Monday, September 13, 2010


Flop Alvira
Flop was SOooooooooo happy to see someone today! He talked and talked about it! He got fresh food and water. He was actually telling me he was thirsty and he drank almost all the water I put down so I refilled it before I left! Then we played some and cuddled some! What a sweet, sweet boy! Meows, Suzanne

Bones Dilling
Bones was in hiding when I arrived. I gave fresh food and water and talked to her tho she did not appear. Maybe she will show herself next time! We just had a bad rain storm and the power is out but hopefully it will be back on soon! Meows, Suzanne

Carbon and Chi Cullers
Chi met me as I came in and Carbon joined in later to see what was for breakfast! Both are such beautiful kitties! Til next time, Meows, Suzanne

Snowflake and Winters Brinsa
Snowflake met me at the door when I arrived but I saw Winters on the bed before he dashed underneath! Guess he is kinda shy! Fresh food, water and litter box and all is good for the Brinsa kitties, Meows, Suzanne

PM Visits

Whimsy Register
Whimsy was still on the window ledge resting. He got his pill tonight and was so good about taking it. Fresh water, food and litter and he is all set! Meows, Suzanne

Zelda and Elke Britton
Zelda is still in hiding but Elke was the social butterfly! She got her pill and enjoyed a game of chase the feather toy! Til next visit, Meows, Suzanne

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