful refreshing walk the sitter and I had. I was so happy to be outside I made three separate transactions! I thought I saw Sam, but it might have been a squirrel. The sitter came in and I immediately greeted him. After a nice meal we went on a walk though the park. I thought I heard a marching band and was very excited. Once back I curled up and took a nap. Sam the cat came to visit at my evening visit. He came right inside and wanted something to eat, but the sitter didn't have any food for him. He really is a cool cat.
Toby: I was very excited to see the sitter this morning. I ran up to him and gave him a hundred hugs. When that was out of the way breakfast was served and then we spent a good while walking and marking out territory. I greeted the sitter at the door today, as per usual. He knew were were hungry kitties so he got to work with our food right way. We wanted it so bad he had to maneuver the cans around us so he wouldn't pour it on our heads! we always do that, though. Patty, Penny and Baby didn't really hang around much today for some reason. The sitter usually sees the majority of us. I guess they just felt kind of lazy today.
Snowflake: I chose a new hiding place this time when the sitter came. He looked everywhere but I eluded him so cleverly. Once he leaves I will come out and do a victory dance.
Sushi: I just want to nip and lick the sitters face off! We went on a delightful stroll around the block and both Annabelle and I behaved so well that the sitter gave us both a treat!
Annabelle: By the time the sitter came in the evening both Sushi and I were super full of energy. WE gobbled our food up and then went for a walk. WE barked at everything and walked very fast. That was definitely a doggy power walk.
The Dogs: As soon as the sitter walked in we bombarded him with a chorus of barking. Once he fed us and let us outside, we ran around like we had all the energy in the world. We were napping when the sitter got here. He let us into the yard for some evening fun. The kitty took quite a liking to the sitter. Something magical is in the air tonight. We had some time to calm down after Halloween. Of course, we still got hopped up when the sitter arrived but just not as craaaaazy as last night. We wanted to run around and eat food all at the same time but we quickly realized that it doesn't work that way so we had to start making up our minds. That cat dared to come close into our room and we all scared it off cause we thought he was trying to take our food! That'll teach him!
Rex: The sitter came in and Dixie and I greeted him with barks and licks. He fed us and then threw the tennis ball around in the backyard. I caught it in mid-air! I felt like a super dog! Apparently the sitter felt the same way as he offered me a treat for my stunt.
Dodge: Hurray! The sitter is back for another adventure around the block. Toby and I weren't very interested in eating before our walk, so we did that first. Then when we came in we dove right into dinner.
Dixie: I wish we could have played all night. The sitter came and played with us in the backyard tonight. Honestly I think we tired him out. He just doesn't have our stamina. I am all ready in my kennel for a nice nights rest. Yawn.
Bb: Someone from the villas already walked me even though they know the sitter comes every weekend at 8. He was on time, too! I like it when he walks me... Oh well. He tried. For my 5 o'clock visit, I crawled down the hallway today until I saw the outside, and I was so excited that I pranced my way out the dogs to go pee. Then we walked around until I did number 2, and then I showed the sitter how to get back to my house.
Cooper: Raven was gone today and i was feeling a little jealous so I didn't want to go on my walk right away but once we got out there, I realized it was just what i needed. We walked pretty far today. The sitter said he forgot that i was the hoppy one of the two of us. I like to hop around when we're on our walks. I look big but I can get some air!
Big Boy: Man, the other cats don't know what they're missing! All this food and good kitty scratches right on the head and behind the ears! Why would they miss all this? Oh, and he even cleaned out our about full service!
Zilker: What a wonderful refreshing walk the sitter and I had. I was so happy to be outside I made three separate transactions! I thought I saw Sam, but it might have been a squirrel. The sitter came in and I immediately greeted him. After a nice meal we went on a walk though the park. I thought I heard a marching band and was very excited. Once back I curled up and took a nap. Sam the cat came to visit at my evening visit. He came right inside and wanted something to eat, but the sitter didn't have any food for him. He really is a cool cat.
Toby: I was very excited to see the sitter this morning. I ran up to him and gave him a hundred hugs. When that was out of the way breakfast was served and then we spent a good while walking and marking out territory. I greeted the sitter at the door today, as per usual. He knew were were hungry kitties so he got to work with our food right way. We wanted it so bad he had to maneuver the cans around us so he wouldn't pour it on our heads! we always do that, though. Patty, Penny and Baby didn't really hang around much today for some reason. The sitter usually sees the majority of us. I guess they just felt kind of lazy today.
Snowflake: I chose a new hiding place this time when the sitter came. He looked everywhere but I eluded him so cleverly. Once he leaves I will come out and do a victory dance.
Sushi: I just want to nip and lick the sitters face off! We went on a delightful stroll around the block and both Annabelle and I behaved so well that the sitter gave us both a treat!
Annabelle: By the time the sitter came in the evening both Sushi and I were super full of energy. WE gobbled our food up and then went for a walk. WE barked at everything and walked very fast. That was definitely a doggy power walk.
The Dogs: As soon as the sitter walked in we bombarded him with a chorus of barking. Once he fed us and let us outside, we ran around like we had all the energy in the world. We were napping when the sitter got here. He let us into the yard for some evening fun. The kitty took quite a liking to the sitter. Something magical is in the air tonight. We had some time to calm down after Halloween. Of course, we still got hopped up when the sitter arrived but just not as craaaaazy as last night. We wanted to run around and eat food all at the same time but we quickly realized that it doesn't work that way so we had to start making up our minds. That cat dared to come close into our room and we all scared it off cause we thought he was trying to take our food! That'll teach him!
Rex: The sitter came in and Dixie and I greeted him with barks and licks. He fed us and then threw the tennis ball around in the backyard. I caught it in mid-air! I felt like a super dog! Apparently the sitter felt the same way as he offered me a treat for my stunt.
Dodge: Hurray! The sitter is back for another adventure around the block. Toby and I weren't very interested in eating before our walk, so we did that first. Then when we came in we dove right into dinner.
Dixie: I wish we could have played all night. The sitter came and played with us in the backyard tonight. Honestly I think we tired him out. He just doesn't have our stamina. I am all ready in my kennel for a nice nights rest. Yawn.
Bb: Someone from the villas already walked me even though they know the sitter comes every weekend at 8. He was on time, too! I like it when he walks me... Oh well. He tried. For my 5 o'clock visit, I crawled down the hallway today until I saw the outside, and I was so excited that I pranced my way out the dogs to go pee. Then we walked around until I did number 2, and then I showed the sitter how to get back to my house.
Cooper: Raven was gone today and i was feeling a little jealous so I didn't want to go on my walk right away but once we got out there, I realized it was just what i needed. We walked pretty far today. The sitter said he forgot that i was the hoppy one of the two of us. I like to hop around when we're on our walks. I look big but I can get some air!
Big Boy: Man, the other cats don't know what they're missing! All this food and good kitty scratches right on the head and behind the ears! Why would they miss all this? Oh, and he even cleaned out our about full service!
October 31, 2008- HAPPY HALLOWEEN!
Pathfinder- I haven't thrown up all week! I was doing that so my mom wouldn't leave, but it didn't work!
Bubba- I didn't want to take my pills this morning. The sitter did what she had to do to get them in me...very sneaky!
Tank- Once I got up and moving I was ready to go for a walk. I am usually a very lazy bulldog but I am doing so much better now. I walked the whole way without laying down and pouting.
Snowflake the Poodle- I was taking my old lady nap and was woken up by the sitter. I sure wish I got this special treatment all these 16 years!
Zilker- I walked in the park and sniffed every pine piece of pine straw. The sitter thinks I have a very funny facial expressions...kinda like a sad clown just have to know me to understand. Yeah! The sitter is here! What do I want to do first - go outside or eat some dinner? Oh, ok. Dinner sounds good. When we went outside, Sam wasn't there to play but we had fun anyways. I went out and started to roll around in the grass and just enjoy the outdoors
Sams & Lily: Happy Halloween! Today we spooked the sitter in the true spirit of the holiday. We boo-arked at him as he came in. We were just kidding though. Our walk through the park was magnificent and Samson didn't try to eat any bats!
Snowflake the kitty: This is day seven of my encampment under the blanket. The sitter has made many attempts at communication, all of which have been refused. A steady supply of fresh food and water seems to keep appearing anyway though.
Blue: We will have nothing to do with that sitter. He changed our litter and gave us food which prompted me to come out and give the sitter a chance. He is not so bad after all!
Toby: I showed the sitter around this morning and introduced him to my feline family, all were present. After lunch was served we quickly focused our attention on enjoying our meal. Penny and I walked the sitter out.
Dodge: I'm so happy to see you! It's time for a walk, hurry up and get our leashes on! It's time for me to pee all over! whoohoo! You're finally back! It's about time! Walk time! I'm not concerned about dinner yet! Lets walk!
Toby the Dingo: I can't wait to get outside! So many things to sniff out there! We went to the football game on our walk! It was exciting! So many people, and so much noise! When we get back home I'm gonna eat Dodge's food while he plays fetch! Yum!
Big Boy: Hmph. A sitter has arrived. And just in time... I'M STARVING! But right now I really need to be rubbed. Right there, yes. OK, now it's food time. Too bad Snowball and Snowflake aren't here for this.
Sadie: I was such a well behaved puppy today! The sitter took me on a nice long walk and I got to meet all sorts of other dogs. Everyone thought I was the cutest dog ever!
Annabelle: Geez, Sushi is such a loud barker! it's not like I bark really loud or anything...puppies. I just wanted to go outside to use the bathroom and he has to chase me around and hop on me all the time. At least he didn't try to steal my food. Thank you, sitter for distracting him while I ate!
The Dogs: We were so anxious to get out and barking and spinning around in our crates. The trick-or-treaters outside are making commotion which is stirring us up. Once we got outside we all ran laps and started tripping over each other...none of us were sure why the sitter laughed at that. We didn't think it was that funny.
Bubba- I didn't want to take my pills this morning. The sitter did what she had to do to get them in me...very sneaky!
Tank- Once I got up and moving I was ready to go for a walk. I am usually a very lazy bulldog but I am doing so much better now. I walked the whole way without laying down and pouting.
Snowflake the Poodle- I was taking my old lady nap and was woken up by the sitter. I sure wish I got this special treatment all these 16 years!
Zilker- I walked in the park and sniffed every pine piece of pine straw. The sitter thinks I have a very funny facial expressions...kinda like a sad clown just have to know me to understand. Yeah! The sitter is here! What do I want to do first - go outside or eat some dinner? Oh, ok. Dinner sounds good. When we went outside, Sam wasn't there to play but we had fun anyways. I went out and started to roll around in the grass and just enjoy the outdoors
Sams & Lily: Happy Halloween! Today we spooked the sitter in the true spirit of the holiday. We boo-arked at him as he came in. We were just kidding though. Our walk through the park was magnificent and Samson didn't try to eat any bats!
Snowflake the kitty: This is day seven of my encampment under the blanket. The sitter has made many attempts at communication, all of which have been refused. A steady supply of fresh food and water seems to keep appearing anyway though.
Blue: We will have nothing to do with that sitter. He changed our litter and gave us food which prompted me to come out and give the sitter a chance. He is not so bad after all!
Toby: I showed the sitter around this morning and introduced him to my feline family, all were present. After lunch was served we quickly focused our attention on enjoying our meal. Penny and I walked the sitter out.
Dodge: I'm so happy to see you! It's time for a walk, hurry up and get our leashes on! It's time for me to pee all over! whoohoo! You're finally back! It's about time! Walk time! I'm not concerned about dinner yet! Lets walk!
Toby the Dingo: I can't wait to get outside! So many things to sniff out there! We went to the football game on our walk! It was exciting! So many people, and so much noise! When we get back home I'm gonna eat Dodge's food while he plays fetch! Yum!
Big Boy: Hmph. A sitter has arrived. And just in time... I'M STARVING! But right now I really need to be rubbed. Right there, yes. OK, now it's food time. Too bad Snowball and Snowflake aren't here for this.
Sadie: I was such a well behaved puppy today! The sitter took me on a nice long walk and I got to meet all sorts of other dogs. Everyone thought I was the cutest dog ever!
Annabelle: Geez, Sushi is such a loud barker! it's not like I bark really loud or anything...puppies. I just wanted to go outside to use the bathroom and he has to chase me around and hop on me all the time. At least he didn't try to steal my food. Thank you, sitter for distracting him while I ate!
The Dogs: We were so anxious to get out and barking and spinning around in our crates. The trick-or-treaters outside are making commotion which is stirring us up. Once we got outside we all ran laps and started tripping over each other...none of us were sure why the sitter laughed at that. We didn't think it was that funny.
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