Raven: I hadn't seen my friend in forever! We had a nice walk even though I kept smelling something in the trees, must be the deer! Cooper was a good boy and sat while his gentle leader was put on and also patiently waited for Raven to do his "business" sometimes he takes forever!
Lula: I run around and around like crazy! I was so happy to get some wet food and get some fresh water. Coco said someone missed the litter box, it wasn't her! Kitty was trying to eat my wet food so she thinks maybe they should eat first so they can find their own food.
Piper: I jumped on the sitter but I don't let her touch me! We all try to pull her arm off when we go walk, its so much fun! Buster just sat around and watched the sitter clean up our mess and get our wet food. You wouldn't know he could pull so hard on a leash! Max did jump! jump! jump! He wanted stand on the dirty pads while the sitter tried to throw them out...hehe...
Kenisha: I stayed in the room because I wanted the couch and I felt like it was sooo crowded but I like to stay in the room, I have the bed to myself or with Ori. Ori gobbled up his food but Kenisha took her sweet time. If she don't learn to eat fast Ori will gobble hers up too!
Sammy: I jumped on the sitter while she was sitting down and stood over her sniffing her face, I really want to play fetch but unfortunately she has to sleep...I do that all day! Frosty said Hello! Can you give me some yummy food?! please! I could eat all day, I don't even care if I have to have medicine...its all great to me! Indy wanted to stay outside while the others went in but the sitter wouldn't let him be out there by himself, she pretended to walk inside and he decided to follow. The sitter laughs at Snowflake when she lays down because she rolls over on her side veryyy slowlyyyy and she "sighs" when she's doing it. Mozart keeps getting picked up and taking outside? She wants to just lay there in peace?!
Tank: I have a confession. I love to hang out with the sitter! We went for a walk and I was a little stubborn at first but then he called me a good boy and I said thank you and we continued on our walk. When we got back, TREATS!
Gyro: I'm a little wild one, crazy, crazy, crazy! Dinner was delicious and I always like being held like a baby! The sitter says it's a scary sight to see Tucker running at him full speed. "How will he ever stop!" He screams, and he doesn't stop, just runs right passed him, inside to his dinner!
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