Snowflake: WOW! I think my fur is about to be frozen! I don't know how the sitter can be out here without some fur on! We went our usual way down the trail then back to face the mean wind! I was running home and I only run when I really want to be in the house!
Mattie: I found some french fries on the ground down the street, I tried my best to get them but the sitter wouldn't let me! I don't think just one would hurt me, right?! While we were inside I kept jumping all around her while she sat down with me, didn't feel like playing with toys, just her hair!
Daisy: Ohhh goodness! treat and outside time again?! It was extra cold today but I didn't complain. Harmon usually likes to act like he wants to go out but he stayed upstairs and hid until it was treat time.
Bella: As far as the walk was concerned, today went alright. I'm still nervous with the sitter when it's just us. We made it around the cul-de-sac here next to the house which is pretty good, right?! Afterwards the sitter just let me out in the backyard and spent lots of time with me just petting me and trying to get to know me better. When he left he gave me my great big kong toy!
Cooper: The sitter came over today and I had my yello wdisc to show him again. he played with me for a little bit but then brought out the apples and yogurt! Naturally, I averted all my attention to food. Afterwards we went on a walk. The weather wasn't too bad, only when the wind was blowing. me and Raven were side by side the whole time and, for some reason, kept bumping into each other today!
Raven: During our walk, alot of cars passed us. Much more than usual. That just meant more people to wave at and say hello as they drove by! I was ready to get outside, too. Copper always tries to get away from the sitter the first few times he tries to put on the gentle leader but not me! I'm ready to go! After the walk, me and cooper and the sitter played with the disc toy. I usually don't get in on the play fun as much as Cooper but i took charge of that toy today!
Pearl: My owner left the sitter some good tips on how to make me not so nervous and they worked great. He got my leader on me and out the door we went. Once we got far enough, i realized where we were going and I zipped all th way there. We arrived at the park and me and the sitter ran around and I tried to bite my leash. One of these days I'm going to get that thing!
Sam: We were waiting for the sitter right at the window. We heard him get out of his car a block away... we have good hearing! Then we had dinner right away and the sitter made me come in with him fill up our water so Lily could finish her dinner in peace!
Lily: I got to go on the walk first today but it was too COLD! I was still excited though and I was excited for the treat that came after!
Ernie: The sitter sat down with us and gave us some good cuddles. We spent a little time outside but all the neighbors were barking and it was reeeeally cold!
Bean: The sitter didn't give us dinner because you friend did already, but he did give us treats, and for the first time ever I ate mine! I've always been too excited before but not tonight!
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