Monday, November 30, 2009

11/30.Roscoe,Rutledge&Lucy:What is this? Rutledge and Lucy and the sitter all teamed up on me. Trying to steal the piece of bone I found. Come get me!!!
11/30.Dusty&Oscar:Oscar and I were so ready for some wet food. Just as our stray buddies were ready for some dry. Mmm... That really hit the spot!

November 29, 2009

Toby: I actually wanted alot of petting today! That surprised the sitter! But once I saw Lulu getting attention I realized I want some too! -Toby

Giovanni: The sitter took us for a nice long walk today, and he noticed that Sophia and I walk and run at the same speed!

Bailey: It's so nice out! We went for a walk and I wanted to drink out of the pond so bad! The sitter convinced me to wait until I got home to drink some fresh water though!

Charlie: This sitter hasn't come to see me in a long time! I taught him a lesson by chewing on his papers! Then we went and played in the yard! I'm so crazy!

November 28, 2009

Dixie: I got to play ball this morning! Then we went for a walk, and when we got back home I begged the sitter to play more fetch, so we did! So much fun! -Dixie

jessi: I'm starving! I swear!

Sassy: Is that wet food I smell? I guess I'll come out from hiding and eat!

Princess and Smokey: We were in desperate need of a backscratch and some treats when the sitter arrived! Perfect timing! Purr!

Coco: I didn't feel like eating my wet food today! Georgia said she would finish what I didn't eat, and then I decided to eat it! Yum!

Georgia: Let's play ball!

LuLu: Toby and I were both real hungry tonight! We just sat and stared at the sitter while he was getting our food ready!

November 27, 2009

Hannah: It was pretty chilly this morning so we jogged for a bit, and then after our walk we piled on the sitter and made him scratch our bellies!

Max: I'm so happy! The sitter brought me a big pile of mail to lay on! It's so comfortable!

Luke: Woohoo! It's time to go out and sniff some plants! I'm so excited that I can't stop running in circles!

Sally: The sitter brought my food right to my bed! Now that's service! -Sassy
I came in and said 'hello' to the sitter real quick when he got here, then disappeared out the back door!

Sake: I rubbed all over the sitter and begged him to scratch my neck! He's never seen me this affectionate before!

Princess: We were real excited to see the sitter! Smokey wanted to be pet real bad, but I mainly wanted some treats!

Chelsea: I love running around with these big dogs! We went for such an awesome walk today! Now we're all huddling around the water bowl!

Toby: I wasn't interested in my pill pocket tonight, until the sitter covered it in gravy from my canned food. It was delicious!

Merton: I delayed eating my shrimp for a little while because I knew what would happen once I started eating! My meds weren't too bad though! And Same came inside! He must not have been enjoying the cold!

Gabby: When the sitter came in I was sitting right next to my empty plate! He must have gotten the hint because he got me a new plate of wet food right away! Yum!

Phloyd: This bed is so comfortable!

Huck - breakfast time and then my morning walk - this is beginning to be a fun routine - eat, walk, and play.

Charlie - time for a morning walk. Boy was I excited. Not any dogs out this morning, that's unusual!

Thay and fluffers - we are both so cute that we have to be kept apart!

Chelsea, jasmine, bailey - we went for a nice long walk after breakfast. My walker must want to burn off the calories from turkey day yesterday.

November 26, 2009 HAPPY THANKSGIVING!

Charlie - happy turkey day! I am very excited to have a restful holiday with the family away!

Jasmine, bailey, and chelsea - we all went on a little turkey trot this morning, but we saw lots of other dogs out and so we barked a lot!

Huck - why am I having dog food with fish oil on it while everybody else eats turkey today???

Taylor: Blue and I cornered the sitter when he came in this morning and forced him to scratch our necks! Yeah, that's the spot!

Luke: I don't ever want to stop walking! There's so much outside to sniff!

Sassy: Jessi tried to eat my wet food today! Luckily the sitter was looking out for me and made sure I got some! Then he put medicine in my ear! Ah! That felt strange!

Sake: I was just sleeping on the bed while the sitter was here! He gave me a little head scratching, and then some treats! That made me very happy!

Princess: Somehow we opened the cupboard and pulled out our treats! We decided to give ourselves a Thanksgiving feast!

Big Boy: All the other kitties were in hiding today! I made sure to say hello to the sitter though! I was just lounging on the couch!

Megan: I was a little timid around this new sitter, and I didn't really want to spend any time out back, but he took me out for a walk so I could relieve myself!

Molly: I entertained the sitter with my crazy noises while he pet me, and then he asked me why I don't make them when he pets me while we're walking! I was stumped!

Bean: There's one particular bush that I was obsessed with tonight! I peed on it a few times and couldn't stop sniffing it! If you humans had a nose as good as mind you would understand!

Oscar: I was real friendly with the sitter, but Nick was a little grumpy tonight! I think he just woke up! I'm surprised treats don't put him in a better mood! They'd definitely work for me!

Dixie: I was so happy to see my sitter, we played in the yard then I had breakfast.

Gabby: It was so sweet for my sitter to give me my shot this morning, then she gave me lots of attention.

Phloyd: I was hanging out on the porch when the sitter got here, but I scurried off to the back yard.

Ginger: I was so excited to have company! We had a nice walk then I got some lunch.

Reilly: I was so ready to potty! Then we ran around in the yard.

Bailey: Oh Boy! Time to go for a walk!

Jasmine: What a pretty day outside! It was a great turkey day walk

Chelsea: Treats are my favorite thing!

Charlie: I was glad to see my sitter! I was so cute and playful on our walk. It was lots of fun! then we ran around outside and fetched the little soccer ball for while! It was fun, we needed to burn off some thanksgiving calories.

Huck - I don't understand why people want to walk me. I try to show them I can walk myself, but they don't let me :(

Chelsea - I enjoy eating while jasmine and bailey are walked because jasmine growled at me earlier when I was eating.

November 25, 2009

Figero: I sat on the counter and talked to the sitter while he was here! He was nice enough to put some food right in front of me to maximize my laziness! How nice of him!

Phloyd: The sitter got here and I welcomed him into our home and he gave me some real good backscratching! Purr!

Gabby: I could smell the wet food when the sitter cracked it open and I came out of hiding and took my medicine very well! My attention was diverted by this delicious food!

Jasmine: We were so excited to see the sitter that we sang him a song as soon as he got here! I think Bailey was a little off-key though! And we only know one song! It goes: Woof Woof Woof!

Maddie: I was so good on my walk! Then when we got back in I got real excited and tried running around and the sitter had to calm me down!

Yogi: I really didn't want to talk today! I just wanted to go back inside! The sitter carried me to the park though! And then we raced back!

Dixie: The sitter says he's never seen a dog more excited to go for a walk! He took me out and even jogged to keep up with me! Then we came back and played some ball!

LuLu: I spotted the sitter walking up through the window and got so excited that I ran to the door and started meowing! For some reason Toby doesn't get as pumped up for dinner as I do! Ah! The string toy is flipping around again! I'm gonna get it this time!

Charlie - I walked and ran around outside - it was fun before I enjoyed my dinner. I was very playful, but the sitter wouldn't let me jump on her.
11/30.Bella&Simon:I love curling up with Simon on the couch in that patch of sunlight. The sitter pet us and it was wonderful. We looked like a living ying yang
11/30.Charlie:The sitter took me back to my island today where I buried some more treasure. That island is very rich with my treasures.
11/30.Cosmo:I was in a crazed mood today. The sitter filled my food and water up and I kept trying to knock them over. So the sitter teased me with a toy. Bah!

Sunday, November 29, 2009

11/29 Sandy I'm so glad the sitter heard me scratching at the door! I got back inside just in time..a little longer and the food would be gone!
11/29 Sam I wish I got to eat shrimp every day like Merton..but not if it means I have to get shots like he does, I hate needles!
11/29 pm Charlie: the moon was bright in the sky when the sitter and I were out on our nightly excursion. I ran around avoiding all the creepy drainage ditches.
11/29 Rocky Me and Sciafu waited right at the sitter's feet while she prepared our lunch.. Katie's hiding under the bed of course:)
11/29 Smokey&Princes It's a good thing the sitter got here when she did..our food bowl is almost empty!
11/29 Charlie I had an exciting walk with the sitter this morning..lots of people out with their dogs! Now I get to eat breakfast!
11/29 Tom: there were racoons about when the sitter got here tonight... And they ransacked the box!
11/29.Cody,Calin&Calico:The sitter and Calin found me curled up in the office. After the sitter played with us he fed Calico. Calin was a big chatter cat.
Its a lazy night for us. Relaxing on the counter just feels right, that and getting lots of cuddles. zeus
11/29 Nigel I wish I didn't have to take meds today:( Phoebie was so good taking hers, I can't let her show me up!
11/29 Larry & Moe We were happy to go outside tonight but even happier to come back inside to find a delicious chicken dinner waiting!
11/29 Charlie I had so much fun playing in the yard with the sitter this afternoon..I wish we didn't have to go inside:(
11/29 Rocky & Sciafu The sitter came by to keep us company for a while..mmm lunch smells delicious can't wait to eat!
11/29 Merton I'm so excited about eating my soon as I get my shot the sitter says I can have them! Sam must be so jealous!
11/29 Phloyd The sitter came over to spend some time with us..I'm so comfy on the bed I don't even care that she put food out for us!
11/29 Huck I'm super excited about going for a walk this morning! As soon as we go back in I'm going to show the sitter my toys:)
11/29 Bean The sitter got here bright and early for our morning walk, I worked up quite an appetite..breakfast time!
11/29 What a lovely sunny afternoon. Perfect for lounging on the kitchen table and catching some Z's
11/29.Oscar&Dusty:Hurry sitter! Clean that litter box faster! I have to use it! After that delicious meal I just had I have to make some room for seconds!
11/29 Cosmo: I was so interested in everything the sitter was doing today. I kept trying to write things for her, but she wouldn't share the pen!
11/29.Simon&Bella:Kitty cuddle cluster! Bella and I curled up together on the sitter's lap. Then we wrestled and cleaned eachother. We cleaned the sitter too!
11/29 I was ready to say hello this morning when the sitter got here. She was happy to see me too. We had some cuddles then it was time for some grub.
11/29 We love playing in the sink its the best thing ever! Except when our outside friend stops by thats pretty fun too.
11/29 Socks: yummmm food! We heard the can crack open and came running to enjoy it.
11/29 Thank goodness the sitter is back. Us cats were ready to get back to exploring the house. I was purring so loud i think the whole street heard me!
11/29.Dixie:The sitter took me on a walk to another park near mine. It was splendid but the one next to my home is better. Because its my park.
11/29 Cosmo: we were stoked for breakfast this morning and were prancing about joyfully as the sitter prepared our deliciour feast.
11/29 Tom: seems like the sun is going to warm this day up nicely. Perfect for a romp in the forest.
11/29 Charlie: Had little poofy white invaders on the island this morning. The ensuing territorial battle made me work up quite a thirst.

Saturday, November 28, 2009

11/28 We went on an epic journey tonight. Up one street, down another, around the park. It was just what i needed after a day of loafing about.
11/28 pm Charlie: I was rambunctious and ready to go when the sitter got here tonight, I couldn't stop yapping out of joy!
11/28 Yay! The sitters here again. I was getting kinda hungry. I helped her round up the kittys after our walk. It was really fun. :)
11/28 Scarlett: goodness gracious I was so excited to see a friendly face tonight! And she gave us a yummy snack too?? Hoorayy!
Oh boy! Oh boy! Just a little bit longer and mom and dad will be home. I know they missed us as much as we missed them. molly & chobe
11/28 Tom: yum! This food was delicious! I munched it down to the last few kibbles and I was too full to finish!
11/28 Zeus: we were very curious when the sitter arrived tonight and were inspecting everything with out noses. The house all seems ship shape!
The sitter told us our mommy was running late but she'd be here soon. I can't wait! We missed her! :) prissy
11/28.Calin,Cody&Calico:We had quite a lot to say when the sitter got here. Of course all the cat chat ended when dinner was served. Yum-eeee!
Boys can be so silly. Guido & carlo horsed around the whole time the sitter was here. Me & cindy played it cool though. sophia
We were super frisky today. On our walk we wanted to go this way & that way & sniff everything in between. SENSORY OVERLOAD! :) molly
The sitter couldn't believe how calm we were being when she came by for our walk. Once we were outside though thats a different story. rauly
11/28 Cosmo: the sun was deliciously warm on the kitchen table today. It seems like a day to bask.
11/28.Dusty&Oscar:Shove over Oscar. I want some of that juicy wet food. Ooo and a little of this crunchy dry food. And then some fresh water to wash it down.
11/28.Bella&Simon:After the sitter made sure we had everything we needed, we all piled on the couch cuddling and licking eachother. So comfortable.
11/28.Smalls:Brrr! It got so cold last night. The sitter turned the heat on so it would warm up a bit for when mommy gets back. Also so my toes don't freeze.
What a morning. The sittter swung by for a bit and gave me some grub. I hung out under the bed for a while. Its really cozy under there.
11/24 Socks: We were a little nervous about having someone some to play today. But we got over it once she broke out the laser!
11/28 Penny - Yay! The sitter is here! that means food and cuddles for all four os us. Thanks, Mr. Sitter!
Midnight: meow meow. I love have my sitter here to pet me
Tanzie: oh boy walk time! Then I got treats too.
Gabby: yum I'm ready for breakfast.
Phloyd: burr its cold outside. I came in to sleep in a warm bed.
We were very helpful when the sitter popped by. We supervised as she cleaned the litter box & gave it our seal of approval. ;) thor
11/28 Savannah; oh dear, how sad am I to discover I am no longer able to scratch the bedroom door opwn. I gave the sitter looks that told her of my longing.
Ahh sweet fredom now that the sitter has returned. We got to run around and play and when cindy got bak from her walk we got pats too! carlo
11/28 Tom: still don't think the sitter deserves to see me, so I'm going to stay hidden until she leaves.
11/28 am Charlie: I was still asleep when the sitter got here this morning! Had to brush the sleep from my eyes in a hurry for a walk through the arctic chill.
11/28 am: Moe &Larry: yay! good morning the sitter has arrived, she let us out side to go potty, and we enjoyed our time in the sun.
11/27 pm Larry & Moe We were super excited to see the sitter..we ran right to the back door! It's chilly tonight, can't wait to curl up in our nice warm
11/27 pm Bean I had so much extra energy the sitter and I walked a little longer than I'm ready for a good night's sleep!

Friday, November 27, 2009

11/27 Charlie: phew! Cold night, but a brisk jog kept me warm outside. I'm going to sleep like a puppy again tonight.
11/27 Cosmo: what mischevious children we were today... We broke into the bedroom and someone, though specifically who is classified, left a little present.
11/27.Maggie May:Brrr... so cold outside. The walk warmed up my little paws nicely. I would rather just be munching dinner inside where its warm.
11/27 Tom: ate a bit of food, but not much. Perhaps other little beasties are the munching culprits!
11/27.Tanzie:I really like this guy. I kept hopping up to nibble on his fingers. He took me on a chilly but pleasant stroll and we watched the sky turn dark.
11/27 Zeus: we were waiting by the door when the sitter got here, anxious for playtime. Then we got bored of that so I laid on a notepad for a while.
11/27.Calin,Cody&Calico:The only one of us with a huge appetite tonight was Calico. Cody and I just hung out on the porch enjoying the nippy weather.
11/27 Ziggy I wish Mona wouldn't hog the food bowl. Oh well, it gives me a chance to play with the sitter and get some cuddle time!
11/27 Rocky & Sciafu What a wonderful day to sit on the porch with our sitter..saw lots of birds flying around, wish we could catch one!
11/27 Cleveland I'm so glad I don't have to take medicine like Phoebie & Nigel..all I have to take from the sitter is treats, fresh litter & petting:)
11/27 am Megan After I eat some breakfast I think I'll lay by my favorite window and watch all the activity outside:)
11/27 Midday Charlie: Hooray playtime! I am so excited someone came by to take me out for some fresh air!
11/27 Cosmo: Today was made for cuddling. I could have sat in the sitters lap all day and let her pet me. Miss you!
Not to brag or anything but the sitter told me i was the coolest dog ever! What can i say i'm awesome. She might've mentioned the cats too. cindy
Ahh the great outdoors. The wind was blowing in our faces, the sun was shining on our backs it was just marvelous! chobe
11/27.Oscar&Dusty:My belly is all full and I feel fine. I even let Oscar eat as much as he wanted before devouring it. Now to plant my butt in this clean box!
We saw all kinds of floks we know on our walk... A poodle & a husky. We exchanged hello's aand it was all very neighborly. :) prissy
11/27.Simon&Bella:Fresh clean litter, check. Fresh food and water, check. Lots of love and pats and scratches, check check and triple check. Hooray!
11/27.Smalls:It was a very chilly morning, so I was glad when the sitter showed up to cuddle me and warm me up. Oh and who could forget about breakfast!
11/27 Yoshi: I was in no mood for visitors when the sitter bombarded my room, moving about taking my litter and whatnot. I made sure to voice my disatisfaction
11/27 Pascal: hooray food! We could not stop yammering as the sitter divided the deliciousness. Nap time?
We should the sitter we aren't affraid of anything this morning. We attaccked the water while she was washing her hands & she was pretty impressed. thor
11/27 Scarlett: we were such well behaved babies last night and made sure to only make messes in the right places. Playtime!
11/27: AM Moe Larry: good moring sitter! dont u remember how cute we are? lets go potty then come back inside to play!
11/27th Tom: Hopefully I'm jungry enough today to eat more of this food. Its pretty chilly, I might need to carb-load for warmth!
When we went for our walk i was like "burr when'd it get so cold?" then i smelled the most delicious smell ever...BACON! What a morning! dixie
Midnight: I was so talkative today. We talked and I got lots of pets.
Gabby: good morning! Boy I'm hungry.
Phloyd: the sitter woke me from my dream. Yawn.
11/27 am. Libby: good morning! we had lots of messes for the sitter to clean up, we had pooped and peed. breakfast was tasty and we enjoyed her cuddles again
11/27 am Charlie: I must have been starved and had myself a midnight snack because all my food had been devoured by the time the sitter waltzed in.

Thursday, November 26, 2009

11/26. Lola and the dogs: we are really starting to warm up to the sitter, none of us can wait for our turn with the sitter to pet and cuddle with us.
11/26 pm Charlie: it was much too cold out for little charlies this evening. I didn't feel like walking very far past my island. The domain is safe, so I retire
11/26 pm Savannah: we were so happy to see Hannah again we couldn't contain ourselves! We got lots of cuddles and then some delicious dinner.
11/26.Maggie May:The sitter was acting so sluggish when he got here. Probably ate too much. So I took him for a walk. Then it was my turn to eat and act lazy.
11/26.Toby&Lulu:Lulu was behaving like some kind of crazy acro-cat when the sitter was here. So entertaining. I took my pill then slurped some dinner. Mmm mmm!
Whoo-hoo dinner time. We got lots of cuddles and went on a cruise around the block. sparky
11/26 Tom: nighttime on this day of thanks and I am thankful I have a nice warm fur coat to keep me cozy in this wintery air!
11/26.Calin,Cody&Calico:Mmm... A nice warm dinner. Cody went out to the porch to chill for a bit, it felt so good, I think I'll join him before finishing dinner
I saw the sitter come in from my cleverhiding spot and talke the dogs for a walk. Just when i thohgt it was safe to come out they were back! kitty
11/26 pm Zeus: we weren't too hungry this thanksgiving, but we sure did want to cuddle. We were so glad when the sitter came by to hang out for a bit.
Uh-oh busted chewing on something we weren't supposed to. After the mess was taken care of we went on a lovely walk. Everyone is outside today! chobe
What a day for a walk. The weather is great, the air is full of delicious smells and the neighborhood is buzzing with activity. rauly
11/26 Baby - Happy Thanksgiving! I'll just stay in my usual spot and observe from up here today. I don't mind everyone else getting most of the attention.
11/26.Bella&Simon:Simon and I were playing at the door when the sitter came in. Then we crowded him and mewed until he sat down and let us jump in his lap.
11/26.Smalls:I grabbed onto the sitters legs and he dragged me around the kitchen. Then he gave me a treat! Fun times for Smalls!
11/26 Cosmo: I was not at all please about being left alone on thanksgiving and thus made sure that the sitter would have to stay extra long. How? The huge mess
11/26 Moogie: I was delighted when the sitter came by to fresh our water dishes. Happy thanksgiving!
11/26 Pascal and Babe: we were so excited to have a nice visitor today! She gave us lots of attention and some food too.
I kept a close eye on the sitter this morning & made sure she gave me & ziggy lots of pats. No marley so far but 2 out of 3 ain't bad. mona
11/26 Tom: lovely thanksgiving morning! And perfect for hide and seek... A game of which I am a champion!
11/26 Charlie: and a chilly turkey day it is, folks. The ground was all frosty as I pranced about in the frigid air. Even the squirrels were up and chattering.
11/25 Phoebie I was such a good girl, I didn't put up a fight when the sitter gave me my meds. I told Nigel not to look so smug..he gets em too!
11/25 Fluffy I didn't want to take my meds tonight but the sitter rewarded me with tuna! I was nice and shared with Midnight:)
11/25 Sciafu & Rocky There was gook next to our litter box, the sitter was worried one of us was sick til she saw the lotion bottle..hehe
11/25 Charlie The sitter got here just in time for us to take an afternoon walk before it started raining. Yay..I hate getting wet:)

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

11/25 Marley I actually came out of hiding for the sitter. Mona & Ziggy can't always get all the attention or the food:)
11/25 TinkerBell We're so happy the sitter is here! We love cuddle times so much, the yummy turkey dinner in our bowls can wait!
11/25 Jasmine,Bailey & Chelsea We're super excited to see the sitter this morning! Must be time for breakfast..after a brisk walk of course:)
11/25 Bean I was in the window waiting for the sitter to come back so we could go on another walk & play with "spider" again!
11/25.Maggie May:I was so excited to see the sitter this evening. I greeted him at the door with my ball and we went on a gentle stroll. So relaxing.
11/25 Charlie: hooray! I love to go outside! Everything is so pretty and smells so good! I just want to stop and smell all of it!
11/25 pm Tom: Iwatched as the sitter almost fell over the hose down the stairs in the dark. It was funny.. But not funny enough to draw me from my hiding place!
November 24th Zeus: ahhh cuddles! What a lovely addition to a relaxing evening. I think perhaps a bath is in order!
11/25.Cody,Calin&Calico:The sitter came to serve us dinner. It was most delicious. Then we got such wonderful scratches. If only we could return the favor.
We were so excited to see our friend! Then we got some yummy snacks and that was even better. The walk was a little soggy but... prissy
The sitter couldn't believe how well behaved we were on our walk. We got treats and lots of praise when we got back. molly
11/25.Simon&Bella:The sitter came over to play with us and cuddle. We licked his arms and rolled around chasing his finger. We were acting so silly.
11/25 Patty - Once again, I was the center of attention. everyone else was too busy sleeping or eating but not me! I demanded cuddles from the sitter!
I made a new friend today. Thongs almost went sour when medicine time came but right aftr that was food time so everything was all good. muffin
11/25.Smalls:The sitter cuddled me to sleep after I munched down. I purred so loud and did the macarena with my paws. I was so comfortable!
November 25 Cosmo: I was in such a good mood this morning, and so the sitter gave me lots of cuddles. Yesssss!
November 24th Charlie: still rainy out this morning, but not too wet for a walk! I was starved when I got back so I must eat, and then... Tennis ball!
The sitter looked high and low for me this morning but i had a very clever hiding spot. Needless to say she never did find me. :) kitty tom
We woke the sitter up nice and early today for our walk. She was just glad it wasn't raining anymore. Then breakfast & another short walk. chobe

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

11/24 mid Charlie I'm so happy it isn't raining today! I got to go on a nice long walk with the sitter!
11/24 pm Bean All the neighborhood dogs said hi during our walk but I was too busy smelling everything to say hi back!
November 24th pm Charlie: I was a little nervous on my walk because there were poodles and racoons about, but I managed to enjoy it nonetheless.
11/24.Maggie May:I was taking a nap in doggy dreamland when the sitter woke me up with a cheese cube. We took a stroll and had some din din then dreamland again
11/24.Toby&Lulu:Ahhh! The sitter found me so fast! Not that I made it too hard. He gave me something delicious with a gross center. Then some wonderful dinner.
11/24.Toby:Ahhh! The sitter found me so fast! Not that I made it too hard. He gave me something delicious with a gross center. Then some wonderful dinner. Mmm..
The sitter looked all over for kitty before our walk but she must've been hiding. After we got back from the park TREATS! yay! stella
Yay tthe sitters back! Good thing too because i was ready to go out. After the walk she told me what a brave girl i was for taking my meds chobe
I was kinda sleepy on my walk today but the crisp air really help to put some pep in my step. :) snowflake
11/24.Roscoe:Woohoo! The sitter let me walk myself to the gate. If only he would let me walk myself around town. All of the other dogs would be so jealous!
11/24.Wiley:I found a special stick today and carried it the whole walk. The sitter made me leave it outside, but I hid it so I can get it for the next walk!

November 23, 2009

Marley: Mona and Ziggy ran up to meet the sitter when he got here today, but I made him come find me! I thought I had a good hiding spot, and then the sitter found me! I looked shocked!

Cosmo: I was a little skittish around this new sitter at first! After a few minutes though he started scratching my back and that was all it took to make me warm right up to him real quick! We played a lot once my backscratching session was over and I went crazy for my red ball!

Tank: The sitter caught me snoring when he came in! I was pretty groggy for a little bit and it took me some time to get off the couch! We went outside for a little bit, but then I wanted back in so I could sit on the couch and get my neck scratched!
11/24.Smalls:Yay! The sitter is back! I went crazy with excitement and tried to open all the cabinets in the kitchen! I'm so clever! Now cuddle me.
11/24.Cosmo:I'm so silly rolling around on the floor and mewing. The sitter gave me a body massage and I turned into a motor-kitty and purred and purred...
11/24 Patty - all 4 of us decided to be super lazy and not even get up for breakfast today. I did demand lots of attention from the sitter, though!
11/24 Charlie: The weather was a bit dreary today, but that didn't dampen my spirits! The sitter and I had a great walk and then I showed her some tricks.

Monday, November 23, 2009

11/23 pm Bean I was super excited to see the sitter! What a great night for a walk/run..this chilly weather gives me so much energy!
11/23 pm Ziggy I hung out with the sitter a lot today..we had fun with my mouse! I hope Mona leaves some dinner for Marley and me:)
11/23 mid Charlie I greeted the sitter at the door and we had a great time playing in the yard.. I even helped her get the mail!
11/23 Lily I was happy to see the sitter. Lenny and Logan stayed out of sight but I hung out with her and got lots of petting:)
first visit
11/23 Princess The sitter was happy that we finally ate..she said she was getting worried over the weekend because the food bowl was still full from her
11/23 Penny,Baby,Toby &Patty We were all waiting by the door for the sitter today. Guess we all wanted first pick off the buffet:)
11/23.Charlie:The sitter and I had a lovely walk to my island. While we were there a mini poodle tried to invade but I stood my ground and defended my island!
11/23.Tank:I was ready to run right out the door and down the street. I had to make sure I peed on every tree and post too! Gotta protect my territory!
11/23.Roscoe:It's all mushy and gross outside. I kept stepping in squishy mud and puddles. Not my favorite walk ever but atleast it isn't raining!
11/23.Mattie:Chilly, but quiet and fun. That was my walk today. Cuddle time was warm and we played with my crazy zebra toy.
11/23.Wiley:Brrr... It's chilly again outside. I don't mind it at all. After a long walk I am all warmed up and ready for more. But first, where is that treat?
11/23.Smalls:The sitter got me some food so I could munch away my appetite. Then we played on the couch. I tried to get his hand from between the cushions!

Sunday, November 22, 2009

11/22 Princess The sitter asked me if I had moved at all since her last visit..I told her that this chair is so comfy I never want to move:)
11/22 Patty & Toby We were extra hungry today Baby & Penny better join us soon before we eat everything!
November 22 Cosmo: It was so nice and toasty in the house today. Good thing, too, because that chilly fall air was back in full force.
November 22 Smalls: Hooray a visitor! What a magnificent suprise. Can't think of a better way to start off the morning than cuddles and breakfast.
22 November Candy: it was raining when the sitter got here, so we opted for some backyard playtime over a walk. Then it was time for breakfast.. Yes!

Saturday, November 21, 2009

November 21 Haley: we were full of energy when the sitter got here tonight and sped out the back door to frolick about in the brisk fall air.
November 21 Lizziw: we were not too sure about having a strange person come into the house tonight. But after a bit, we realized she was friend, not foe.
November 21 Midnight: what a lovely afternoon for some playtime with the sitter. Time for a nap in the window.
11/21 Butters & Socks We had so much fun chasing the red dot but it kept getting away! We got to drink some milk & sit on the porch..we love our sitter!
11/21 Junior The sitter came over to hang out for a while and feed us. Its such a chilly day I'm just going to stay curled up on the lounge chair:)
11/21 am Buster I was so happy to go outside this morning! So many new smells, I didnt want to go back in but she tempted me w/ treats:)
11/21 Geno - today the sitter and I played a new game called "try really hard to trip the sitter while he walks". I think I like it more than he does!
11/21 Penny - I was waiting for the sitter at the door today while Toby was waiting in the garage. Patty and Baby stayed in the living room for a bit.
November 21 Cosmo: I was alarmed by the sitters arrival this morning. I didn't really feel much like hanging out, I think I'll go back to sleep for a while.
November 21 Candy: hooray a visitor! We were so excited to see a friendly face this morning.. And breakfast was yummy too.

Friday, November 20, 2009

11/20.Haley&Candy:Hooray! The sitter has come to take us to the park! Candy and I were on our best behavior and kept such a good pace. We each got treats!!!
11/20 Toby Im waiting patiently at the sitter's feet trying to decide what i want to eat from the buffet all smells so yummy!
11/20 Smokey and Princess We're so glad the sitter is here to keep us company for awhile! Its nice to get lots of hugs:)
November 20 Bunker: we were basking in the glorious sunlight when the sitter came by. We played ball and then it was inside for a nap.
November 20 Midnight: I was feeling rather chipper this afternoon when the sitter popped in. I just could not get enough cuddles.
11/20.Roscoe:Playtime! I rushed the sitter when he arrived and almost knocked him down. Big sloppy kisses to the face! We wrestled then went for a dog jog.
11/20.Wiley:I like walking through the park and seeing all of the interesting things. Today there were people walking little people in wheeled baskets. Strange!

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Oh how embarassing when the sitter came over we had made quite the mess. She said it was ok and made us some yummy dinner. wilson
Silly decon barked at the sitter when she came over. He must've forgotten she'd be by. When he got back he tod me about the great walk they went on. spidy
11/19.Roscoe:Another quiet day for a walk. Which was great! I wasn't really in the mood for meeting people today. I just wanted to play with the sitter and walk
11/19.Wiley:Today was as grey as me! The rain might try to ruin the day, but the sitter and I are already back where its nice and dry.The rain will never get me
November 19th Patty: I was so happy for some breakfast and cuddles this morning. Saw the sitter from the window so we were all waiting anxiously by the door!
November 19th Deacon: there were so many squirrels about this morning! They were chittering around with such gusto, I was sure it was meant to be a great day.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

There was a marching band playing for us tonight as we walked. Once i swear i even heard cheering for me! decon
11/18.Roscoe:I was so calm today, no jumping up on the sitter like usual. Just a few licks. Our walk was very peaceful and easy, and the weather was fantastic.
11/18.Mattie:It was a lovely day for walking. And everyone we passed on the walk told me I was a lovely little doggie. I was glowing by the end of the walk!
11/18.Wiley:I watched other dogs dragging their humans after squirrels today. It was funny! I was just out for the stroll though. Those squirrels are elusive.
11/18.Colbie:The sitter came over today and Zoey and I ran our tails off. We had to go back and find them! Just kidding, but we did run fast and hard today.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

11/17.Tank:I was at my perkiest today. I stayed ahead of the sitter for most of the walk. I must have been behaving like a champion because I got a treat.
11/17.Roscoe:I decided it was time to change up the Roscoe route today. We went in a new direction. I love adventuring, destination unknown!
11/17.Mattie:I was so eager to get walking today. I ran right to the door. And during the walk I didn't let my butt touch the ground once!
11/17.Wiley:The sitter and I had a jolly walk. I felt that the pace needed to be quickened to a jog for full enjoyment. I was right!

November 13-15

Quilla: Noisy trucks in parking lot and I was barking loud enough when sitter arrived so I could be heard! I was quiet after I went outside to see what was going on!

Porter: I ran up to the sitter and started rubbing all over him as soon as he came in! Purr! He's good at scratching my back! For some reason though, Jaeger won't let him pet him! Crazy cat! Well that means more attention for me!

Porter: The sitter had to remind us to chew our food, but Jaeger and I are racing to see who can finish first! There's no time to chew!

Simlin: I was sitting in the sitter's car when he came outside! I felt like going for a ride, but the sitter gave me some food, so I decided to stay home!

Maggie: What happened to my lightning speed! Just kidding! I still got it! I just let the sitter win a few races so he wouldn't feel bad!
11/17.Decon:The sitter woke me up for a brilliant stroll along the divider. Its like a tiny forest! All sorts of treasures lie just under the pine needles.

Monday, November 16, 2009

Our neighborhood smells delicious. We saw some guys with hamburgers & i was like " aw i love hamburgers give me one too!" decon
11/16.Joey,Lucy&Winston:Bark bark! Who's there? Trio! Trio who? A trio of the most handsome and well behaved doggies in this neighborhood thats who!
11/16.Roscoe:Fun! Fun! Fun! I pranced along on my walk today so light on my toes I thought I was going to float away! I love happy walk days.
11/16.Mattie:I seem to have caught a little cold. Some nice outside time with the sitter refreshed me nicely. Now its time for some cuddle action!
11/16.Wiley:A walk with the sitter on this great afternoon was just what I needed to work all the kinks out. Some good exercise too!

Sunday, November 15, 2009

What a great evening for a walk. One of our neighbors was cooking something that made my mouth water. Yay for treats when i got home! decon
11/14 pm Buck I was happy to have the sitter over..Shorty stayed outside with her but not me, im way too hungry to be outside long:)
11/14 pm Smokey I surprised our sitter by actually coming out from under the bed & rubbing against her legs while she got my dinner ready!
11/14 mid Nikky Im getting used to my sitter coming over..I dont even bark when she comes in! Timd for our afternoon walk!!

Friday, November 13, 2009

November 13th Yogi: I was rarin' and ready to go when the sitter arrived this afternoon. I had fun scampering about before lots of pets inside.
11/13.Tank:I feel like I just ran a marathon doggy style! How refreshing! Now where are those treats you promised me if I behaved?
November 13th Midnight: ahh yes.. Head scratches. The sitter found the perfect spot today.. I didn't want it to end.
11/13.Roscoe:After my mommy dropped me off the sitter and I went to the park to play for a bit. Mr Sun came out to say hi but went back into hiding. Naptime!
11/13 Frannie: Today I decided I liked the sitter enough to let her pet me! First impressions can de decieving.

Quilla Nov 11, 2009

my dog walker is great at arriving between rain showers so we don't melt, but wish she'd dry the ground - my paws are still getting wet!!
11/13.Wiley:There were so many dogs out and about today. I made a bunch of new friends. I'm so popular and probably famous! Time to get some celeb treatment.
11/13.Colbie:We broke records today. Zoey and I were out the door and down the street so fast we thought we left the sitter behind! We are super dogs!

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Me & the sitter kanoodled today when she stopped by for a visit. She patted my face & it was great. Then i showed her my ninja skills. It was awesome. midnight.
Even though it was pretty chilly today the neighborhood was buzzing with activity. It made the walk very exciting! snowflake
11/12.Roscoe:The sitter and I were both freezing, but after a while of playing, we were warmed up and ready for a walk adventure! I thought I saw a snowflake...
11/12 Yogi: It was way to cold and windy outside for a dog as pretty as me. I tried to explain this to the sitter, but she didn't believe me at first.
11/12 Yankee: We were all glad to go outside when the sitter came by this afternoon... Well all except Frannie. She was having none of the sitters tom foolery.
11/12.Wiley:Brrr... So chilly outside. That icy wind got me all the way to the bone! The walk warmed me up quite a bit. Now how about a treat to finish the job?

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

I was so excited to go out today until i realized something truely horrible...It was raining! So we played & i got lots of great pats. yogi
When the sitter stopped by for us to go out i took 1 look at the weather and was like "no thanks!" so i got lots of pats. Ha! Fooled her. :) tank
11/11.Roscoe:It is so gross outside. What makes the sitter think I want to go out in this? Fine fine. Give me an extra treat and we'll call it a deal!
11/11.Wiley:I was super excited today. I bolted over to the sitter when he came in and practically pulled him down the street. I just wanted to walk, walk, walk

Bucket, Simba, Muffin, and Quilla November 7-11

Bucket: Dinner time, except somebody already fed us. Time to play outside. Simba's area has extended since last time sitter was here.

Bucket and Simba: Time for a morning walk. We were excited to go outside and play!

Muffin: What is going on? My house is in boxes and now the sitter is checking on me and giving me meds? we haven't moved yet!

Bucket and Simba: Playtime! We have had fun - too bad our 'rents will be home later.

Muffin: I have lots of medicine these days, b ut boy I am a good sport.

Quilla: Glad we were able to get outside and walk before the sky fell!
11/11.Midnight:Body massage! The sitter gave me the most glorious body massage this morning. I licked his arm raw! It was a wonderful trade off.
11/11.Tank:Its nap time not walk time Mr Sitter! Lets just lay here for a m.... Ok lets go for a walk but when we get back its nap time.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

11/10.Yogi:A breezy grey day. Not the best for a walk, but the sitter and I always make the best of it. A little treat at the end ties it up nicely too!
11/10.Roscoe:The sitter and I were taken by surprise today! A whole bunch of cops ran past us and tackled some criminals. They should have asked me for help!
11/10.Thea:Wow! It is so quiet outside today. Perfect for a walk with the sitter. I enjoyed myself so much that we went a bit farther then usual.
11/10.Wiley:There was lots going on near my house today. Construction and movie making. Everyone thought I was a star. I don't mind flaunting it every so often.

November 7, 2009

Ebon: I was in a deep sleep when the sitter came back to see me tonight! He came in and started petting me and I jumped up because I was so startled! Once I was fully awake we spent some time out back and then I played with my squeaky toy! Unless that was all just a dream...

Midnight: The sitter came by to visit me and I charged as soon as he came in! If I wasn't such a cute fuzzy kitty he would have been startled! I got some attention for a while, and then went back to the window!

Bailey: I was waiting at the door for the sitter to come back tonight! I got some rest and now I'm ready for another walk!

Chevy: We were such good dogs today! We sniffed out a bunch of food on the ground in the park, but we didn't even eat any of it! As a reward the sitter gave each of us a kong stuffed with treats when we got back home! Yum!

Maggie: It's time to race! Woohoo! I let the sitter get ahead and think he was winning, then I blew past him! I'm so fast! I hope I didn't hurt his pride!
11/10.Midnight:I was so bright and cheery today. The sitter arrived and it was time for a petting session. I had been anticipating it since my last one!

Monday, November 9, 2009

I wasn't in a very good mood when the sitter got here but she gave me some tuna and i felt a little better. Then i caughts some Z's on the window sill. midnight
I was happy to see the sitter today and go on our walk. When we got back kitty was waiting for us so we went and said hello. yogi
11/9.Roscoe:We covered a lot of distance today! I wanted to go walking so bad, my doggy batteries were full. Now my legs feel like mush and my head says naptime
Today the sitter and i talked about the weather. We think its going to rain. Then i got a cookie for being such a good conversationalist. snowflake
11/9.Mattie:What a delightful day! The sitter came over and we walked through some beautiful squares. There were so many wonderful scents in the air.
11/9.Wiley:I broke into the closet today and tipped over my food bin. The sitter was not pleased. But I behaved at the top of the spectrum on my walk!
Who would've thought trash day could be so exciting?!? We weren't the only ones who thought so either. We also thought the new sitter was pretty cool. yankee

Sunday, November 8, 2009

11/8 AM Ebon: wake up call bright and early for some play time and breakfast! I was feeling particularly chipper this morning and showed the sitter some games.
11/8 am Midnight: I was not stoked on having a new person come into the house this morning. Especially when she tried to pick me up. How rude!
11/8 Jasmine We had a nice early morning walk.. The sitter is putting our breakfast out..cant wait we're soo hungry!
11/8 Blue Our sitter came by to check on us and change our litter.. Lily hid but not me..i wanted attention and cuddles!
11/8 Tanzie The sitter came bright and early this morning! I was ready to walk after a good nights sleep!

Saturday, November 7, 2009

11/7.Grizzy:I was asleep when the sitter came. I heard him rummaging in my litter box and woke up. What is he doing, looking for treasure? I hid that elsewhere.
11/7mid Piper The sitter came back for an afternoon walk..i made some new friends and chased fun! Time for a nap & treats!
11/7 am Tanzie The sitter and I took a nice walk by the river..lots of activity at the marina and boats out cruising.. What a perfect day!
11/7 Zelda: I was not in a social mood this morning when the sitter arrived to play. It was much too chilly for fun and games.
11/7 Annabelle: woke up raring to go this morning so I gave the sitter an extensive tour of the neighborhood. It was delightful.

Friday, November 6, 2009

11/6 pm Remy I remembered my sitter from last time! I was so happy to go outside but even happier to go back in for treats and cuddles!
11/6 pm Tanzie I was a little cautious when the sitter came in but it didnt take long to warm soon as she got a treat and my leash i liked her
11/6 am Annabelle I was still asleep when the sitter came in. I tried to chase a cat but she wouldnt let me..maybe next time:)
11/6.Grizzy:I let the sitter get real close before I started shouting at him. He was late with my dinner by a few minutes! NO EXCUSES!!!
11/7 Annabelle: I was full of energy tonight so we took an extra long walk to make sure I was ready for bed... Now time for puppy dreams.
11/6.Ebon:The sitter and I went out to the backyard and it was so dark we lost me. Luckily the sitter found me and we went back in for some yummy food.
11/6 Annabelle: I was having such an excellent time on our walk the sitter had to work hard to convince me to come home! I love fall!
11/6.Mattie:I had so much fun on my adventure with the sitter and I was on my best behavior too! I licked the sitter's ears and told him some of my secrets.
11/6.Wiley:I left a surprise for the sitter again. For some reason he still hasn't thanked me. He just keeps throwing my precious gifts in the trash! How rude.
11/6.Colbie:Zoey and I were so excited to see the sitter. We jumped and danced and sang to the sitter. The air was cool and crisp. Perfect for a dogjog!
11/6 Zelda: I was chilly this morning and didn't want to get out of bed! Perhaps today shall be a day of rest.
11/6 Ebon: Brrr! Its freezing out this morning, so much so I could not remain outside for an extended amount of time for fear of frostbite!

Thursday, November 5, 2009

What a great day its turned out to be. 3 fantastic walks, amazing rubs, play time & treats! It was awesome! annabelle
11/5.Grizzy:The sitter came by to check on me and feed me. Nuts were falling from the treesand hitting the roof so I was a little on edge. Give me my mush now!
The green toy, definitly the green toy is my favorite. Me and the sitter have had so much fun playing with it today. ebon
Oh boy time for dinner already! And then we got lots of pats. We even played with the squeaky carb for a while. belle & beacon
11/5| Brewski: Hooray dinner! I couldn't contain my infectious excitement tonight when the sitter came by to feed us. We played outside then... FEAST!
Who would guess its november? Mr and the sitter had an excellent stroll down the block today. I stopped to smell the flowers once or twice too. yogi
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11/5.Tank:I was in the middle of a nap on this lazy day when the sitter walked in. It is such a lazy day, so I kept the pace slow. I'm looking forward naptime 2
11/5| Snowflake: I was in no mood to be confined to a leash today; I wanted to run free in the wind. But you know, a walk works too.
The sitter woke me up from my nap today but thats ok because she found my toy stash and we had a blast! ebon
11/5.Roscoe:Playtime and walktime! I was filled with puppy like energy and happiness today. I strutted down the street with a doggy grin from ear to ear.
11/5.Mattie:It was very windy today. I'm so glad I have the sitter so I don't get blown away! We had cuddles when we got back.
11/5.Wiley:Another day, another walk to the park. We walked across a large area of grass. I buried my nose in the sweet smelling sea of green.
11/5.Annabelle:I was in adventure mode this morning. Investigating and exploring everything. Then back to home base for a treat and some amazing rubs!

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

I didn't really feel like walking when the sitter stopped over. So we played with my toys and had lots of fun! annabelle
11/4.Grizzy:The sitter is so tricky. He hid all my meds in my breakfast. How clever but sneaky! I guess to make up for it he made me this delicious dinner.
We were extra sleepy when the sitter stopped by but once we realized it was dinner time we woke right up! belle & beacon
It sure was dark out tonight. After a quick jaunt around the yard me & the sitter played with my toys. It was soooo much fun! ebon
i thought yesterday was nice but today was even better. Although i didn't so much feel llike walking as much as i did smelling everything. It was great! yogi
11/4.Roscoe:The sitter came over for our walk. I was so excited I pushed the door open and hugged him. After some backyard business we had a great walk!
Today on my walk i saw a dog riding around in a golfcart it looked really fun! When the walk was over i was glad to get back on the couch for a nap snowflake
11/4.Mattie:I was a stubborn little girl today. I wanted to go my way which wasn't where the sitter wanted to go. We ended up zigzagging to keep things peaceful
11/4.Wiley:During our walk today there was a really loud noise. We walked away from it as fast as we could. We ended up in some really cool squares. Exciting!

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

11/3.Grizzy:First the sitter wakes me up to shove a pill down my throat. Then he expects me to be all nice and cuddly. Really? I'm going back to sleep.
11/3.Yogi:What a glorious day for walking with the sitter. The sun, the air and the temperature were all at optimum Yogi enjoyment levels. I love perfect walks!
11/3.Roscoe:I love playing games! My favorite one is when the sitter runs around with my toy and I have to get it back. I am getting so good at it!
11/3.Mattie:My head was everywhere today but in the walk. Up in the trees, running through the dirt eating bugs. The sitter had to snap me out of my fantasy.
11/3.Wiley:The sitter came for our daily walk and what a walk it was. So many people stopped us to give me compliments. I am so popular!

Monday, November 2, 2009

11/2 Penny As usual me and Toby were waiting at the door for the sitter..i got on the counter to get a little love while she got our food ready
It was nice to see the sitter again. We were really hungry and ready for some more cuddles! boykin
Today i was excited to go for a walk. I was interested to see what everybody was up to around the complex. yogi
I was seriously snoozing when the sitter stopped by today. A nice walk and great weather perked me right up though. snowflake
11/2.Roscoe:The wind was full of crazy sounds today. They made me really nervous and I wanted to go home. But the sitter calmed me down with some scratches.
11/2.Wiley:The park was filled with falling acorns and squirrels. Squirrels! Maybe if I put some of these acorns in my mouth I can lure one over.
When the sitter got here we didn't know who she was but we friends fast. Back rubs and breakfast work pretty quick for that. boykim
11/2.Tank:It took quite a bit of encouragement but I finally got my butt off the ground and moving down the block. We started slow and ended up at a half jog!

Sunday, November 1, 2009

11/1 Patty The sitter is back! As usual Penny sits on the counter, Toby stays right at her feet, Baby and I wait patiently on the sofa for our food:)
1/11 PHLOYD: neither of us wanted to get our medicines tonight, but the sitter managed to make it happen anyway.
What a beautiful day. It was great to be outside. All the neighbor dogs said hi as we walked past. xoxo shorty
11/1 Candler So happy the sitter is here! Its nice having somebody here other than Thomas plus she gives me that yummy fish i love:)
11/1am Mimi Yay the sitter came back! It was great to go out after a long nights sleep:) Now its time to eat! Mmm... hot dogs my favorite!
10/31 pm Roxy We were so excited when the sitter came over! She stayed to make sure Mimi didnt eat my food:)
10/31 Thomas I finally came in from the garage i had to check out the sitter and make sure she fed us..i was so hungry i even ate the can food!