Monday, May 11, 2009


Solace: I'm so happy to see the sitter! I welcomed him to our home and showed him where our food is and he turned it into delicious soup! I was so good he decided to brush me for a while and I let him carry me around while I purred nonstop! -Juno
He found me! After that I gave up trying to get out of taking my medication! But it wasn't that bad! And after that I even let him brush me for a few seconds! I needed it!

Tess: I woke up as the sitter came in and was so excited to see him! We walked to the park and I saw some squirrels that I wanted to play with, but they didn't share my eagerness to play! I hollered up the tree at one and he just looked at me! Oh well, maybe it was too early!

Maggie: Somebody's here! Someone to play with! I ran around and played with the sitter and then ran around out back! I chased the sitter around a little and then he chased me around a little, and then we went inside and chased Beila around!

Caesar: Time for me to wake up! It's breakfast time! Yum! And now I'll follow the sitter around so he scratched my head!

Beila: I'm so cute and the sitter and Maggie played with me and I had so much fun! The sitter didn't want to put me down, but he had to leave eventually!

Impi: After searching for Lala a while, the sitter found me buried in the closet! I was so close to not being found! Might as well come out now and get some attention!

Mkosi: I greeted the sitter at my food bowl and he dropped a few treats in it for me! Delicious! Now I'm gonna follow the sitter around and get some attention from him!

Lala: Longest game of hide and seek ever! I should win something just because of how long it takes to find me!

Bonzai: I'm so wild! The sitter thinks I'm an awesome cat! I kept jumping up on his back and letting him walk around with me on him, then I rolled around on the ground crazily! I'm so excited! And hungry too! Let me eat some, then I'll ride around on your shoulders again!

Rex: Hello again! We've been waiting for you Mr. Sitter! I need attention! Ok, that's enough! Now go pet Bacchus for a while!

Bacchus:The sitter came back and I was so good at catching my string toy! Rex did pretty well too, but I am the champion when it comes to catching strings!

Hannah: As soon as the sitter opened the door my head popped out! I was super excited to see the sitter and go for a walk! He even ran me some, and we went to two different parks! And when we got back I was so thirsty! I chugged a bunch of water then plopped down on the floor for belly rubs!

Beggar: More quality time with the sitter! Yay! After taking care of my food and litter and giving me my medicine, the sitter sat with me and pet me for a while! My purr motor didn't stop the whole time! I'm such a friendly cat! And low maintenance! All I need is food, water and some backscratching!

Sophie: I love my morning walks, today the sitter let me lead the way where ever I wanted to go, which was nose to the ground zigzagging back n forth until I went potty. We came back inside for breakfast I chased Oliver back upstairs and then enjoyed some good cuddles and play time. The sitter came back through out the day also to take care of me, I am just a little puppy so I go out a lot.

Oliver: What is that? It's not a cat, she does not meow only growls at me. I know what a growl is and I'm not going to play with her. Just sit on top of the couch and watch from a safe distance. The sitter always makes time for me tho, that is before Sophie does chase me back up stairs.

Spike: I was really excited to see the sitter today. I got right up and ran to his side so I could get my back scratched. It was nice! Now its breakfast time!

Ultra: I don't bark at the sitter anymore but I do watch to make sure he's doing everything right... Everything looks A-Okay. Oh a treat too?! Thank you!

Hannah: I'm feeling much better this morning! The sitter and I went for a walk so I could do some exploring. I found a bird, and a squirrel. They didn't want to play!

Kaiser: I had a great big smile when I went outside. I did my business then grabbed a spot in the shade for a bit. The sitter had to pull out a treat to get me back inside where he had breakfast waiting for me!

Lucy: I reeeally just wanna get on the porch. Pleeeease! Oh string, lets play!

Sophie: The sitter turned the corner and started to giggle at me so I barked at him. We went out right away so I could do my business then came in to play. I love to wrestle! The sitter gave me a treat when I went back in my kennel but I still wasn't happy.

Oliver: Sophie tried to play with me but I didn't want to. I told her so but she didn't listen. The sitter had to come pull her away before it got ugly!

Sophia: The sitter says we are two cool dogs! I warmed up pretty much right away and Giovanni followed me outside to do our business. We came back in to play!

Giovanni: It wasn't until play time that I started to trust the sitter but he turned out to be an alright guy. Hey, he gave us fresh water and scooby snacks!

Gizmo: I was king of the world today, climbing all over the counters and what not. I just wanted some cuddles and it's so easy to bug the sitter when I'm at his height!

Gadget: I was ready for the sitter right at the door. Almost too ready but the sitter is so quick, made sure I didn't run out! He gave me some cuddles and said it's nice inside and hot and yucky outside. So I stayed inside!

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