Tuesday, October 14, 2008

October 10, 2008

Oliver was happy to see the sitter! I went on a nice long walk even though it was gross outside! Chelsea- I couldn't stop yelling for my breakfast! The sitter finally gave it to us and I was really happy...burp!

Sam: I destroyed my breakfast as usual, in a record time of 2 seconds1 It was deeeeelicious!
Lily: After I went outside, I was a lot calmer so I got lots of cuddles!

Mattie: I had a very adventurous walk today. First, I almost ran into a red ant hive but the sitter saved me, then we saw a cat! But I stayed right by the sitters side. I got lots of fresh water and a treat too! On my afternoon walk I was really happy to be outside, but even more when we went back inside with the AC running because it was so gross out there!

Sadie: I could run around outside all day long if it wasn't so icky out there! I got fresh water, treats, and cuddles!

Reilly: I had bundles of energy once I got outside. I kept chasing things that may not have been there, and I even chased the ct who kept begging at the door for food, but I wasn't interested in her food.

Gus: I was so happy to see the sitter that I almost knocked the sitter over. He through my bone for awhile, then I stopped wanted to chase that darn bone! and just kept it for myself. I didn't know what I wanted to do, I barked at the sitter when he didn't throw it again, so we played some more!

Tank: I was feisty today. Halfway through our walk I started pulling the leash and jumping on the sitter! After a few minutes I got tired and went back in the house for some treats.

Rave: We went on a really long run today. I even kept up with the sitter once he took the spiky ball thing that was stuck in my food. By the end of the walk Cooper and I were both tired out and ready for lunch!

Oliver: I wanted to run today, so I used up some bottled up energy and I got really tired pretty quickly, whew!

Chelsea: I had a lot to say today and had a little trouble pooping. The sitter had to help me.

Jasmine and Bailey: We had to pee really badly! After we went potty we got a long walk, and it was a perfect day for it! Bailey ad tons of energy and dragged the sitter towards every squirrel he saw, and Jasmine just wanted to be petted.

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