Tripper: I opened up the rest of my Christmas gifts and wore my Santa hat.
Roxie: I wanted to hide on Christmas - I didn't like the Miami weather on Christmas.
Sammy: I really liked having company here taking care of me.
Brutus: The sitter woke me up early for our walk this morning! The search for chicken bones continues! Then at night the cat punched me in the face when we came in the door! What's with that?
Murray: I was real excited to get outside today! It was so nice out! The sitter took me for an extra walk long because I'm such a good dog!
Snowflake: The sitter and I played hide and seek today, and I won! I found a new hiding spot! And the sitter didn't find it! Woohoo!
Moo: We need so much attention! I looked out the front door some, but mostly I just sat on the sitter's lap and purred! Chew kept biting the sitter's chin when he pet him! He's such a weirdo!
2020: Hello sitter! Pet me! I would like some food too, but mostly I want to be petted! Sheldon says thanks for his food sticks!
Gilly: Yay time to run and play and have breakfast too! What a great way to start off the day. The sitter came inside and walked into the kitchen and was completely surprised by the new puppy: ME! and we played a ton!
Tucker: I met the sitter at the door because I was so excited to see her. I don't like when anyone tries to take my toys. I like having my toys.
Gyro: I love the sitter! I love the sitter! I was so good with my eye ointment too. But I like to run off outside and the sitter doesn't like it. Hehe! I had a little accident but she said it was ok and gave me a clean bed.
Dorian: The sitter's here! It's time to eat wet food! Yay! Da Vinci wasn't very social today! But Daphne and I could get petted all day!
Zeus: I was a little less terrified of the sitter today! He pet me while I ate, but I was a little timid! Thor, on the other hand, was very friendly with the sitter!
Abby: MERRY CHRISTMAS! Meow! The sitter gave us a Christmas treat! That can of wet food you left us is very tasty, she gave Squeezy and I some on a plate. Squeezy ate all of his, but I just drank the juice from mine and the Libby finished it.
Libby & Alice: WOOF! WOOF! Merry Christmas! The sitter spent some good ol' cuddle time with us. We also got some yummy wet food in our dishes, tasty! mmmm. This is the kind of Christmas we like. The sitter left the T.V. on for us all day on animal planet. Dogs 101 was on all day! Alice enjoyed her time outside, where the weather wasn't anything like Christmas.
Zelda: We met the sitter at the door ready to play.
Loki: I was up on the counter so she wouldn't forget to pet me, but really who would forget to do that!?
Cassie: Hurry! Hurry! We must eat now! Before we STARVE!
Bonnie: Once we were done I kept barking at the sitter because once you get done eating you must have a treat! Plus its Christmas!
Sarah: I was nice and quiet but I was excited to see the sitter and I hung around after eating for a treat.
Calico: My food is always eaten up when the sitter arrives. I will just stay behind the couch until she leaves the room. Anyhow, MERRY CHRISTMAS!
Calin and Cody: We have been trying to get into trouble, well one of us but we are not saying who! Sometime during the night one of us decide to open up a cabinet and some things were dumped out and we tried chewing through some treats but doesn't look like we got any out. Sitter isn't sure how we got all the way up to the top and into the bowl...very strange!
Alex: I got lots of love and yummy turkey for Christmas dinner.
Gadget: That beeping noise is annoying! It just beeps when it feels like it! Anyhow, MERRY CHRISTMAS!
Bailey kitties: Meow?! Give us food! We need it NOW!
Sam, Chicken, and Elephant: Wow! Who needs dry food when you can have a big ham hock?! We basically forgot about the sitter once we got our Christmas treat.
Blue: I was up on my cat apartment looking out...doesn't look like Christmas out there...looks warm!
Wolf and Porkchop: Such a pretty day we decided to ignore the sitter and stay outside!!
Biscuit: I hung out with the sitter for a little while then decided to join the others outside.
Magnolia: I can't stop purring! The sitter sat on the couch so she could pet me...I love all this attention!
Frankie: Yay time to potty! I really had to go, still barking at the sitter. I didn't like the sitter much. He even offered up a treat but I wouldn't give in that easily!
Beau: I know this lady she gives me treats! I warmed up to the sitter pretty quick! We went out for a quick bathroom break and run around and then came in to cuddle on the couch!
Sabrina: I came down to see who was here and got lots of pets.
Murphy: YAY! Attention and food what more could I ask for?
Clooney: Yay! My friend is back! We played and sat on the couch together then it was cuddle time again. We went for a nice walk and then came in to play. The sitter gave me some fresh water and food!
Buddy: Merry Christmas WHOO! We had a nice big breakfast, in fact I tried to eat a little bit of Peekaboo's breakfast. Oops!
Peekaboo: Buddy tried to eat my breakfast. I said "nope" and so did the sitter. Then the sitter gave me loads of Xmas cuddles!
The kitties: We all were hiding this morning! Didn't feel like coming out and saying hi to the sitter but he sure felt like feeding us, cuz he lefts us a nice breakfast!
The fish: Glug, glug, Merry Christmas, glug, glug.
The Gerbils: We were sleeping in our nice warm beds all night long, and into the morning!
Bubba: It wasn't a great morning for the sitter. I gave him a hard time with the pills but he gave me cuddles after!
Sweet Pea: I'm just a crazy nut! Meowing and running around, asking for my breakfast. Merry Christmas!
Blue: The sitter came back, AGAIN! I'll just stay hiding and eat the food he left out later!
Sanchez: I met the sitter at the door ready for some good Christmas cuddles. Which I got, and then proceeded to get a good Christmas breakfast, thank you very much.
Smoochez: Still in the same spot as yesterday. Waiting for Santa by the tree. Just waiting.
Stinky: I didn't feel like coming out again. I;m comfy where I am!
Big Boy: I was the only one out to greet the sitter. I don't know maybe everyone else was sleeping or something. But that's okay, more cuddles for me!
The Hidin' Kitties!: We didn't want to come out, sleepin. But when we did there were loads of food waiting for us!
Puff: The sitter set us up some good food and made sure the water was dripping for me. I didn't really feel like cuddles though!
Pixie: I always meow for the sitter but get freaked out when he wants to pet me. He gave us catnip!
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