Bonnie stole Dakota's bone after breakfast. She wanted the bigger one. The sitter got it back for Dakota. The sitter also thinks Dakota is cute! They had a good breakfast. They were going to have some fun in the sun today!
Paschal and Babe were hanging out in their room today. They got loads of hugs from the sitter. They had new, yummy food too!
Delilah and Mr. Bungles had a good breakfast and a really good cuddle session. Delilah was happy to have the sitter talking to her and giving her lots of attention!
Candler decided to stay hidden when the sitter was over. He came out when she was gone to eat the new food she put out for him.
Pounce and Screech had a blast playing with their home made toys. Screech was a bit faster at catching it than Pounce. They enjoyed their food and treats.
Max was letting everyone know he was the one in charge. He barked at the neighbors! Buster kept picking his meds out of his food. The sitter had to put it way down where he couldn't see it. Piper played in the plant outside then drank water after there was some ice put in it.
Blue and Lily were happy to get new food and a clean box. Blue got some petting but Lily preferred to stay in hiding.
Macy, Dougal and Bailey played chase outside while Winston and Cooper did their business. Macy and Winston decided that swimming was a fun thing to do. They jumped in and got all cooled off!
Toby and Freddie had yummy meals. Bear decided to spend some time out with the sitter. He had his dinner in the kitchen and even had a cookie. Freddie barked and barked and Toby sat on the sitters lap.
Sarah was more social today than usual especially after she had a nice walk. Cassie was playful and had lots to talk about. Bonnie told the sitter when it was time for a walk and when it was time for food!
Tucker played ball in the yard. He loves to snatch the ball away before the sitter can get it! Gyro was checking out the neighbors who were out on their dock. Then she took a nap in the grass.
Beemer was playing and playing. He kept trying to get everyone else to play with him. Bruschi was bouncing all over using up tons of energy. Dinner was yummy but Kitty ran out of food!
Zsa Zsa ran down the stairs as the sitter opened the door. After eating some can food she played with her cat toy, trying to pounce on it.
The Hansen kitties were a little weary of the sitter but were happy that she gave them new wet food and water. They appreciated the scooped litter box.
Bones stayed hidden as usual but made some noises to say she was alive. She liked her CD of her daddy talking.
Raven was happy to be out of his room while the sitter got ready to take them outside. Cooper was a very good listening on his walk.
Sunday, August 31, 2008
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